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Let's Talk Weed


Well I live in Connecticut and I go to a local college full of kids who are for the most part not really going anywhere at all. You probably can relate to me... They are the kids (and even adults) who you feel bad for because they are no where and if they don't get their butts in gear they are not going to be going anywhere anytime soon. And you don't know them but you do know that when they are not in school or at a job (although I seriously doubt many of them have one) they are probably at home getting high or wishing they had the means to be getting high.

So the point is I am surrounded by potheads. It doesn't matter their color or creed or economic standing it seems everyone is smoking dope. And so I hear some of the most ridiculous things about how it is healthy and good for you and how it doesn't hurt you at all and how it should be legal and how no one has ever died from it and all this rubbish.

Anyways maybe I'm just different but what's everyone else feel about it? I could have taken those DARE classes a little to seriously as a kid but I'm of the mindset that people who use marijuana are losers and that's that.

But I just have to add that the concept of marijuana not causing any deaths is laughable at best and at worst is a reflection of our society and how little they actually care for their fellow man. Hundreds and thousands die each year because of marijuana. They are growers in some distant country and they get killed because they want too much money or they kill cops who are trying to stop them from growing an illegal crop. They are mules who carry the stuff into the USA or they are the cops who try to stop the mules. They are distributors and dealers and the cops who try to stop them and they are the buyers who owe the wrong guy or are in the wrong place at the wrong time or get a batch of bad weed that someone cut with a little to much of a very bad thing.
So I guess your point is that although smoking it may or may not kill you, there is violence surrounding the trafficking of the weed and that violence often results in someone's death. That is a good point. Unfortunately, it's also a point proponents use when talking about it's legalization. ;)

Now, I don't do it any more. I used to. I was never really concerned about the legalities of it when I did do it. But above all the hype about it being a "gateway" drug, I feel it is just as damaging to the Spirit. The issue of sobriety goes beyond alcohol.

I also wouldn't stereotype all users by saying all users are losers. (no play on words intended. LOL) Some "successful" people I know do it. Then there is the medicinal users, who we shouldn't label as losers at all.
not to mention being broke.

cancer from weed does twenty years when this comes out like the nicotine deal will these potheads then say opps.

serious, if its legalised are the companies going to encourage you to stop? thats like asking the beer brewery to fund the local and nation aa chapters.
you can't stop grown adults from snorting the drano under the sink, but they are like this because they do not have the holy spirit. They don't not care or love themselves, because their parents were not Christians and didn't really love their kids with divine love.

Sometimes as Christians, we forget how soullless non christians truly are. They can be convinced by Satan of almost ANY stupid thing.

I have come to realize that we are governed by secret principalities and powers, unseen to us, cruel sadistic gods, but these very beings will viciously mock you like the meanest 8th grade girls, for saying this in public.

What I am saying is, Christ will give people a spirit of discernment, and without this blanket of spiritual protection, the humans of this world, will fall prey to this deadly fascination with drugs.

It is an evil fascination and lure, what people call being 'cool'. People are drawn to stupid self destructive things because the think it''s 'cool'. Let's be certain that this feeling that something is cool, is nothing but the demonic influence upon their perception.
Let's Talk Weed

Vic C. is right to question the utility of negative bullet points. Also it is good to remember to have compassion.

The Bible tells us that we can be aware of Satan's plans. He will get one side to exaggerate something as acceptable and beneficial and then he will get others to exaggerate the danger. It has been said that Satan does not care what you believe as long as it is not the truth.

As people bend truth to try to find ways that pot kills people (as if death were the only bad thing), they lose credibility with those they are trying to reach.

The best anti pot commercial I saw showed a young man about 25 years old in his bedroom smoking a joint. He declares that pot isn't bad, he has been smoking for 10 years and he has not changed one bit. The voice of his mother is heard from downstairs asking if he went out and looked for a job yet. He quickly tries to wave the smoke from his pot out the window so he will not get caught. What the commercial does is show a 25 year old 15 year old.

Pot is not as causative as one might think. We live in a culture that used to have people who would get into fist-fights over politics and religion. This was not necessarily admirable, but it did show that people felt what was true and right was worth fighting for. The idea seems so anachronistic because there are few crimes today worse than making someone feel bad. This reflects a change. The change is a result of public school that has fulfilled its primary role to reduce or remove Christianity and replace it with the religion of secularism (the worship of man in general and self in particular).

A culture that worships self elevates feeling good and comfort over truth. The measure of this is seen in a high divorce rate, declining birth rate, and the use of substances to contribute to feeling good.

If your core value is self, you will be hostile to truth and taking drugs to feel good will become almost a sacrament. We should not be surprised to see this increasing so rapidly;

2 Timothy 3:1-4 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
My kids are about Pard's age. I don't know if any smoke weed (there never was any that I was aware of at the many parties here) but cigars and definitely alcohol.

I love this generation and I can see where they are coming from if they smoke weed, considering the economy and all that. But it's like anything --- can be taken to extreme.

The same with tobacco. I don't think a good cigar now and then hurts anyone. Likewise, you did not see the Indians (who smoked tobacco) coughing their lungs up with lung cancer when the original settlers came over. But that said, an Indian did not go out on break every five minutes, either, and smoke a peace pipe. They had more discipline than we have which was admirable. They saw the sacredness in things instead.

I think the real issue is not the weed, per se, but the focus that a person has always. What does the bible say? We are to think on profitable things, and the world's counterpart is called "positive thinking" although the Christian has infinitely more things to be positive about with Christ.

If one holds that attitude, I believe they will smoke the weed with more of an appreciation of the taste and effects (and with restraint) enjoying what God has made instead of using it to numb themselves or to escape. I think the apostle Paul would be with me on that one.
My kids are about Pard's age. I don't know if any smoke weed (there never was any that I was aware of at the many parties here) but cigars and definitely alcohol.

I love this generation and I can see where they are coming from if they smoke weed, considering the economy and all that. But it's like anything --- can be taken to extreme.

The same with tobacco. I don't think a good cigar now and then hurts anyone. Likewise, you did not see the Indians (who smoked tobacco) coughing their lungs up with lung cancer when the original settlers came over. But that said, an Indian did not go out on break every five minutes, either, and smoke a peace pipe. They had more discipline than we have which was admirable. They saw the sacredness in things instead.

I think the real issue is not the weed, per se, but the focus that a person has always. What does the bible say? We are to think on profitable things, and the world's counterpart is called "positive thinking" although the Christian has infinitely more things to be positive about with Christ.

If one holds that attitude, I believe they will smoke the weed with more of an appreciation of the taste and effects (and with restraint) enjoying what God has made instead of using it to numb themselves or to escape. I think the apostle Paul would be with me on that one.

weed cant be done moderation. two hits ones bro was a die hard pot head and hat that reaction with one hit from the bong.
weed cant be done moderation. two hits ones bro was a die hard pot head and hat that reaction with one hit from the bong.

Same with tobacco it seems, but some people do. I once had a lady friend who smoked only occasionally. I never knew it for all the years I knew her, never smelled anything on her or anything at all, until she fessed up to me. I was more of a stuck-up then and acted more like the self-righteous medical healthoholics back then. No wonder she dumped me. Now I know better.

But some, or indeed many people can't do that (i.e. in moderation), and the same with weed. Then if that's the case, then stay away from it.
cancer from weed does twenty years when this comes out like the nicotine deal will these potheads then say opps.
Well since you mentioned it, it does contain more tar than tobacco and that could cause respiratory problems in the future of the smoker. Plus, it does raise blood pressure and in some cases, can bring on anxiety attacks if one is prone to such attacks.
tim i cant recommend weed for anyone. shoot with any drug theres someone who can function on it . but the question for the saved is why?

why does one need to alter the chemistry of the brain in order to relax

even in war were pot and drugs and illicit drugs and the stress of it . the peace of god is able to keep me and did so.
I don't got for the whole casual usage. "Moderation" is a joke when it comes to drugs because any amount is too much.
My stance is that if Marijuana in itself isn't lethal, then it shouldn't be banned. I do not think its in the best interest of the people to have this overblown war on weed. I don't think its healthy either. Just like I don't think its healthy for someone to eat at Mcdonalds or KFC. If you search long and hard enough, you can find something that weed has done to harm someone. At that point anything is a gateway and anything can be banned. Marijuana isn't like Cocaine, Meth, or heroin. So classing it as such and giving the same penalties is obscene. I also have a massive problem with how the issue is talked about in this country. For instance the whole "loser" mentality of people who smoke weed. If you have to lie or exaggerate to get your point across, then it defeats your case. Especially since this tactic only works on people who have never come in contact with weed or have known someone who has done it. It insults our intelligence.
Well I live in Connecticut and I go to a local college full of kids who are for the most part not really going anywhere at all. You probably can relate to me... They are the kids (and even adults) who you feel bad for because they are no where and if they don't get their butts in gear they are not going to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Where is it that you think these people should be going? Just curious what exactly you mean be this. Could you elaborate?
And you don't know them but you do know that when they are not in school or at a job (although I seriously doubt many of them have one) they are probably at home getting high or wishing they had the means to be getting high.
What makes you think these people are getting high, and why don't you think these people have a job? Again, just curious by what you mean by this. :)
I don't got for the whole casual usage. "Moderation" is a joke when it comes to drugs because any amount is too much.
neither do my life i know only one moderate(once a month) cigaretter smoker.he was a chain smoker and so is his daughter(she still is)

i dont know of any moderate pot smoker. my wife had to have it daily or weekly at the least. her brother cant function without it. he could buy a house but wont give pot. so he lives a decent trailer but has the money if the pot went away to get a house.

his youngest is coke head, and pot head.
What makes you think these people are getting high, and why don't you think these people have a job? Again, just curious by what you mean by this. :)

Because they come to school stoned... And they talk about going home and smoking... I mean you literally just walk by these kids and 9 times out of 10 the conversation is about where they can get weed or who wants to go where to smoke it. Heck you don't have to walk by them. Just wait until they get to class because they don't care who hears them since they decriminalized pot... Plus I know some of them from High School.

Well obviously I don't know for a fact that none of them have jobs however it's a safe bet they don't. Their hygiene doesn't suggest it. Nor does their stoned-ness. If you have to come to school high chances are you have to do a lot of things high. Around here there are enough unemployed people that the employers can take their pick. And the general policy in most places that you'd find college age kids (grocery department stores etc) is random urine tests every two months. And there happens to be a state law on the books that says if you fail a urine test more than a single time your employer must put you on leave for no less than three weeks. I think the fourth time they have to do something else and like the sixth time its a boot.

FYI your standard urinalysis test can view your tox. history back a good 3 months and that is only for the screening test. If you fail the screen test they will run a gas/spec. scan and that can tell your drug history back much further. There is no concrete number but some labs have been able to see drug usage as far back as three years. And these things are rarely wrong. They are actually way more likely to give a false negative than a false positive because the screening test isn't an exact science.

And I'm not going to answer your first question because it wasn't meant in that way. It's a figure of speech...
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not to mention being broke.

cancer from weed does twenty years when this comes out like the nicotine deal will these potheads then say opps.,2933,196678,00.html
and there are dozens of studies from different labs all over the world that have come to the same conclusion, it's not really controversial anymore. The tar from it still reduces lung capacity and produces a cough so its not entirely harmless:shrug. People seem to forget that smoking it isn't the only way to get high.

I don't got for the whole casual usage. "Moderation" is a joke when it comes to drugs because any amount is too much.
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I mean you literally just walk by these kids and 9 times out of 10 the conversation is about where they can get weed or who wants to go where to smoke it.
Those are usually the kids who smoke it because they think they are so cool, when they hit 25 and everyone starts calling them a loser they will quit, settle down, have kids, and then tell the kid about how weeds no good and blame it for various problems in their life not knowing it effected them negatively because they did it for the wrong reasons (baby boomers LOL). The same can be said about doing anything just for the sake of being cool though.
And I'm not going to answer your first question because it wasn't meant in that way. It's a figure of speech...
Ah, so now I know to take everything you say with a massive grain of salt. ;)
I agree Pard. Weed is for loosers, and I don't mean it as a figure of speech.

The figure of speech was the "they are not going to be going anywhere anytime soon." Obviously MarbleShooter doesn't live in an area where they use figurative language. Or maybe English isn't the first language. I've come to discover that other languages don't have idioms and figures of speech.