- Dec 4, 2010
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No Brother, it is not like that at all. All I can give you is my personal experience and pray for you.Do you have any explanation of the process God uses?
Or do we just say 'I'm born again.
In 1966, November, I was a self professed Atheist in Vietnam, I believe the date was the third ut if you want to know for sure look at the Pannel of the Wall Memorial that covers that month for Paul Edgar Hienen.That morning the VC aqttacked us and he caught an 82mm Mortar in the chest and it blew him to pieces and I was the first to find him
At about seven that morning he had been been packaged and I stood in the Company Street, cursing the God I said I did not believe in. Now had you been standing next to me you would have s"aid I lied but in that still calm voice that none can explain God said to me, "Why curse me, you do not believe!"
From that moment I became a Deist and began to look for this God that, iomp, had put His call on me woth that message. But back here in the states I Sang and played music until I was forty-four and approaching my birthday. The ladies, booze, and drugs, all came easy and cheap and every other god had checked out to be man-made and I rejected them. I had just gone trough my third divorce and in the Fall of 1990 the Holy
Spirit began to trouble my spirit about the one true God, but every time I picked up the silver leather KJV Bible I had purchased and read it, it was all gobaldy goop and the only thing in there that made any sense in there to me was the third chapter of the Gospel of John , but I had decided, on my own that with the men I had killed, my insatiable thirst for whiskey and 28 year old women. I figured God did not want the likes of me in His Church and had confounded the Word to me. But before Thanksgiving of '89 CMT began running Dollie's latest cut of He's Alive. I kept my Tube on that station and nowhere else and every time she sang that number I would bust out crying like a baby.
Shortly after Thanksgiving I read a scripture I have since lost to be bold and to challenge God to prove Himself. I did, from the deepest recesses of my heart I begged the God of Abraham to prove Himself to me.
I was riding a 15 dollar bicycle through the winter rains to and from work, normal SE Texas Winter. It diid not rain on me for over two weeks as I recall it, God had shown me! There would be rain until just before I went to work and it would stop. The same thing riding home. There was raqin all over town but not where I was, storm clouds but no rain.
So I made a bargain with God that after my New Years gig at Porkies Bar, I would go t Church and bow down to Him, I needed 300 fr a down payment on a used car or truck. Do not try to bargian with God! He will get His way!
I set up early that night and when it was fifteen to Midnight, twelve straight up on the true time, I sang Aulde Lang Sine. As I sang one of the local, I'll kill for my wife idiot danced her just inches from the stage and showed me his IQ equaled one.
For the first time since I came home from the field of combat, I laughed at him between verses instead of crowning him queen for a day. I had a tough time finishing that number because just before stupid tried to get me off stage, singing that number, I was overjoyed because I knew I had just been overcome with the Holy Spirit, it was not me, it was God laughing in me at the dummy.
I was in Church that Sunday and the LORD has poured out blessing after blessing since then. If you are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, you will know it! The entire world becones more beautiful and you will get an attitude adjustment. If you need help let me know because God is troubling your heart and that can be rough.
And God bless!