We judge things all the time without seeing for ourselves. I don't have to watch "Girls Gone Wild" to judge that it's porn and we wont be having it in the house. I don't have to see a picture of a decaptitated baby to understand that partial birth abortion is wrong. I don't have to watch "Loose Change" to understand that this film has not only been proven wrong in the past, Avery has actually had to remake it, not once, but twice, because of the proven falsehoods and inaccuracies.
For instance, this silly idea of the 757 'vaporizing'. Who ever (beside Avery) said that the plane 'vaporized'? It didn't. It slammed into the Pentagon and left quite a bit of debris littered about:
Also, since Avery decided to quote Tom in the film, let me state that the family members who received those final, terrifying, gut-wrenching phone calls don't appreciate someone asserting, "The cell phone calls were fake. No question about it." Yeah, tell that to Deena, as she spent that last precious moments of Tom's life holding a phone instead of him. Oh, THAT's right, Tom didn't die, he's in Cleveland.
You know, Misfit, this isn't a fairy story or a Hollywood movie that could be made better. We have in our family three little girls who will never see Daddy again on this side of heaven. And, Tom loved his little girls and Deena more than life itself. No way would he either fake his own death, no way! Nor would he put on some kind of charade with the phone with Deena either, knowing that he was about to die. He really did call her and he really did tell her to call the FBI, and I knew about that long before it was ever reported on TV, because my sister called to tell me about it.
It was a horrible day. And the memory of it isn't made better when a couple of guys who couldn't even make it in film school decide to capitialize off of the bad, knee-jerk reporting during the crises by making it out to be some kind of faked up government conspiracy.
Listen, if you want to do something more profitable with your time, why don't you visit Deena's website which shows how she is rebuilding her life and dedicating it to "Do Something".
One of the last things Tom told Deena that morning was "We have to do something." Tom gave his life, not sitting there like a scared puppy, but doing something that would for sure put a stop to the terrorists and possibly could save them all. Deena is taking that same mentality and working towards getting a proactive civics course in schools so that young Americans can learn to be future leaders of this country. Check it out. It's far more to the point that fallacious conspiracy theories: