- Nov 15, 2007
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- #41
mjjcb said:We'll never agree that Jesus' promises are not physical gifts, but spiritual gifts.
Oh believe me, I go after spiritual blessings with all that I have. The blessing of His presence, of the understanding of His Word, of the opportunity to serve, etc.
I just happen to also believe that God blesses us materially. Would you not agree that the story about my car and about my job were manifestations of material blessings from God? Do you think satan would bless me like that? No, most certainly not. God blessed me because I believe His Word regarding His provision. DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I pretty much live paycheck to paycheck, but I get blessed by God A LOT in the material as well as in the spiritual.
For instance, last night, I asked God "When I confess my sin and repent, is our fellowship instantly restored? Because I always feel distant from you afterwards even though I believe I am forgiven. Is this just condemnation or are you just letting me feel the consequences of my sin even though I have been forgiven?" Well about 20 minutes later, God gave me this incredible revelation of Him as my FATHER. With every fiber of my being I could feel His incredible love for me and understood that He is my FATHER, my PERFECT father. (not just with my head and my heart, but every fiber of my being!). He just poured His love out on me right then and there. Well, that answered my question. He is my Father, and His greatest desire is to fellowship with me. Those feelings I had after confessing were condemnation, not God's punishment. I know that now. I was so on fire after that, I could not stop praising and worshipping Him all night long. His love had been poured into my heart, and worship just flowed out of me. For me, this is the ultimate spiritual blessing, when I am so full of the love of God that worship just wells up in me and I cannot help but praise Him from my heart and spirit for His faithfullness, His love, His provision, His salvation, His lovingkindess, His graciousness, His tender mercies and so on. This is the type of spiritual blessing that I prize above all else. Material blessings cannot even begin to compare.