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[__ Prayer __] Letters in the mail.


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Nothing lasts forever.
I know not against apologetics .if they are handwriting letters from your local kingdom hall which often is divided into north and south congregations.they are entrenched .

No Christmas,no bdays ,no pagan holidays ,no blood donations and not even able to take communion.only the 144,000 do that .

These often are schooled to teach the basics .the basics include years of learning why we are wrong and they are the Truth .

Wining phht that easy but they aren't an opponent to win but to convert and that only God can .

If I'm led I will but unless you are called .. I have debated them on the fly while reading meters they would walk and push that large cart saying and going door to door .unusual for me to see them not on a Saturday but this was a Monday

I didn't go into a great debate .I had to work.
The jw dont deny that Jesus died for us they just deny the biblical nature
I'm familiar with errors Jehovah's Witnesses have about Jesus not being YHVH. I'm sure I don't have your expertise in that area as you have belong to that organization and I haven't.
I can tell you one passage a JW laid on me using my own KJV that I couldn't answer right away, He said, "if Jesus is god why did Paul say,

For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

David Guziks' Commentary:
But when He says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted: Paul reminds us that the Son will not someday be superior to the Father. The relationship of Father to Son will be eternal: the Son Himself will also be subject to Him.

Matthew Henrys'Commentary:
(1.) That our Saviour, as man and mediator between God and man, has a delegated royalty, a kingdom given: All things are put under him, he excepted that did put all things under him, v. 27. As man, all his authority must be delegated. And, though his mediation supposes his divine nature, yet as Mediator he does not so explicitly sustain the character of God, but a middle person between God and man, partaking of both natures, human and divine, as he was to reconcile both parties, God and man, and receiving commission and authority from God the Father to act in this office.

Both of these men are wrong and the Jehovah's Witness guy is wrong for the same reasons and I'll let him know why if he ever calls me back

I asked God and I couldn't believe how simple the answer was.
Two things, 1) the subject if the entire chapter is the resurrection from the dead and 2 two) "He has put all things under his feet" is a dual prophecy referring to not only to Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but Adam.

When when Paul refers to things being 'subdued to Christ", he means when the resurrection occurs. He means when the church is revealed, seen as immortal, we will see Christ glorified the same way as God, so that we may see God redeemed us to Himself by Himself.

When Paul says "He has put all things under his feet, he isn't comparing the Father to the Son. He's comparing Jesus to Adam. He means it's obvious the One and only begotten Son of God who appeared as an ordinary man but in fact created Adam is apoarent because he defeated death. He lives as the Eternal One.

Do you agree this interpretation is more sensible than the Jehovah's Witnesses position that Jesus is a created angel?
Or the Reformers belief, but when our savior came into this world he relinquished his authority as God overall creation?
You shouldn't give up.
I agree. It can be tiring speaking with people who cannot look at what you're saying without years of false teaching pounded into their heads. Sometimes we do need to take a step back just to take a rest, but we should never give up on anyone. We can walk away, but we should walk away praying that God will send another messenger at another time that might touch them somehow..
I wouldn't give up .it's more along the lines of I'm not prompted .

I know enough to crush them but you can see the length old debates here on

Soul sleep
The Trinity
Is hell real ?
And also Jesus an angel or son of God ?

Jw have come here to cast doubt a few with last year . I said my peace and blocked them..I'm not going go in circles .

One literally his his nature and posted with is the Trinity real ,and other things to cast doubt and used a different method but utlamelty others and myself sniffed him as a jw.

Not all are called to debate . My mind is bent towards philosophy.others probably don't have that bend of asking or pondering deep things .

It's akin to trying to fight a professional MMA fighter without proper training and preparation and talent .
I hear you and sometimes feel the same way right here on CF. I answer posts point by point. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we disagree, but when we do disagree I will comment on the passage the other poster brought up and explain it in a way that agrees with all scripture.
Then what happens is the other poster completely ignores my post, choosing instead to re-post what I already responded to.

I didn't seek this person out. I just got a letter in the mail and called the number and left a message if wanted to talk to about our Lord I'd be happy to speak to him. I like speaking to people in person, because when they're sitting at my kitchen table and I confront them with the truth, they can't ignore what I said, like Internet conversations do. there is no, "Well, over here it says...", "No! Please answer my question."

I showed you in post 22 that I was not able to answer this passage JWs asked me when they first came to my house, but when they returned my answer in post 22 is what I told them and when they heard it they stared at me. They said nothing. They looked at what I said and didn't respond. They never came back. That was years ago and God has taught me more since then. I don't see JW's as strong MMA fighters. More like a well meaning Barney Fife.
I don’t think it’s a fight…
They have their beliefs. They even have their own questionable translations of the Bible. My understanding is that they are pretty extremely indoctrinated…


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