This is actually a very easy question to answer if you have the revelation of 2 simple concepts, related to your salvation....
First of all., what is the "work of God" that you are to do, in the context of your question?
""""To believe on the one He sent, = is to do the work of God."""
Thats the WORK.
And once you understand this, then there is one other Key ingredient to understand so that you are CLEAR about who goes where, after we die.
The other understanding, is that once a person is born again, then GOD has become their FATHER.
He is no longer their JUDGE.
He is a Father to the believer, and a JUDGE regarding the UNBELIEVER.
When you die, you will meet God as your FATHER, if you are born again.
If you are not, you will meet God as your JUDGE.
Now, if you can get that, then you'll easily understand WHY no born again Son of God, is going to go to a White Throne JUDGEMENT.
See it?
Its important that you understand this, thoroughly.
The WTJudgement, is for JUDGEMENT, where a JUDGE is waiting for Christ rejectors.
It is NOT where a Father is waiting for His FAMILY.
God is not the JUDGE of a Son, He is a FATHER.
God is the Creator of us all, but He's not the Father of us all.
See it?
So, the fatherless, the Christ rejector, the non-born again, will be JUDGED by a Heavenly JUDGE, under the Law, and be dealt with at the GWThrone
This is not where Sons of God go, (born again), but rather they go to meet the Lord upon their death, "("absent from the body and present with the LORD"} and there you will be evaluated on "what you did in HIS body".
In other words, your discipleship will be evaluated, and rewarded.
This is absolutely going to happen to you, if you are born again.
And all this is based on MOTIVE.
Jesus will evaluate you at the JSOChrist, and all the good works you did in your life for Him, that were done from a pure motive for HIM, = are NOT "wood, hay, and stubble", and so forth.
A lot of Christians have the idea that doing a lot of good is doing the will of God.
But this is only partly right, as God knows your heart and your intent and your MOTIVE for why you do what you do.
He knows, for example, if you are here on this Forum to give the impression that you are a deep bible person, and you want others to think this about you, or if you are here to learn, to share, and to help.
MOTIVE and EFFORT are everything, regarding how God sees what you do.
When you Meet the Lord at His Judgement Seat, your motives, will be exposed and dealt with, accordingly.
I'll give you some really good advice.
Begin today to live your life, understanding that you are going to meet Jesus The Lord, and are accountable for what you have done for Him, after He saved you.
He is going to evaluate you.
You are going to face this, and you should live your life, knowing this and preparing.
Thats a fact.
So, are you yet?
Time to start.
So, once there, if your motive is wrong, then the good you did, is no good at all.
So, the Jud Seat of Christ, is where your MOTIVE for all the works you did for Him, will be evaluated, and rewarded.
The "FIRE" that is talked about that " burns up the wood, hay, and stubble", is the discernment of Christ, as He evaluates your Inner MOTIVE for all you did for Him, "in His body", all your life after you were saved
See it?
So, start today thinking about the fact that its is infinitely and supremely important that you live your life knowing you are going to meet this situation with the Lord, and your Christianity will become what it was designed to be, if you are not quite there yet.
You know better then me, what you are, .... and you can believe that God knows exactly all about the REAL YOU.
He knows what you are thinking as you read what im telling you.
He knows what you are going to write in response, should you decide.
You are an OPEN BOOK to God.
He knows EVERY PAGE of the REAL YOU.
So.... you will never be judged at the GWThrone, as this is only regarding the LOST, the UNBELEVERS, = the CHRIST REJECTORS who meet God as their JUDGE, and not as their Father.
THis is not your case, if you are born again, as God is "abba", He is FATHER, and not your judge.
All the judgment held against you, for your life of sin, was delivered as a "cup" to the one who hung on a cross, who paid for them all so that you dont have to, after you die.
= So, THERE is YOUR ONLY eternal judgment, it was the CUP that poured out on Christ, the very wrath of God, the judgement of, and against, and for all your sin, laid on Sinless Jesus on the
CROSS.... and there it remains for ETERNITY.
He is your propitiation, and your redemption from the ETERNAL judgment due you, that is going to be given to the Christ Rejectors, once they hit the Great White Throne Judgment.
That is NOT you, if you are born again.
God does not judge a second time ( YOU ) for what Christ has ALREADY paid for on a Cross.
Lets settle some of the above dust. What must one do to stand before God as your Father and not be judged?