- Sep 1, 2010
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- 565
hello Nathan, dirtfarmer here
I understand that faith "predates" Abraham. So, how can Abraham's faith predate him? We are told that it was "by faith" that Abel brough a more excellent sacrifice; it was a blood sacrifice, but was Abel's faith the "faith of Abraham"?
As to your points above, in the first one, where is the land grant to the nation of Israel, or don't you believe that land was promised to Abraham's seed(Israelites) thru Jacob( Israel)?
In your 2nd point, did the law come before faith? If so, what about "Noah" who built the ark because of faith in what God said?
In your 3rd point, when was the first time that any one was baptized into Christ? Was it before He was nailed to the cross and crucified? In Hebrews 11:5 it is stated; "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death:" Was his faith in the crucified Christ, the seed of Abraham?
I actually was not trying to break it up into different points(just save room aside from quoting the whole passage).
The singular point is there is a singular faith with a singular kingdom. But you raise great questions.
Faith is quite simple - it is believing God for what He says and acting on it. While we call it "Abraham's" faith, it is not his faith in a possessive sense. As in, it was not a faith he created - but rather, it is a faith he received. So just as Abraham received faith - believing God - so has everyone else who has the same 'type' of faith.
The problem is, many people have a faith - but its not the same type of faith as Abraham. Abraham's faith came from God, and so everyone who receives their faith from God then has the same faith as Abraham. It can predate him simply because it was not of him - the same way it can still be had today even though we are thousands of years removed from him.
God's law is eternal, so yes it comes before faith. Whats interesting is that anything God says is law - it does not have to be written down. In the case of Noah, the law of God was decreed that life was going to be wiped out on the surface of the earth. Not only that, but Noah had to build the ark according to God's directions - they were not suggestions.
Baptism into Christ is where you simply have to understand what is being said. Paul is speaking of spiritual baptism - and that is faith in Christ. Adam and Eve had faith in Christ because it was foretold to them about His coming. So I have no doubt that Enoch also had faith in Christ.
We look at faith in Christ as faith in the Man Jesus who walked the earth. Faith in Christ is simply belief in the One who would be the perfect sacrifice for sins. Of course He walked the earth, but the Christ was the perfect sacrifice. People throughout the ages have had faith in Him when they believe that nothing they can do will satisfy God's requirement of perfection.
I have no doubt that Enoch understood his sinfulness and need for a savior.