I guess we have not even setup the darkness before the light.
400 years of darkness; as far as some can tell:
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.- all set up the coming fall of Jerusalem, and the good guys (those grieving over the sins of Israel) will go into foreign lands.
400 years of silence between Malachi and Matthew. No light except coming from those in their sanctuary in the foreign lands. Silence about God is darkness indeed,
Then the future promises in those books begin:
The word in hearts
The word in minds
The coming salvation
The coming light of the world
The coming root out of dry ground
Jesus arrived and fulfilled his part.
On the day of Pentecost the representatives of the sin grievers arrive, from every nation under heaven. The day of the marvelous continuing works of God shine forth. Supernatural power is given to help continue to break that 400 years of darkness. The word spreads to Gentiles (the same way it came to Jews).
Now the word about Jesus is spread world wide.
Unpacked more.