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Just how important is belief in regards to heaven


I know the bible has a lot to say on belief and I fully recognize that belief is important in life. but how important is it in regards to be let into heaven?

basically is it possible for gandi to have made it?
He was undoubtedly a very good man, but just as undoubtedly he wasn't a Christian.
I know the bible has a lot to say on belief and I fully recognize that belief is important in life. but how important is it in regards to be let into heaven?

basically is it possible for gandi to have made it?
He was undoubtedly a very good man, but just as undoubtedly he wasn't a Christian.

Gandhi was a man who did very good acts, but he was not without sin. Even if he told one single lie during his lifetime that makes him a liar and liars will not be found within the Kingdom of God.

As to where Gandhi is right now? I do not dare say as only God knows the hearts of men. My answer above was only Scriptural, with the intention to show that "there is no one good, no, not one," and that "there is no one good but God" and that "everyone has fallen short of the glory of God."

Gandhi was in need of the same salvation that Hitler was in need of. That's the nature of sin when juxtaposed to the Holiness of God. The Holiness of God makes the sins of Gandhi, a good man by earthly standards, equal to the sins of Hitler, an evil man by earthly standards.

Make sense?
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sure, my point was only that if anyone can be called good it would be Gandi.
But is that enough?

I'll restate what I said. I provided the Scripture verses, so you tell me...

My answer above was only Scriptural, with the intention to show that "there is no one good, no, not one," and that "there is no one good but God" and that "everyone has fallen short of the glory of God."

Gandhi was in need of the same salvation that Hitler was in need of. That's the nature of sin when juxtaposed to the Holiness of God. The Holiness of God makes the sins of Gandhi, a good man by earthly standards, equal to the sins of Hitler, an evil man by earthly standards.

It really all boils down to the definition of "good" doesn't it?

What is good in the eyes of the world is like "filthy rags" in the eyes of God.
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I find it paramount that . . . somehow. . . one single SMALL act of "bad" is absolute, and requires a human sacrifice to overwrite it. . . but a HUGELY important act of good . . . is ultimately worthless.
again I agree with you but I don't see how that matters in regards to the question.
Unless your saying that we are all completly evil compared to God and therefore belief is all that matters.
In which case someone like Stalin could get in if he only believed.

Now I don't believe that and I fairly certain that you don't either. So the question remains just how important is belief.
I find it paramount that . . . somehow. . . one single SMALL act of "bad" is absolute, and requires a human sacrifice to overwrite it. . . but a HUGELY important act of good . . . is ultimately worthless.

not sure I follow. and in any case the question is one of belief not behavior.
The Heaven's Gate, Branch Davidians, Jones Town. They all had a lot of faith. They all made the ultimate sacrifice for their faith. What happens to them?
I know the bible has a lot to say on belief and I fully recognize that belief is important in life. but how important is it in regards to be let into heaven?

basically is it possible for gandi to have made it?
He was undoubtedly a very good man, but just as undoubtedly he wasn't a Christian.

No is the answer in regards Ghandi UNLESS he: REPENTED, BELIEVED with ALL of his HEART and all of his SOUL in the Lord JESUS so as to get to God Almighty to be with him in Paradise.

The road to HELL is paved with good intentions ...
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No is the short answer. You have to REPENT, BELIEVE with ALL of your HEART and all of your SOUL in the Lord JESUS to get to God Almighty to be with him in Paradise.

The road to HELL is paved with good intentions ...

What happens if you don't?
Unrepentant sinners end up in Hades ...

If I remember my greek mythology correctly then everybody ends up in the underworld with Hades, it just that those that the gods deem worthy get access to a sort of VIP area. Its only those that are extremely insulting ( not bad, just rude) that get punished.

Good intentions may leed to evil deeds but what about good deeds?
can you get into heaven on good deeds alone?
again I agree with you but I don't see how that matters in regards to the question.
Unless your saying that we are all completly evil compared to God and therefore belief is all that matters.
In which case someone like Stalin could get in if he only believed.

Now I don't believe that and I fairly certain that you don't either. So the question remains just how important is belief.

Because this is the knowledge that leads one to belief.

(Looking at it from a Christian/Biblical perspective)

Before, one can come to belief in Christ, he must first come to an understanding, that there is no good in him and that only God is good.

This leads to a dilemma. One can either reject this truth or believe it.

This then leads to the understanding that one needs a Savior.

Here enters Christ.

Now, one can believe that He is the Savior that cleanses sins.

This belief leads to the belief that Jesus is God because only God can forgive sins.

This then leads to repentance which means turning from one's past sins and walking in the Righteousness of Christ.

So, you see belief begets belief.

Because for the unbeliever the path to salvation is different. (hence the various forms of religious paths to get to God)

Do you see what I was saying now?

As far as Stalin. Someone like him could get into heaven. Jesus died for his sins too. Stalin would have had to come to an understanding that Jesus was God, repent, and confess and then submit himself to God and reconcile for his sins. Did Stalin do this? Again we can't know, but the point I'm trying to make is that Jesus died for everyone.

Stalin and Ganhi both have to go down the same path of Salvation to enter into the Kingdom of God and that is through Jesus Christ.
Another word for HELL ...

Ah. Yeah that's one of those things I just don't believe all powerful caring God does. Gandi isn't being tortured in Hell for eternity because he didn't believe Jesus was God. Neither are Hindus, or Buddhists. Good people aren't tortured by their loving creator for something so silly. Morons and JW aren't going to burn in Hell either.
The act of "not believing" is supposed to be the ultimate "bad". . . . even though it is only a thought crime.

I am perfectly willling to accept that not believing can lead to all sorts of evil.
I am not at all sure that the "act" of not believing is evil.
can you get into heaven on good deeds alone?

The answer is absolutely not. Not if you want to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Bible says:

Isaiah 64:1-7

1 [a]Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
that the mountains would tremble before you!
2 As when fire sets twigs ablaze
and causes water to boil,
come down to make your name known to your enemies
and cause the nations to quake before you!
3 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect,
you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.
4 Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
5 You come to the help of those who gladly do right,
who remember your ways.
But when we continued to sin against them,
you were angry.
How then can we be saved?
6 All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
7 No one calls on your name
or strives to lay hold of you;
for you have hidden your face from us
and have given us over to our sins.
Ah. Yeah that's one of those things I just don't believe all powerful caring God does. Gandi isn't being tortured in Hell for eternity because he didn't believe Jesus was God. Neither are Hindus, or Buddhists. Good people aren't tortured by their loving creator for something so silly. Morons and JW aren't going to burn in Hell either.

Thats pretty much my view as well.
So just how important is belief?