"sure, my point was only that if anyone can be called good it would be Gandi.
But is that enough?"
Ghandi was only "Good" by human standards. But then NO Human is "Good" by God's standards - which no Human can ever meet. simple as that.
Neither YOU, me, nor anybody else WILL EVER "Earn" his way into the kingdom of God, or be anything other than filthy in God's sight regardless of WHAT you do.
Simple as that.
SO - God provided Jesus to be the blood sacrifice for YOUR sin (because without the shedding of blood there IS NO remission of sin).
"Belief" as in "intellectual ascent" is not enough - the devils "believe" -
It's when you SEE and understand the depth of YOUR sin, and cry out to God to save you and place your faith in the sacrifice of Jesus that you're forgiven, and begin to become a "Child of God" that things change. The ONLY righteousness you will EVER possess is Jesus' righteousness which becomes yours as a Christian.
SO - if Gandhi died WITHOUT trusting Jesus for his salvation - his "humanistic goodness" wasn't sufficient to save him. And if Hitler had become a Christian in the bunker - then his sins wouldn't have kept him out of Heaven.