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Looking for Job

- Good job!

- But you have to be a bit more patient!

- Elihu only comes at the end!

- Moreover, Elihu speaks alone!

- Nobody answers him!

- Even God doesn’t speak about him!

- It seems to be he is a ghost!

- What is worse: rebuking someone or ignoring him?

- We are not dealing with Western culture but Eastern culture!

- In the Bible you have three levels of friendship!

- At the beginning, the three individuals seem to share Job’s sufferance but in Eastern culture, it is pure basics!

- It is not like Western culture!

- Or they used to do the same in the past with women paid to weep or cry for the dead ones!

- Once again it is only the beginning, be patient!

- You must take something into account, something many people have no idea and which changes everything!

- Job had no Bible!

- His only reference was God!

- He had no idea of the devil!

- Think of the Israelites, they only knew gods!

- Once someone said that Job cursed God!

- He never did it!

- But his only reference was God!

- So he thought God was only responsible for what was happening to him!

- And he had a special relationship with God!

- And suddenly this relationship was cut!

- But not only that!

- The devil used all the means he could even the three individuals who are supposed to be his friends but are not!

- Elihu comes too late!

- Everything was written!

- Job had enough of the first three!

- He didn’t need a fourth one to repeat the same things!

- Moreover, we are told about Job and the three individuals from Chapter 2 to Chapter 31!

- Elihu speaks alone from Chapter 32 to Chapter 37!

- Do you see the difference?
- Good job!

- But you have to be a bit more patient!
You should be more accurate. Four friends were there. Doesn’t matter what chapter they appear in. The last was there from the beginning.
- Elihu only comes at the end!

- Moreover, Elihu speaks alone!

- Nobody answers him!

- Even God doesn’t speak about him!
That’s cause he did no wrong.
- It seems to be he is a ghost!
No, not at all.
- What is worse: rebuking someone or ignoring him?
When God is rebuking, it’s best if you’re not included. But no one gets Gods approval by being ignored. You need to look below the surface.
- We are not dealing with Western culture but Eastern culture!

- In the Bible you have three levels of friendship!

- At the beginning, the three individuals seem to share Job’s sufferance but in Eastern culture, it is pure basics!

- It is not like Western culture!
Have you lived in eastern cultures? How would you know this?
- Or they used to do the same in the past with women paid to weep or cry for the dead ones!

- Once again it is only the beginning, be patient!
You’re presentation is not very deep.
- You must take something into account, something many people have no idea and which changes everything!

- Job had no Bible!

- His only reference was God!

- He had no idea of the devil!

- Think of the Israelites, they only knew gods!

- Once someone said that Job cursed God!

- He never did it!

- But his only reference was God!

- So he thought God was only responsible for what was happening to him!

- And he had a special relationship with God!
Better than a book.
- And suddenly this relationship was cut!
If that is so, do you know why?
- But not only that!

- The devil used all the means he could even the three individuals who are supposed to be his friends but are not!

- Elihu comes too late!

- Everything was written!

- Job had enough of the first three!

- He didn’t need a fourth one to repeat the same things!
Where do you get this idea? Why is he too late? It’s never too late to hear good words approved of by God.
- Moreover, we are told about Job and the three individuals from Chapter 2 to Chapter 31!

- Elihu speaks alone from Chapter 32 to Chapter 37!

- Do you see the difference?
He talks a few minutes later. He says he was waiting for the older men to finish. No one there seems to think he was too late.
You should be more accurate. Four friends were there. Doesn’t matter what chapter they appear in. The last was there from the beginning.

That’s cause he did no wrong.

No, not at all.

When God is rebuking, it’s best if you’re not included. But no one gets Gods approval by being ignored. You need to look below the surface.

Have you lived in eastern cultures? How would you know this?

You’re presentation is not very deep.

Better than a book.

If that is so, do you know why?

Where do you get this idea? Why is he too late? It’s never too late to hear good words approved of by God.

He talks a few minutes later. He says he was waiting for the older men to finish. No one there seems to think he was too late.
You should be more accurate. Four friends were there. Doesn’t matter what chapter they appear in. The last was there from the beginning.”

- Read Job 2:11: This verse says clearly that three companions of Job come to see him because he is in trouble!

- 1. Eliphaz the Temanite!

- 2. Bildad the Shuhite!

- 3. Zophar the Naamathite!

- And they agree to meet together to go and sympathize with Job and comfort him!

- Eliphaz speaks in Job 4 and 5!

- Bildad speaks in Job 8!

- Zophar speaks in Job 11!

- Eliphaz speaks in Job 15!

- Bildad speaks in Job 18!

- Zophar speaks in Job 20!

- Eliphaz speaks in Job 22!

- Bildad speaks in Job 25!

- The three men stop trying to answer Job in Job 32!

- In this same chapter we hear for the first time about Elihu!

- We don’t know when he comes!

- Nothing is said about him before!

- He is young and Job is old!

- Job doesn’t care about him!

- And above all, God doesn’t care about him!

- The Bible speaks about the three individuals, they know Job but they are not his friends!

- When you are someone’s real friend, you try to encourage him not to destroy him!

- There are just another weapon of the devil!

- The Bible doesn’t say anything about Elihu (he is only the son of Barachel and of the family of Ram)!
- Job had no Bible!

- His only reference was God!

- But his only reference was God!

- So he thought God was only responsible for what was happening to him!

- And he had a special relationship with God!

- And suddenly this relationship was cut!
Spiritual conditions were not as topsy turvy for Job as you believe them to be .
His "reference" to God being much more comprehensive and unbreakable than what you understand.
To include the all powerful guidance and everlasting Presence of the Son of God in his heart working always for the good by bringing a new and ever deeper dependency upon God to him and to all the children of God, even in the midst of great afflictions and sorrows.
Joseph had this same unbreakable spiritual bond in his heart as he looked up from the pit he was thrown into by his own brothers and as he languished in the Pharoh's prison falsely accused .

Job 19:25
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
You should be more accurate. Four friends were there. Doesn’t matter what chapter they appear in. The last was there from the beginning.”

- Read Job 2:11: This verse says clearly that three companions of Job come to see him because he is in trouble!

- 1. Eliphaz the Temanite!

- 2. Bildad the Shuhite!

- 3. Zophar the Naamathite!

- And they agree to meet together to go and sympathize with Job and comfort him!

- Eliphaz speaks in Job 4 and 5!

- Bildad speaks in Job 8!

- Zophar speaks in Job 11!

- Eliphaz speaks in Job 15!

- Bildad speaks in Job 18!

- Zophar speaks in Job 20!

- Eliphaz speaks in Job 22!

- Bildad speaks in Job 25!

- The three men stop trying to answer Job in Job 32!

- In this same chapter we hear for the first time about Elihu!

- We don’t know when he comes!

- Nothing is said about him before!
He said he was waiting to speak preferring to let the older men talk. OK, maybe he was not a friend being likely a different generation. In any case, he heard what the other men said. The lack of mentioning him does not mean he was lacking. In many places in Jesus teaching those attending were not mentioned and yet we can assume they were there. The Bible rarely takes roll call.
- He is young and Job is old!

- Job doesn’t care about him!
Where do you get that idea? Did he care about the others so we can compare? Job was a righteous man and therefore he cared about others. All righteous men in Gods eyes care about others.
- And above all, God doesn’t care about him!
Where do you get that idea from? He was the only one that God approved of by not requiring a sacrifice for forgiveness. He is the only one who is not rebuked.
- The Bible speaks about the three individuals, they know Job but they are not his friends!

- When you are someone’s real friend, you try to encourage him not to destroy him!

- There are just another weapon of the devil!
So your friends ALWAYS tell you what they ought to and are NEVEr in error when they try to comfort? Flawless?
- The Bible doesn’t say anything about Elihu (he is only the son of Barachel and of the family of Ram)!
What are you talking about? It records his words and they are approved of by God. It hardly gets better than that. Which of us would like God to approve 100% of what we said to another man in counseling?
Spiritual conditions were not as topsy turvy for Job as you believe them to be .
His "reference" to God being much more comprehensive and unbreakable than what you understand.
To include the all powerful guidance and everlasting Presence of the Son of God in his heart working always for the good by bringing a new and ever deeper dependency upon God to him and to all the children of God, even in the midst of great afflictions and sorrows.
Joseph had this same unbreakable spiritual bond in his heart as he looked up from the pit he was thrown into by his own brothers and as he languished in the Pharoh's prison falsely accused .

Job 19:25
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
- Well, at the end of the book of Job, he retracts and repents in dust and ashes!

- He wants the day of his birth to be cursed!

- He would have died instead of living!

- He would prefer to be dead to be sleeping and at rest!

- He would not hear!

- And if we listen to some of his words:

- For the arrows of the Almighty have pierced me!

- My spirit drinks in their poison!

- The terrors of God are arrayed against me!

- Then You frighten me with dreams!

- And terrify me with visions!

- Why do You not pardon my transgres!

- And take away my iniquity?

- Let Him remove His rod from me!

- So that His terror will no longer frighten me!

- Will You now turn and destroy me?

- Will You now return me to dust?

- Why do You hide Your face and consider me as Your enemy!
He said he was waiting to speak preferring to let the older men talk. OK, maybe he was not a friend being likely a different generation. In any case, he heard what the other men said. The lack of mentioning him does not mean he was lacking. In many places in Jesus teaching those attending were not mentioned and yet we can assume they were there. The Bible rarely takes roll call.

Where do you get that idea? Did he care about the others so we can compare? Job was a righteous man and therefore he cared about others. All righteous men in Gods eyes care about others.

Where do you get that idea from? He was the only one that God approved of by not requiring a sacrifice for forgiveness. He is the only one who is not rebuked.

So your friends ALWAYS tell you what they ought to and are NEVEr in error when they try to comfort? Flawless?

What are you talking about? It records his words and they are approved of by God. It hardly gets better than that. Which of us would like God to approve 100% of what we said to another man in counseling?
- When you ignore someone, it is like an insult!

- It seems to be you don’t listen to what Job says about them!

- Ignoring Each Other

It is tempting to tune someone out when she annoys or irritates you, however, ignoring a person is a sign of disrespect. Solid communication requires effort, and the silent treatment only perpetuates anger and hurt feelings. Take the time to carefully explain why you cannot listen if you are in the midst of a task. If not, avoid rudely ignoring the other person and be fully involved and engaged in conversation to show respect. Encourage the other person to fully express her feelings so that you also have the opportunity to do the same when you need to talk. Make eye contact and exhibit positive body language, such nodding your head or leaning forward, to show that you respect this person, even if the topic of conversation does not necessarily interest you.
- When you ignore someone, it is like an insult!

- It seems to be you don’t listen to what Job says about them!

- Ignoring Each Other

It is tempting to tune someone out when she annoys or irritates you, however, ignoring a person is a sign of disrespect. Solid communication requires effort, and the silent treatment only perpetuates anger and hurt feelings. Take the time to carefully explain why you cannot listen if you are in the midst of a task. If not, avoid rudely ignoring the other person and be fully involved and engaged in conversation to show respect. Encourage the other person to fully express her feelings so that you also have the opportunity to do the same when you need to talk. Make eye contact and exhibit positive body language, such nodding your head or leaning forward, to show that you respect this person, even if the topic of conversation does not necessarily interest you.
How do you know who was ignoring whom? Where does Job tell them he’s ignoring them? Just telling them is NOT ignoring them. There’s no description of lack of eye contact.
- Well, at the end of the book of Job, he retracts and repents in dust and ashes!

- Why ..........!
What child of God has not bitterly questioned God regarding some things coming from God , in their human inability to perceive some things present, being part of ALL THINGS future ?
I certainly have bitterly questioned God's method in my limited vision only to later, in hindsight, and in my shame, give Him praise and thanks for doing what I could not at the present time understand.
Joesph's experience at the hands of his brothers was not good, and we know that he questioned God as he cried out bitterly from the pit.
But God made the harsh and bitter experience work for good, and Joesph grew spiritually by leaps and bounds as a result.
Likewise Paul begged repeatedly to God for the thorn to be removed from his flesh in his failure to understand.
But he also came to see the greater good God had intended ,and to repent.
If you are a child of God you would also have to acknowledge giving God the rightful place in your future in repentance of what you once questioning His method .
Job was not the lone ranger.
I pray not but there may be some child of God soon bitterly questioning God in their great loss in the aftermath of the hurricane currently heading towards Florida.
There is nothing new under sun .

Rom 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
How do you know who was ignoring whom? Where does Job tell them he’s ignoring them? Just telling them is NOT ignoring them. There’s no description of lack of eye contact.
- Well, Job speaks with the first three individuals!

- He doesn't speak to Elihu!

- And God doesn't say anything about him either!

- So if somebody speaks to you and you don't pay attention to him, you usually ignore him!

- If somebody speaks to me, I usually try to answer back, that's what we call politeness!

- And if you read the end of Job, there is a moment when Job doesn't want to speak to God but then he finally does it!

- Read the beginning of Job 40 and 42!
9) Looking for Job

Biblehub Job 6:4


כִּ֤י (kî)
Strong's 3588: A relative conjunction

the arrows
חִצֵּ֪י (ḥiṣ·ṣê)
Noun - masculine plural construct
Strong's 2671: A piercer, an arrow, a wound, thunderbolt, the shaft of a, spear

of the Almighty
שַׁדַּ֡י (šad·day)
Noun - proper - masculine singular
Strong's 7706: The Almighty

have pierced me;
עִמָּדִ֗י (‘im·mā·ḏî)
Preposition | first person common singular
Strong's 5978: Against, by, from, me, mine, of, that I take, unto,

my spirit
רוּחִ֑י (rū·ḥî)
Noun - common singular construct | first person common singular
Strong's 7307: Wind, breath, exhalation, life, anger, unsubstantiality, a region of the sky, spirit

- Of course, we are not Job, we are not the one about whom God says there is no one like him on earth. We know that Adam had a close relationship with God but he lost it, we know that Job had a close relationship with God, a special one and he kept it. But because of Satan this relationship was momentarily disturbed so Job was not feeling bad only because he lost everything but also because of this disruption which was unbearable for him! Just imagine what was the most important, the most precious for him! Any disruption must have been destructive and maybe if our relationship with God is really strong, we may understand that or maybe not! When it fills your day and your thoughts, how is it possible to do it without? IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! It depends on the quality of our relationship with God!
- Well, Job speaks with the first three individuals!

- He doesn't speak to Elihu!

- And God doesn't say anything about him either!

- So if somebody speaks to you and you don't pay attention to him, you usually ignore him!

- If somebody speaks to me, I usually try to answer back, that's what we call politeness!

- And if you read the end of Job, there is a moment when Job doesn't want to speak to God but then he finally does it!

- Read the beginning of Job 40 and 42!
In each case the friend spoke FIRST and Job answered and the friend was WRONG. You assume Job unrighteously ignored the young man. I say he listened very carefully. You falsely accuse that righteous man of wrong. Why?
In each case the friend spoke FIRST and Job answered and the friend was WRONG. You assume Job unrighteously ignored the young man. I say he listened very carefully. You falsely accuse that righteous man of wrong. Why?
- If you look at his arguments, there is nothing new under the sun!

- Once again, if somebody speaks to you and you don't answer him, it means something!

- If somebody speaks to you and you don't answer him, you ignore him!

- Once again, if you are a friend of somebody, you try to really help him!

- Once again, when God finally answers Job, Job answers God he has already spoken and he doesn't want to speak so he is going to shup up!

- But he answers God!

- Then God keeps speaking to Job and finally Job speaks again to God!

- And he repents and takes back his words!

- He never takes back his words with the three individuals but he always answers them!

- In the case of Elihu, he doesn't even answer him!

- For me, it is quite clear!

- I have nothing to say about Elihu!

- He is not better or worse than the others!

- I am just saying he doesn't add anything!

- But I am speaking about Job's attitude, nothing else!

- If he hadn't say anything, it would have changed nothing!

- In fact, I am interested in what Job says because he is a faithful servant of God, a special one, someone God says there is no one like him on earth! Someone who is precious to God!

- The three others are no one!

- There is no difference with Elihu!

- You can think whatever you want, it is not going to change what the reality is!
- If you look at his arguments, there is nothing new under the sun!

- Once again, if somebody speaks to you and you don't answer him, it means something!

- If somebody speaks to you and you don't answer him, you ignore him!

- Once again, if you are a friend of somebody, you try to really help him!

- Once again, when God finally answers Job, Job answers God he has already spoken and he doesn't want to speak so he is going to shup up!

- But he answers God!

- Then God keeps speaking to Job and finally Job speaks again to God!

- And he repents and takes back his words!

- He never takes back his words with the three individuals but he always answers them!

- In the case of Elihu, he doesn't even answer him!

- For me, it is quite clear!

- I have nothing to say about Elihu!

- He is not better or worse than the others!

- I am just saying he doesn't add anything!

- But I am speaking about Job's attitude, nothing else!

- If he hadn't say anything, it would have changed nothing!

- In fact, I am interested in what Job says because he is a faithful servant of God, a special one, someone God says there is no one like him on earth! Someone who is precious to God!

- The three others are no one!

- There is no difference with Elihu!

- You can think whatever you want, it is not going to change what the reality is!
You falsely accuse Job of unrighteousness because in a group conversation he didn’t operate under your western social rules. You can judge Bible characters by your cultural rules just realize that no one but you thinks that.
Last edited:
You falsely accuse Job of unrighteousness because in a group conversation he didn’t operate under your western social rules. You can judge Bible characters by your cultural rules just realize that no one but you thinks that.
- Apparently, you don’t understand what I am saying !

- There is / was no one like him on the earth!

- How is it possible to accuse someone – even if many people do it – who is a faithful servant of God!

- Someone who is unique!

- Job was righteous!

- You read what you want and you don’t read what you don’t want!

- If you read the book of Job, if things are going well, it is God, if not it is God!

- Job’s only REFERENCE was God!

- He thought everything was happening to him was from God!

- He had no idea of the devil!

- And his relationship with God had stopped!

- In their discussion, the three individuals accuse Job of doing wrong because he was in trouble!

- For them, you act in a good way, you are blessed by God!

- If you do wrong, you are condemned by God and you have to cope with the consequences!

- I am not judging anyone, I look at God’s final decisions regarding Job and the three individuals!
10) Looking for Job

Job 6: 5,6

Biblehub Job 6:5

Biblehub Job 6:6


Does a wild donkey
פֶּ֥רֶא (pe·re)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's 6501: A wild donkey

הֲיִֽנְהַק־ (hă·yin·haq-)
Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person masculine singular
Strong's 5101: To bray, scream

עֲלֵי־ (‘ă·lê-)
Strong's 5921: Above, over, upon, against

fresh grass,
דֶ֑שֶׁא (ḏe·še)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's 1877: A sprout, grass

אִ֥ם (’im)
Strong's 518: Lo!, whether?, if, although, Oh that!, when, not

an ox
שּׁ֝֗וֹר (wr)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's 7794: A head of cattle (bullock, ox, etcetera)

יִגְעֶה־ (yiḡ·‘e·hō·šō-)
Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person masculine singular
Strong's 1600: To bellow

עַל־ (‘al-)
Strong's 5921: Above, over, upon, against

its fodder?
בְּלִילֽוֹ׃ (bə·lî·lōw)
Noun - masculine singular construct | third person masculine singular
Strong's 1098: Mixed, feed


Is tasteless food
תָּ֭פֵל (tā·p̄êl)
Adjective - masculine singular
Strong's 8602: Plaster, slime, frivolity

הֲיֵאָכֵ֣ל (hă·yê·’ā·ḵêl)
Verb - Nifal - Imperfect - third person masculine singular
Strong's 398: To eat

מִבְּלִי־ (mib·bə·lî-)
Preposition-m | Adverb
Strong's 1097: Failure, nothing, destruction, without, not yet, because not, as long as

מֶ֑לַח (me·laḥ)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's 4417: Powder, salt

אִם־ (’im-)
Strong's 518: Lo!, whether?, if, although, Oh that!, when, not

is there
יֶשׁ־ (yeš-)
Strong's 3426: Being, substance, existence, is

טַ֝֗עַם (ṭa·‘am)
Noun - masculine singular
Strong's 2940: A taste, perception, intelligence, a mandate

in the white
בְּרִ֣יר (bə·rîr)
Preposition-b | Noun - masculine singular construct
Strong's 7388: To flow (like slime)

of an egg?
חַלָּמֽוּת׃ (ḥal·lā·mūṯ)
Noun - feminine singular
Strong's 2495: (a plant), probably a purslane

- Think about a faithful one: how is it possible for him to live only one day away from God? Now think about Job in Job 6 and how he feels!
- Apparently, you don’t understand what I am saying !

- There is / was no one like him on the earth!

- How is it possible to accuse someone – even if many people do it – who is a faithful servant of God!

- Someone who is unique!

- Job was righteous!

- You read what you want and you don’t read what you don’t want!

- If you read the book of Job, if things are going well, it is God, if not it is God!

- Job’s only REFERENCE was God!

- He thought everything was happening to him was from God!

- He had no idea of the devil!

- And his relationship with God had stopped!

- In their discussion, the three individuals accuse Job of doing wrong because he was in trouble!

- For them, you act in a good way, you are blessed by God!

- If you do wrong, you are condemned by God and you have to cope with the consequences!

- I am not judging anyone, I look at God’s final decisions regarding Job and the three individuals!
The Devil accused the Almighty God of evil. Why do you think you aren’t accusing him of not treating that young guy right? If someone would wrongly accuse you of that you’d see it for sure.

Otherwise you falsely accuse me of attitudes I don’t have and never said. I think you are blind to your false accusations. The accusation comes out if your mouth and it’s false because it does not accurately represent the subject. Just because it’s false doesn’t mean it can’t come out of you. You seem to think you’re unable to falsely accuse.
- Sorry, I don't understand what you mean!

- Could you develop what you say here?
You accuse Job of rudely and wrongly ignoring the youngest speaker. Then you seem to think you cannot wrongly accuse that righteous man because he is righteous. How does the righteousness of Job prevent you from saying unjust accusations about him?
Biblehub Job 32:1


So these
הָ֭אֵלֶּה (hā·’êl·leh)
Article | Pronoun - common plural
Strong's 428: These, those

שְׁלֹ֤שֶׁת (šə·lō·šeṯ)
Number - masculine singular construct
Strong's 7969: Three, third, thrice

הָאֲנָשִׁ֣ים (hā·’ă·nā·šîm)
Article | Noun - masculine plural
Strong's 582: Man, mankind

וַֽיִּשְׁבְּת֡וּ (way·yiš·bə·ṯū)
Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Consecutive imperfect - third person masculine plural
Strong's 7673: To repose, desist from exertion

מֵעֲנ֣וֹת (mê·‘ă·nō·wṯ)
Preposition-m | Verb - Qal - Infinitive construct
Strong's 6030: To answer, respond

אִיּ֑וֹב (’î·yō·wḇ)
Noun - proper - masculine singular
Strong's 347: Job -- a patriarch

כִּ֤י (kî)
Strong's 3588: A relative conjunction

ה֖וּא (hū)
Pronoun - third person masculine singular
Strong's 1931: He, self, the same, this, that, as, are

was righteous
צַדִּ֣יק (ṣad·dîq)
Adjective - masculine singular
Strong's 6662: Just, righteous

in his own eyes.
בְּעֵינָֽיו׃ (bə·‘ê·nāw)
Preposition-b | Noun - cdc | third person masculine singular
Strong's 5869: An eye, a fountain
- Through the book of Job, we have a discussion between Job and three individuals !

- In chapter 32:1, we are told that finally, the three individuals stop answering Job because he is righteous in his own eyes !