- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
Mankind Will Be Drowned In Another Noah's Flood
Jesus Christ stated that the end days will be like Sodom and Gomorrah and also like the days of Noah just before God's final judgment of mankind.
Recall that after Noah's flood God promised that he will not judge mankind with a flood of water ever again. But still, God, in the person of Jesus Christ, said that the end days will indeed be like the days of Noah.
Since God will not judge mankind with a flood of water he is not constrained in using other means of judgment. With Sodom and Gomorrah God used a flood of fire and brimstone and today that equates to a nuclear war which is a flood of radiation. With Noah God used a flood of water but today that equates to a flood of debt.
Worldwide mankind is swimming in a flood of debt and one day God will snatch up all of his faithful in an ark called the Rapture that will leave the entire world drowning in a sea of debt. Debt has become mankind's water of choice that God will use in today's' version of Noah's flood.
I find it interesting that the LGBT community has embraced the rainbow as a symbol of their movement. The rainbow represents the events surrounding Noah's flood and the activity of the LGBT community represents the events surrounding Lot's time in Sodom and Gomorrah which culminates in fire and brimstone which today is the eventuality of a nuclear war with the resultant flood of radiation.
(Note: as a side note I believe Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt represents the encasement of all radioactive debris after a nuclear detonation. Flee immorality and don't look back! Additionally since Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt for just supporting homosexuality she is no longer considered human and therefore unable to participate in any rapture or resurrection! )
Truly, we are in the last days of mankind as the rainbow flag represents both the flood of Noah (hint: flood of debt) and the perverse sexual activity of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah that Jesus Christ said would be prevalent in man's last days just before the rapture and just before God's final judgment (hint: read the Book of Revelation).
Another aspect of the story of Noah is that Noah's son Ham invaded the privacy of his father's tent and then performed an unspeakable perverted act on his unconscious father. Afterwards Ham emerged to brag about it. Today that is descriptive of computer hackers, social websites, and electronic devices (hint: WikiLeaks – Facebook- cellphones) that invade our privacy with the goal of embarrassing and slandering everyone.
Again, we are truly in the last day's of mankind where Jesus Christ will return for all of his faithful to remove them from inclusion in God's final judgment of the wicked.
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and after you are baptized you can rest easy that you will have a place in God's ark of safety called the Rapture.
An additional point is that since Jesus Christ is the word made flesh then any description or reference to homosexuality in the bible will become directly part of the person of Jesus Christ, God become man, therefore legitimatizing homosexuality as a permissible behavior - which it is not!
The Rapture Draws Near!
God Bless
Jesus Christ stated that the end days will be like Sodom and Gomorrah and also like the days of Noah just before God's final judgment of mankind.
Recall that after Noah's flood God promised that he will not judge mankind with a flood of water ever again. But still, God, in the person of Jesus Christ, said that the end days will indeed be like the days of Noah.
Since God will not judge mankind with a flood of water he is not constrained in using other means of judgment. With Sodom and Gomorrah God used a flood of fire and brimstone and today that equates to a nuclear war which is a flood of radiation. With Noah God used a flood of water but today that equates to a flood of debt.
Worldwide mankind is swimming in a flood of debt and one day God will snatch up all of his faithful in an ark called the Rapture that will leave the entire world drowning in a sea of debt. Debt has become mankind's water of choice that God will use in today's' version of Noah's flood.
I find it interesting that the LGBT community has embraced the rainbow as a symbol of their movement. The rainbow represents the events surrounding Noah's flood and the activity of the LGBT community represents the events surrounding Lot's time in Sodom and Gomorrah which culminates in fire and brimstone which today is the eventuality of a nuclear war with the resultant flood of radiation.
(Note: as a side note I believe Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt represents the encasement of all radioactive debris after a nuclear detonation. Flee immorality and don't look back! Additionally since Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt for just supporting homosexuality she is no longer considered human and therefore unable to participate in any rapture or resurrection! )
Truly, we are in the last days of mankind as the rainbow flag represents both the flood of Noah (hint: flood of debt) and the perverse sexual activity of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah that Jesus Christ said would be prevalent in man's last days just before the rapture and just before God's final judgment (hint: read the Book of Revelation).
Another aspect of the story of Noah is that Noah's son Ham invaded the privacy of his father's tent and then performed an unspeakable perverted act on his unconscious father. Afterwards Ham emerged to brag about it. Today that is descriptive of computer hackers, social websites, and electronic devices (hint: WikiLeaks – Facebook- cellphones) that invade our privacy with the goal of embarrassing and slandering everyone.
Again, we are truly in the last day's of mankind where Jesus Christ will return for all of his faithful to remove them from inclusion in God's final judgment of the wicked.
Believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and after you are baptized you can rest easy that you will have a place in God's ark of safety called the Rapture.
An additional point is that since Jesus Christ is the word made flesh then any description or reference to homosexuality in the bible will become directly part of the person of Jesus Christ, God become man, therefore legitimatizing homosexuality as a permissible behavior - which it is not!
The Rapture Draws Near!
God Bless