In a subsequent post,you mentioned reading the Kaballah.
it is a book of Jewish mysticism, and has nothing to do with the Bible. Stick with Scripture, especially since you seem to be a new believer.
I will have a lot of trouble making this not sound bad any way i go. I do not want it to be negative, because i have a special interest in the Jewish roots. I have had three times that people have given me prophecy about my relationship with Jewish things:
I would become a priest (Jewish i think)
You may want to read Galatians. it is a book about Judiazing, which is a heresy. Some of the Galatians believed that to be a Christian, you first needed to be Jew first, then "graduate" to Christianity. Christians are saved and kept in the faith by grace (hence my user name) and until you spend more tine in the Word and are awe struck by the grace of God despite the magnitude of your sins, it is very easy to be led astray. Do you have any Bible study with members of your church? EVERY CHRISTIAN needs to be involved with a Bible Study group, especially in the early years of salvation.
You have been called to the Jews (why?)
I have NO idea why you are seeking to have someone else be a channel of God's will for you by seeking to someone be a "prophet" for you. If God wants you to dp something, He will CLEARLY tell you, and it will be unmistakable.
A very recent one mentioned the priesthood in a way that is beyond the (you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood).
AGAIN you are listening to voices other than God. On so many levels that is flat-out wrong! On a persona level, it seems to me that you are susceptible to the message of a cult, and having looked at several of your posts here, but responding to this one, I believe that you are not attached to a solid Bible believing church. Do you know hoow to find a good Bible-believing church?
Call the church, and tell him that you are thinking of attending that church, and you then ask if he will answer just one short question.
"Do you believe the Bible to be wholly inspired by God, and infallible in the original manuscripts (autographa)
Anything other than an unqualified "Yes" means that it is not a Bible-believing church.
This is a bible study thread area. How do we discuss oral traditions on a bible study thread? (how do I ask this?) Would you start a bible related blog thread?
Will you mention the oral traditions you want to discuss?
Traditions are not bad by themselves. But if there is no Biblical purpose for them, they are worthless.
Stick to the Bible. It is our only rule for both the faith and practice.
Do you know that Madonna is a follower of the Kaballah? Are you a fan of hers? :p