The definition of a prophecy is foretelling what is to come. Since Luke 16 specifically mentions the begger and the rich man dying, then that's that. It's a prophecy. For example, take every dead person lying down in their graves right now waiting for judgement. Either they are written in the book of life or not. Jesus could of been talking about any lesson, but Luke 16 is talking about God vs money.
Despite my better judgement, I'm going to give this another try, urk. From your post #52 is the following statement:
"You cannot choose your fate after you die, we ALL make the choice to come to Christ in this lifetime ONLY!! Once you die, that's it, you're waiting for judgement and whether you are in the book of life or not!"
You have also been very clear that Luke 16:22-31 is Jesus speaking prophecy about what happens after Judgement Day. From post #49:
"It's speaking about AFTER judgement day AFTER we die and are judged."
So let's put some things together in syllogistic form:
P1 If people have a choice to come to Christ, they can be warned.
P2 At least one person can be warned (Luke 16:27-31).
C1 Therefore, at least one person has a choice to come to Christ.
P3 After the final judgement, people will not have the choice to come to Christ.
C2 Therefore, based on C1 and P3, Luke 16:27-31 is not speaking about after the final judgement.
P4 After the final judgement, all people will be in either heaven or hell.
P5 At least one person is not in either heaven or hell (Luke 16:27-31).
C3 Therefore, Luke 16:27-31 is not speaking about after the final judgement.
Someone else might be able to put together better syllogistic arguments, but do you agree with my conclusions? Why or why not? Is there a premise that you disagree with?
There is also more that could be said about the fact that neither the rich man nor Lazarus are resurrected prior to being found in Hades and Abraham's bosom. They died and were buried but not resurrected. For the purposes of the final judgement, all the dead, righteous and unrighteous are first resurrected.