The BBC apologized for claiming it was a crime when it was an offense.
one of the apologies, yes, they did word it like that, which amounts to a non-apology because, in this context the words "crime" and "offence" are synonymous. It is a distinction without a difference. In either case, there is guilt.
That is what the BBC was
supposed to be apologizing for; assuming guilt where there was none.
Look again at the article:
"The BBC has apologized after suggesting that J.K. Rowling’s remarks about transgender women could put her on the wrong side of a new hate crime law in Scotland."
The BBC assumed guilt, along with thousands of readers who supported the assumption. That is the reason why the apology is necessary. Sure, the language here is toned
waaaay down, because, for them to apologize it would have needed to be stronger than a "suggestion" about something that "could" happen.
Your own posts are a witness to that; you see Rowling as a trouble-making troll purposefully and deliberately trying to antagonize the trans community.
But what did she really do that was so wrong? I read her comments; they are opinions. For example, she is of the opinion that just because a biological man believes about himself that he is a biological woman does not make it so. It's fine if
he wants to believe that about himself, but others should not be compelled to go along with his preferences about himself just to avoid hurting his feelings.
To me, that is a perfectly reasonable opinion, but for that she was accused of being a criminal by the BBC, for which they had to later apologize, 3 separate times.
I mean, to be fair, we look at Trump and his track record of dishonesty, and on that basis we can safely say that he is not fit to be a leader. He just lies and lies. Because our judgment would be based on that observable evidence we can feel confident making this judgment.
Now, Trump lies in the thousands, so that's way bigger than the 3 lies the BBC had to apologize for, yet still, does it have to get into the dozens and thousands before we agree that there is a problem?
First offence, fine. Someone got a little too emotional and let rhetoric get the better of them. Apologize and move on. But, then a second offence? Why did it happen again? I mean, I guess apologize and move on... But then, a
third time? This is no accident. Even the apologies seem to only exist because the BBC gets its viewership from people who believe it is reputable.
The marketing department worked out that it would cost more in loss-of-trust viewership than would be gained from any public relations boost they may get from standing by the pro-woke editors who kept breaking the law.
Whether it's Peterson, Chapelle, Rowling, or whomever, the pattern is the same. Someone shares an opinion and the woke mob rips in to them with all the same accusations of transphobia, or hate speech.
You keep arguing that no one has yet been prosecuted by the law in Canada or, now, Scottland, and yet in each case there are many people who
WANT these laws to be used to prosecute speech which is critical, of even just in disagreement of them.
Rowling didn't say anything hateful or abusive. She said others should not be compelled to pretend that a biological man becomes a biological woman.
As for her comments on the boxer at the olympics, the information was murky as there was some question about her eligibility. It
may be that Rowling rushed to judgment as there's no clear information about what IBA test the boxer apparently failed to indicate a male advantage.
But, again, it's a distinction without a difference, because even she were a male-to-female boxer, you guys would still be upset with Rowling for the criticism. I know that because Jon Oliver made that clear in his show where he goes through three responses to the criticism that male-to-female should
not play in women's sports; 1, There's not enough examples of this happening for anyone to feel concerned about it, 2, there's no evidence that there is physical advantage, and 3, You're really weird if you feel concerned about this.
You may not notice it, like going nose blind to a stink in your own room, but others notice this condescending attitude and it's almost certainly why Trump as re-elected. As bad as he is, they'd rather have him than the woke mob.