i disagree, he has killed men by fire, along with thier families.
why he did that i dont know.
that is debatable about the earth as some of the other creationists do believe in an older earth and yet still the flood.
i dont pretend to understand that , but that isnt in my realm of knowledge or it would be plainly stated that he didnt condemn them.
innocent persons die from drunks yet do we blame god for setting the laws of physics in motion? he allowed the deaths of innocents when placed that curse for sin upon all men.
i dont fear death, not since my repentance, i dont want to die, but i have my assurance where i will be.
theres this verse . it applies where theres no law theres no sin. did those babies know about the law? nope, so they died without sin therefore that is why i say that they are with him in heaven.
babies die in all manner of floods and natural disaster, while i dont think that god judges men like that anymore, he does allow that to happen. its also written for its appointed for all men to die then unto the judgment.