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Last Try

Hello, My name is Chris and I am a 34 year old man. I am either a deep thinking highly intelligent man or I only think that I am and regardless it causes me problems with society. I am not necessarily disciplined in the verbal or written application of my thoughts but none the less I am driven by them and they are the outward appearance that others see. As you read what I am typing you may notice that I jump around a lot or I am not focused in my delivery.... Please read above to understand that. I have been a christian since I was a child if you would ask me because I grew up in the church. But just about 8 years ago is when I would say I made a serious commitment. I could write a novel about all the mistakes I've made as well as could most that would be honest with themselves. So I wont beat myself about them because they are done and over with and I try not to repeat. About 4-5 years ago I went through a very nasty long divorce to my first wife that was mentally and emotionally abusive to me. I was with her for 13 years despite multiple acts of infidelity on her part and to be honest a few on mine. It is really unclear as to whom did first and I don't really think it matters. I have always tried to do what was right and raise my 3 boys in the same fashion, but it was very difficult with their mother always going against what I would say. To make a long story short I had lost the respect of my family and I guess that is my fault and I deserved what I got, or at least that's what I was told by the so called christian's in my life. So after the despicable, evil, terrible divorce I had to watch my children be around a bunch of different men and endure them calling me someone else's name when I did get to see them because they spent more time with them than me. To make matters worse my ex was deliberately trying to sabotage my relationship with me by lying to them and keeping me from them knowing I didn't have the finances to fight it in court (which is the only way to battle a civil matter). You can imagine the mental stresses of a young man trying to serve God going through these trials in his life. In January of 2013 I was driving in North Carolina in my semi and a lady in a minivan crossed the median coming around a corner and I swerved to miss her and rolled my tanker truck into an adjacent field ending my employment, health, and immediate financial future. I spent the next 4 months in and out of the hospital and rehab and upon being able to go back to work I was terminated. I spent the next 4 months in serious depression because nobody would hire me and my area didn't have a lot of jobs available and I wasn't really qualified to do anything but drive a truck. In August I applied with a local electrician to be his apprentice and began working for him......Things were looking up. I met a lady on a dating web site and had the type of romance and relationship with her that you could only dream of. She wasn't perfect but she was perfect for me. As you can imagine I had trust issues from my previous 13 year relationship and I brought that to my new relationship. I sought counseling. We met in August, engaged in November, moved in together in December, Married in February 2014. January 2014 My wife had an accident where she was lucky and escaped bodily injury but put us in yet another financial burden. Lost my job with the electrician as I could not overcome my fear of heights and I couldn't work up high fast enough to suit him. Spent most of that year trying to make up for it and make ends meet. Finally got another driving job. During the entire time the tensions between myself and my ex were tense as we both struggled for control in an unknown struggle. January 2015 Things finally looking up financial situation better relationship tensions low, no I would say gone. Talking to my wife on the phone while driving locally (with a headset both of us) I hear her utter the words OH S%@#! during a snow storm on her way home and that's the last I was able to speak with her until probably May of 2015. A driver on his way home lost control of his vehicle, crossed the median and hit her head on. Silence on the end of the line I was scared, devastated, weak, sick, frantic all of the above. She was in a coma for 2 months (non medically induced) after suffering a diffuse axxonal brain injury. ( Shaken baby syndrome in an adult). The hospital told me that she would not wake up for 6 months to a year and that she would be most likely severely brain damaged. I was once again shaken to the very core and devastated. She did wake up in 2 months infantile unable to do anything but stare at the ceiling and randomly move her eyes. During her coma the Hospital did not treat her well. They allowed her to lay in urine and feces so long she developed seeping sores that would bleed. Her injuries were allowed to have her body fluids soak into them and my cries for them to take better care of her went answered in the same tired way. we're doing what we can, we dont have time to watch her that close etc etc. this went on for a month and a half. When I threatened to go to the media I was thrown out of the hospital on false accusations and treated like a criminal. I had video and photographic proof( still do) that they were mistreating her but because it was a billion dollar big hospital my attempts at righting the wrongs went unanswered. I'm 6 foot 1 and weigh in around 300+ lbs and I sat there crying like a little baby begging them to take care of her better or to allow me to no avail. I will forever remember that moment. Finally she was transferred into a rehab hospital in a different state and I sold everything we had to go and be with her determined to see she was better treated. She has made progress, miraculous progress. but the challenges we still face are she cannot walk due to partial paralysis on the left side from her TBI (traumatic brain injury). She has no recollection of meeting me, dating me, marrying me, or anything in the last 10 to 15 years. She has a revolving memory loss so much she doesn't remember coming home from the hospital just back in July. If we are gone for more than a couple days she doesn't remember our current home. I won't go into everything but my already stressed faith is now even weaker and I feel like I'm on the verge of giving up. I have no friends. I am not a good enough person I guess. I will just be honest and say I hate how people are. I believe they are all mean self serving individuals that have no idea how to Love others as Christ instructs us to. My local churches are the type to say glad you're here on Sunday and who are you on the other 6 days of the week. My local pastor thinks I need to have more "coins" to get people in the community to do things for me or like me. He says I don't do enough for them so why should I expect them to do for me. I'm not entirely sure that's a correct way to think. I know I am glad Jesus didn't expect us to do more before he would die on the cross for us. To be fair nobody has ever asked me to do anything for them, they don't even talk to me....more like avoid me, And I can understand why because I'm not exactly an overflowing fountain of positive energy or circumstances. Bad things happen to me no matter how positive I try to be. So here I am living with a woman who says she loves me because I'm the only constant in her life that she can remember from the present with little to no help without enough money to survive on no way to go to work without putting her in a nursing home ( I will not do that EVER) wondering WHY GOD WHY. I know he's not doing it to me but he is allowing it and I'm just sick of it. And of course there is more things that plague my thoughts but unless I write that novel there really is no way to convey it in the way I would want to explain them. I'm done, I'm spent. I have nothing left to think or do to try and better my situation. It does not appear that God is helping me with my heart, my emotional health, my relationship. I'm hurt, I'm angry, I'm scared, I'm majorly depressed and i want it to end. I am not suicidal ( I have no desire to spend eternity in Hell). I need more counseling but More than that I feel as I need God to show me a way to overcome all this negativity and heartbreak. It's pain is great and never before have I experienced these emotions in this way. i don't think there is anything that any of you can do to help me directly other than listen and be here for me maybe to help get my relationship with God back on track. I consider myself to be knowledgeable of God's word which is why all of this is so hard for me to take sometimes. I feel abandoned and like His Word is failing me. So please don't just quote a bunch of one liner scriptures to me and tell me it's all going to be ok because I don't feel that way and I will probably just get upset( not on the forum but in my mind). I dont know what I hoped to accomplish with this post but it's in God's hands now.... and also yours.
Welcome dear Brother Warrior4Jesus in the blessed name of our Savior Jesus. I have no answers, but I can sure pray for your situation. I can only imagine what Job went through; that perfect and upright man, and I can still believe by your testimony that God is doing a mighty work in your life, as He is doing with all of us. Thanks for your witness here, and I look for blessings to come. It's great to have you with us.
I would like to state that even though I have issues I still believe my theology is sound and That I have an understanding about what Gods word instructs. I believe that my inability to see it applied to my own life is what is more frustrating than anything. I concede that I am a broken man and I am no better than anyone else. I welcome your input into my life but reserve the right to respectfully disagree, and i hope that you will accept my input in the same fashion.
Perhaps best to settle it in your mind that no one else is able to help any of us in any meaningful way through our particular troubles in life.

Been there, done that. Nope. Nobody else there.

We all have our own novels. I prefer to suffer in silence about them cause I already leaned the lesson above. I remain in faith regardless of trouble. And, if enough pressure is applied, I'm pretty sure I'd crack regardless as well. But there are certain promises that I hold to in faith that extend beyond the pressures of the world, and that is, for the most part, the only anchor that we have in faith.
I just want to empathize with you brother. God bless you. I have been going through hell for the last couple of years, and my faith has been severely strained as a result. Like you, I also have a hard time making friends with folks, and in fact, my best friends are liberal atheists -- they know how to treat and love people better than the conservative Christians I know. My prayer life has diminished and I spend a lot of time depressed, but I hide it very well, because I love my wife so much that I don't want to bring her down into this place with me. I lost my job, I've lost many friends, I've been slandered and accused, we've struggled with bills, I'm in a crisis of faith, I could go on and on. I don't even hardly get anything out of church anymore, because it burdens me, sometimes when you get to a certain low point those sermons and songs that used to bring you to tears just make you feel worse. Like you're dry, and you wish you could feel something, and you feel unworthy because you do not anymore. I also spend a lot of time watching trends, drawing between the lines and over-thinking and I see things happening in the world that I don't deal with very well... so sometimes, it's hard to find joy.

So I won't quote scripture, I won't try to demean your genuine feelings by brushing them off and telling you to have more faith. I have had genuine top of the mountain spiritual moments in my life, and I have been in the low valley. That's where we are right now. It breaks my heart. It makes me angry. I'm with you brother. Several months ago before things took even more turns for the worse, something was telling me in my heart that I will find myself in a place where grace is all that I have to rely on. I believe that now. I am all dried up, unprofitable, straying, wayward, angry, hateful and embittered, and if I make it through, it will only be because God loves me and wills it to be so.

I love you man. If there was any way I could help you, I would do it.
Nice to meet you Chris.It looks like you are being tested to the limit.But for the Grace of God, it could have been most of us here including myself of course.May I suggest you try and get hold of a book called "The Bait of Satan" if you have not read it already that is.Its not about Satanism or anything like that.It's how Satan makes use of our human tendency not to forgive.Its by John Bevere revised edition 2004.We learn from Joseph, Job and all the old Sunday School favourites like David and Saul . I really believe this book will help you understand your particular relationship with God.

It revolves around the fact that Christians are bound by God to forgive others as He forgives us.It's not easy I know, but there we have it.Satan makes good use of our ability not to forgive and take offence.Don't let Him fool you.
I think I've been there... the circumstances were not as difficult (I had that in my child hood and pre-christian life). I hope, and will pray, things will improve for you soon.. I very much enjoyed the responses here. God bless.
A couple dozen or so years ago I spent a weekend in a mountain retreat with a group of believing men and a very famous charismatic preacher who I'll leave without identification. He expressed a classic frustration that he had everywhere he went, and that was listening to believers troubles. I'll never forget the quote as it was a good summary. I cite it myself from time to time to remind myself that everyone has their troubles.

"It all started when I was 12 and my dog got hit by a car."

I can only imagine what God has to go through in listening to all of it. OR does He? I'm undecided.

I just want to empathize with you brother. God bless you. I have been going through hell for the last couple of years, and my faith has been severely strained as a result. Like you, I also have a hard time making friends with folks, and in fact, my best friends are liberal atheists -- they know how to treat and love people better than the conservative Christians I know. My prayer life has diminished and I spend a lot of time depressed, but I hide it very well, because I love my wife so much that I don't want to bring her down into this place with me. I lost my job, I've lost many friends, I've been slandered and accused, we've struggled with bills, I'm in a crisis of faith, I could go on and on. I don't even hardly get anything out of church anymore, because it burdens me, sometimes when you get to a certain low point those sermons and songs that used to bring you to tears just make you feel worse. Like you're dry, and you wish you could feel something, and you feel unworthy because you do not anymore. I also spend a lot of time watching trends, drawing between the lines and over-thinking and I see things happening in the world that I don't deal with very well... so sometimes, it's hard to find joy.

So I won't quote scripture, I won't try to demean your genuine feelings by brushing them off and telling you to have more faith. I have had genuine top of the mountain spiritual moments in my life, and I have been in the low valley. That's where we are right now. It breaks my heart. It makes me angry. I'm with you brother. Several months ago before things took even more turns for the worse, something was telling me in my heart that I will find myself in a place where grace is all that I have to rely on. I believe that now. I am all dried up, unprofitable, straying, wayward, angry, hateful and embittered, and if I make it through, it will only be because God loves me and wills it to be so.

I love you man. If there was any way I could help you, I would do it.
I feel exactly like that most of the time and it is very difficult to shake those feelings. I guess we'll see what happens.
Just gotta keep on truckin' forward brother. One day at a time. Be good to folks. And don't be too hard on ourselves. The people who can't empathize with you on your lowest either haven't been there and can't relate, or aren't being honest with themselves about life. When folks allow lofty religious inclinations to over-shadow their humanity, you'll find that people aren't willing to be real with you.

It isn't a test, and you aren't failing, brother. Bad things happen to good people sometimes. It rains on the just and the unjust alike.

God is more patient concerning us than we are, or than our Christian brothers and sisters are. He loves us in our mess. Here's a word that won't fail you: a broken and contrite heart God will not despise.
I guess I do feel better knowing that I am not the only one feeling this way. I appreciate the encouragement and welcome from you all.
Hi Chris. I would like to start by saying your forum name (Warrior4Jesus) is at odds with the title of this thread “Last Try”. A warrior never gives up, especially a warrior for Yeshua (Jesus). Desertion is not an option, nor is hiding away. A true warrior in Yeshua’s army will follow his commanding officer no matter where he leads him and will do whatever he asks of him. We must take up our cross and follow him. It is not an easy life in that we are attacked from all sides. The world, Satan, sin, and even our own flesh attacks us. On top of that, the Almighty tests us for our perfecting and to see how committed we are to Him. We must totally trust that our Heavenly Father loves us and will work everything out for our good. Sometimes that is not easy to see in the midst of trials, but that is His promise to us.

Second, your situation is far more difficult than my own, but the way you have maintained your faith throughout all those trials and tribulations is commendable. Your testimony, though difficult to hear, was an encouragement to me and probably to others as well. I was getting depressed at my own situation lately, but after reading about yours, I have nothing to complain about. I can face my situation with far more hope and zeal to overcome after reading your testimony. Thanks for sharing it.

You mentioned your infidelity in your previous marriage. As you know, unrepentant sin can wreak havoc in a person’s life. Hopefully you have closely examined your life and have fully repented of any sins including adultery, fornication, pornography, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc. If you are currently involved in these things, your life situation will only get worse.

You wrote, “I need more counseling but More than that I feel as I need God to show me a way to overcome all this negativity and heartbreak.”

I believe the way to overcome all that negativity is by following the admonition found in Hebrews 12:1-2:

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus (Yeshua) the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.​

After you have thoroughly examined yourself and repented of your sins, totally trusting that all your unrighteousness is cleansed, consider doing what Yeshua did. He looked forward to the future joy that awaited him; a resurrection from the dead unto eternal life in the Kingdom of his Father; no sickness, pain, tears, death; a new body; dwelling in the very presence of YHWH; and the list goes on and on. Meditate on those things. The more you do the greater your joy will be.

Do not allow your emotions to direct your life, but let Yeshua lead it.

I will be praying for your victory and your wife's recovery.
The name Warrior4Jesus has been my handle across all forms of forums and public boards I've been a member of. Regarding my past infidelities and such yes I've repented and been forgiven, hence why i won't beat myself up about them. I liken the situation to this. I'm fighting this battle and there is supposed to be this general come save me and help me but I'm weaning in strength and I'm losing the battle, my fellow soldiers instead of fighting the enemy with me have turned against me and began cutting me down instead of forming a united front. This is true of Christianity as a whole today in communities and churches around the world. I don't disagree with you, but what you say is easier said than done and does not happen over night. Hopefully I've found a faithful unit in this forum.
We'll love on ya through the good and the bad if you'll do the same for us. We bicker from time to time but we try not to let the sun go down on our anger.
Hey, Warrior4Jesus...

Its good for Christians to advise and help each other. I've shared my troubles with people on here time and time again. I will say that counseling often fails, but true friends--which are hard to come by in 21st century America--are priceless. I'll pray that you can find a genuinely interested, Born Again Christian friend (or two) who can help guide you through all this.
I would also like to clarify I am not running from God so much as I am seeking him through the heartache and pain and I wonder why does he hide his face from me, why does he keep his goodness from me when it's the exact opposite of what His Word say's he'll do. I find myself asking what am I doing wrong, what did I do to deserve this, and if nothing why is he allowing and not helping. I do love God in the way I know how and I accept the gift of His Son dying on the cross for me. but surely there is more to it than pain, misery, and a sense of solitude. I'm rejected by non christian's because I claim Jesus and I'm rejected by christian's because I'm not some perfect person like they think i should be. there picture of Jesus is themselves and not who He really is. And when they do see it they don't recognize it.
I'd like to recommend a book to you. You'll have to take what is immediately helpful to you from it, and discard what isn't. It could be endlessly debated on the forum here what's fruitful and what isn't, but since we are all in different places, you'll know what's good for you. The book is called The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning.
I have watched the movie Ragamuffin : The Rich Mullins Story. Is it similar? Also you look like a christian country singer named Danny Ray Harris.
I have watched the movie Ragamuffin : The Rich Mullins Story. Is it similar? Also you look like a christian country singer named Danny Ray Harris.
I gotta look that guy up!

Brennan Manning is the guy who Rich Mullins was listening to in the Jeep when he pulled off the side of the road, if you remember the scene. That's how I discovered Brennan, too, from the Rich Mullins movie. The guy has a lot of sage wisdom for the folks who feel like they're burning out.