Dear sister, man can write whatever they want against another, but what is being judged here in this thread is the validity of the accusations that have been made against James Strong without no factual proof.
Perhaps you need to go back and read some posts a little more closely, but you certainly need to investigate Gail Riplinger. This is not a matter of taking small bits of things she’s said and forming judgments. It’s based on a lot of what she has written. Several scholars have shown just how erroneous her teachings are; she is a false teacher. Her opinion on anything to do with biblical interpretation, manuscript evidence, textual criticism, etc., is automatically suspect. All she has succeeded in doing is needlessly and recklessly dividing the body of Christ, and that based on false teachings.
Central tenets of New Agers, based on the questions in the Belief-O-Matic quiz.
Belief in Deity
God is the impersonal life force, consciousness, ultimate truth and reality, the incorporeal, formless cosmic order personified within all people and matter. God is all and all are God.
Most believe there are no particular incarnations to worship, as all in the universe are embodiments of God.
Origin of Universe and Life
The universe, life, and matter were not created by God but "are" God. The universe and life emerged out of the creative power of the eternal universal life force.
After Death
Some believe in continual rebirth--no death--as life is spirit. Some believe that our souls rest for a time before deciding on a new body (or bodies). Heaven and hell are states of consciousness, self-imposed, due to ignorance of God as all.
Why Evil?
No original sin, no Satan, and no evil. Most believe people make "mistakes" when they are ignorant of the power of goodness, which is God, within themselves and others. Some believe evil is perpetuated through accumulation of past-life wrongs and spiritual ignorance.
Salvation lies in the realization of oneness with the impersonal life force. Awareness can be heightened through methods that induce altered states of consciousness, e.g., hypnosis, meditation, music, drugs. Spiritual "tools" include crystals, tarot cards, amulets, channeling, fortunetellers and psychics. Some believe the salvation of humanity will occur when a critical mass is reached, when people converge in experiencing their oneness with God and with each other. This will bring a New World Order or new Planetary Order, resulting in oneness of civilization and one-world government, peace, and harmony.
Undeserved Suffering
Suffering is the result of greed, hatred, and spiritual ignorance in a person's, or humanity's, past lifetimes, which returns as suffering (karma). Suffering is sometimes viewed as occurring for a specific purpose, to further spiritual growth and learn a life lesson. Suffering is also seen as illusory, in that it results from attachment to bodily pleasure and pain, and only the universal life force within, God, truly exists.
Contemporary Issues
Abortion is not condemned, as there is no official doctrine. Generally, adherents are supportive of a woman's right to choose abortion.
Central tenets of New Agers, based on the questions in the Belief-O-Matic quiz.
Belief in Deity
God is the impersonal life force, consciousness, ultimate truth and reality, the incorporeal, formless cosmic order personified within all people and matter. God is all and all are God.
Most believe there are no particular incarnations to worship, as all in the universe are embodiments of God.
Origin of Universe and Life
The universe, life, and matter were not created by God but "are" God. The universe and life emerged out of the creative power of the eternal universal life force.
After Death
Some believe in continual rebirth--no death--as life is spirit. Some believe that our souls rest for a time before deciding on a new body (or bodies). Heaven and hell are states of consciousness, self-imposed, due to ignorance of God as all.
Why Evil?
No original sin, no Satan, and no evil. Most believe people make "mistakes" when they are ignorant of the power of goodness, which is God, within themselves and others. Some believe evil is perpetuated through accumulation of past-life wrongs and spiritual ignorance.
Salvation lies in the realization of oneness with the impersonal life force. Awareness can be heightened through methods that induce altered states of consciousness, e.g., hypnosis, meditation, music, drugs. Spiritual "tools" include crystals, tarot cards, amulets, channeling, fortunetellers and psychics. Some believe the salvation of humanity will occur when a critical mass is reached, when people converge in experiencing their oneness with God and with each other. This will bring a New World Order or new Planetary Order, resulting in oneness of civilization and one-world government, peace, and harmony.
Undeserved Suffering
Suffering is the result of greed, hatred, and spiritual ignorance in a person's, or humanity's, past lifetimes, which returns as suffering (karma). Suffering is sometimes viewed as occurring for a specific purpose, to further spiritual growth and learn a life lesson. Suffering is also seen as illusory, in that it results from attachment to bodily pleasure and pain, and only the universal life force within, God, truly exists.
Contemporary Issues
Abortion is not condemned, as there is no official doctrine. Generally, adherents are supportive of a woman's right to choose abortion.
I am aware of many of the “New Age” teachings. Did you look at the links? They are a rebuttal of Riplinger’s book, New Age Bible Versions, in which she claims that every modern version (after the KJV) is of “New Age” origins, which is utterly false.
I am aware of many of the “New Age” teachings. Did you look at the links? They are a rebuttal of Riplinger’s book, New Age Bible Versions, in which she claims that every modern version (after the KJV) is of “New Age” origins, which is utterly false.
Where does the Bible gives such justification for false teachers, especially those who display such spiritual pride and extreme ignorance? Where does the Bible give justification for sin?
Dear sister, man can write whatever they want against another, but what is being judged here in this thread is the validity of the accusations that have been made against James Strong without no factual proof.
We ought to keep in mind that God is recording these matters and it will be brought up again. The freedom to write whatever we want is there. Escaping being judged on those choices is not.
Where does the Bible gives such justification for false teachers, especially those who display such spiritual pride and extreme ignorance? Where does the Bible give justification for sin?
And, by the way, calling someone a false teacher is not maligning if it is true.
Where does the Bible gives such justification for false teachers, especially those who display such spiritual pride and extreme ignorance? Where does the Bible give justification for sin?
And, by the way, calling someone a false teacher is not maligning if it is true.
Some of the words here were maligning. If they wrote them about you, you would complain and rightly so. If someone here kept a dossier on you and all the wrong things you’ve said over the years, you’d really cry foul.
Now your question is an absurd one. It assumes that we can only do what Jesus specifically and in detail says we can do. Now if I followed you around for just one day, I will garner a long list of things you do that Jesus did not specifically justify you can do. If I asked you where Jesus justified you doing your activities, you would not be able to do so.
Your question ought to be, how does Jesus want us to deal with false teachers and how do we discern false understanding from false character?
Some of the words here were maligning. If they wrote them about you, you would complain and rightly so. If someone here kept a dossier on you and all the wrong things you’ve said over the years, you’d really cry foul.
Now your question is an absurd one. It assumes that we can only do what Jesus specifically and in detail says we can do. Now if I followed you around for just one day, I will garner a long list of things you do that Jesus did not specifically justify you can do. If I asked you where Jesus justified you doing your activities, you would not be able to do so.
Your question ought to be, how does Jesus want us to deal with false teachers and how do we discern false understanding from false character?
You’re dodging my questions. You justified the erroneous teaching of Riplinger, whom you clearly have not read about, by stating that you have read worse things from other Christians. If false teaching is sin, and it is, then how do you biblically justify her sin?
You’re dodging my questions. You justified the erroneous teaching of Riplinger, whom you clearly have not read about, by stating that you have read worse things from other Christians. If false teaching is sin, and it is, then how do you biblically justify her sin?
You don’t get it do you? You require an absurd question be answered.
And I heard her maybe 10 years ago. I’ve also heard others on the history of the Bible. And when I heard the Passion or The Message read in church I was astonished that learned church men could be so fooled as to believe that is what the authors wrote.
Lastly I do not justify her. I condemn the posts who play the Accuser of the sister.
Maybe you need to be clearer in how my question is absurd. Your response justified her false teaching by saying you’ve heard worse. On what biblical basis can you justify her sin, because that is what you did?
And when I heard the Passion or The Message read in church I was astonished that learned church men could be so fooled as to believe that is what the authors wrote.
So, you condemn posts that point out just a few of the erroneous teachings of a false teacher and call a false teacher what they are? Again, where is your biblical justification?
If the accusations have merit, then we owe it to the community to discuss her error so we don't fall in the same pit.
Paul writes about Hymenaeus and Alexander in 1 Timothy 1 in somewhat the same manner and in that regard, it would be nice to discuss more of what her false teachings are, then her being a false teacher imho.
So, you condemn posts that point out just a few of the erroneous teachings of a false teacher and call a false teacher what they are? Again, where is your biblical justification?
Jesus said to treat others as you’d like to be treated. He said if you know of a brother (or sister) in sin go to them privately, not rake their character over the coals publicly and assembly a book on their errors.
If the accusations have merit, then we owe it to the community to discuss her error so we don't fall in the same pit.
Paul writes about Hymenaeus and Alexander in 1 Timothy 1 in somewhat the same manner and in that regard, it would be nice to discuss more of what her false teachings are, then her being a false teacher imho.
If the accusations have merit, then we owe it to the community to discuss her error so we don't fall in the same pit.
Paul writes about Hymenaeus and Alexander in 1 Timothy 1 in somewhat the same manner and in that regard, it would be nice to discuss more of what her false teachings are, then her being a false teacher imho.
I agree, but your response is justification and since we’re discussing the what the Bible does and does not say, it stands to reason that there must be some biblical justification that you based yours on, otherwise it’s just opinion.
Of course that’s worse, but the context of our discussion is what constitutes false teaching which justifies calling someone a false teacher. I even provided two links which showed many of her false teachings.
Jesus said to treat others as you’d like to be treated. He said if you know of a brother (or sister) in sin go to them privately, not rake their character over the coals publicly and assembly a book on their errors.
That is if someone sins against me, I go to them privately to begin with. Riplinger is a public figure who has written several books affecting thousands and thousands of people; so a public response is completely justified. She has written several books literally filled with errors, and articles and books have been written which point out her errors.
And note the authors credentials: H. Wayne House, author, lecturer, and professor-at-large at Simon Greenleaf University School of Law, holds earned doctorates in theology and law, and a Master’s degree in biblical and patristic Greek.
He has legitimate credentials to discuss and critique the problems with Riplinger’s works. And I will correct my earlier comment on Riplinger’s lack of legitimate credentials for her criticisms of newer-than-KJV-versions: she has degrees in home economics.
And these are among the types of fallacious errors that Riplinger promotes. It is the logical fallacy begging the question—she presumes the KJV is perfect in the manuscripts it uses and the interpretation of those manuscripts. But the KJV is based on inferior sources—relatively newer and much fewer. So, the real question is, should those verses have been in the KJV in the first place. And the answer is either “no” or “not likely.”
None of the main Christian versions have tried to remove the deity of Christ; if they had, they did a terrible job of it. I can think of at least one verse where the e deity of Christ is clearer on newer versions than the KJV—John 1:18.
And these are among the types of fallacious errors that Riplinger promotes. It is the logical fallacy begging the question—she presumes the KJV is perfect in the manuscripts it uses and the interpretation of those manuscripts. But the KJV is based on inferior sources—relatively newer and much fewer. So, the real question is, should those verses have been in the KJV in the first place. And the answer is either “no” or “not likely.”
None of the main Christian versions have tried to remove the deity of Christ; if they had, they did a terrible job of it. I can think of at least one verse where the e deity of Christ is clearer on newer versions than the KJV—John 1:18.
Are you of the view that the Received Text is not the most reliable? The new texts I have checked actually do that very thing, remove some verses that speak of the deity of Christ.
He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
How is this addressing more clearly the deity of Christ?
Yes. Here is something I posted in another thread a little while back:
“The KJV for a long time was the most widely used translation in the world; it also served for several centuries as the classic expression of the English language. Indeed, its translators coined phrases that will be forever embedded in our language (“coals of fire,” “the skin of my teeth,” “tongues of fire”). However, for the New Testament, the only Greek text available to the translators of the 1611 edition was based on late manuscripts, which had accumulated the mistakes of over a thousand years of copying. Few of these mistakes — and we must note that there are many of them — make any difference to us doctrinally, but they often do make a difference in the meaning of certain specific texts. Recognizing that the English of the KJV was no longer a living language — and thoroughly dissatisfied with its modern revision (RSV/NRSV) — it was decided by some to “update” the KJV by ridding it of its “archaic” way of speaking. But in so doing, the NKJV revisers eliminated the best feature of the KJV (its marvelous expression of the English language) and kept the worst (its flawed Greek text). This is why for study you should use almost any modern translation other than the KJV or the NKJV." (Fee, Gordon D.; Stuart, Douglas. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (pp. 43-44). Zondervan Academic. Kindle Edition.)
What do you mean by “texts”? If you mean different Bible translations, then you are guilty of the same begging the question fallacy that Riplinger is, and indeed most of KJVOism. You first have to prove that the manuscripts the KJV are based on are superior and correct. Only then can such a claim be made that newer versions “remove” verses.
However, the KJV is based on inferior manuscripts and so the “missing” verses in newer versions are simply those that either shouldn’t or likely shouldn’t have been in the KJV to begin with. In other words, it isn’t the newer versions which have removed verses, it is the KJV which added to Scripture.
Joh 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (KJV)
Joh 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. (NIV)
Joh 1:18 No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. (NASB)
Joh 1:18 No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known. (ESV)
So, without having to explain to someone what “only begotten Son” means, since at first appearances it looks like Jesus was created or brought into being, the newer versions clearly call Jesus God.
1 John 5:7 in the KJV states as follows: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." However, 1 John 5:7 in the ASV and RSV omits the text found in the KJV. It states instead: "It is the Spirit who bears witness, because...
We ought to keep in mind that God is recording these matters and it will be brought up again. The freedom to write whatever we want is there. Escaping being judged on those choices is not.
Only God can judge the intents of the heart and nothing that man does in secret is hidden from Him.
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
Where does it say we can malign those we disagree with?
We ought to keep in mind that God is recording these matters and it will be brought up again. The freedom to write whatever we want is there. Escaping being judged on those choices is not.
Have you read Ms. Riplinger's works? Have you engaged with those who believe the twaddle she writes? I have for well over 15 years, before you accuse any one of maligning her make yourself aware of her twaddle.
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