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Meeting a real apostle, today?

Senior pastors?

Usually someone today who is gifted as an apostle is over more than one congregation.

We have 8 pastors at our church, but our senior pastor is not an apostle--but he has one over him, who is over many other pastors working in various works all over the continent.
Like an archbishop?
Re: Depends on GOD's definition of "Apostle", not mine!

IF your definition is "one who met Jesus during his physical life on earth" then Paul isn't an "apostle" either (as many believed at the time), and there haven't been any since Jesus ascended.

But since the "Office" of an "Apostle" is mentioned in the 5-fold ministries, then it's reasonable to believe that there STILL are "Apostles" today, and always have been.
Look at Romans 16:7 calling Andronicus and Junia apostles, then cf. 1Thess 1:1 (showing the Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheous wrote) with 1Thess 2:6 (showing where those same three writers called themselves "apostles of Christ").

Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.
[Romans 16:7 KJV]

Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians [which is] in God the Father and [in] the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace [be] unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.[/B]
[1 Thessalonians 1:1 KJV]
1 Thessalonians continues: Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor [yet] of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:
[1 Thessalonians 2:6-7 KJV]

Ephesians 4:11-14 KJV said:
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we [henceforth] be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

We are given church authorities for a reason: "the unity of the faith ..."
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Like an archbishop?

Not the same as an Archbishop. There seems to be a lot of confusion between the 12 Apostles and the Apostles spoken of by Paul in Ephesians. I too was confused by this until I studied scripture more, and actually met a couple of saints with apostolic gifting. Now, they didn't call themselves apostles, but their function in the body of christ is that of an apostle locally and internationally. These men started as pastors.
As someone who grew up in a Christian family, I thought I know what’s right and wrong. Not too long ago, I was invited to a “Christian†church. I put quotes because it's validity is in question here.

  • They have a leader among them who is considered as an apostle. Here are my observations of major differences with the general Christian faith:
  • Their leader is claimed to be an apostle who have directly heard God’s voice/instructions.
  • Gospel we’ve (today’s Christians) received is incomplete
  • Those who believe in God with the incomplete gospel will not go to hell, but cannot enter heaven either. They will reside outside of heaven, regretting their life. Only those who accepts the full gospel can enter heaven. (with exceptions of those incapable i.e., infant death, retardation, etc.)
  • A church rejects an apostle’s leadership is not properly guided by God. In other words, all of today’s churches who know of his (the apostle) existence must let him lead.
  • Baptize must be full body under water, otherwise not baptized. (with exceptions of those incapable i.e., Believe right before death, no suitable facility)
  • Worship and prayer must include speaking/singing in tongues
Sounds like a cult? well I think so. I very much like to dismiss them as a cult and move on with my Christian life. However they have bible verses to backup everything they say. Discuss with them shows they know the bible very well, better than I. I’m having trouble determining where their teachings are wrong. If I can't find fault in their belief, does that mean they are right? That I should follow this apostle? Please someone help me out! Where are they wrong???

  • If need their bible verses that they use to support each of the above, I have upon request.
  • If want to know their church’s name and the apostle’s name, I can give you privately. I will not post it publicly.
  • If want to see their church’s official website, I can provide upon request
~desperate and confused!
Did this man say that the bible doesn't present the full gospel? or did he say that we aren't taught the full gospel? I'd like to see their website also please. You can PM me the name of the Church and the Apostle.
Did this man say that the bible doesn't present the full gospel? or did he say that we aren't taught the full gospel? I'd like to see their website also please. You can PM me the name of the Church and the Apostle.

He said we aren't taught the full gospel, which unfortunately, looking back at Christian history, occurs quite often.

Will PM after i submit this.
I wouldn't be so concerned about him stating that most of us havent been taught the full gospel as long as he's teaching from scripture. Thats why we have various denominations. However, if he had stated that the bible doesn't contain the full gospel I'd stay clear of him. looking forward to your PM with the Pastors name and website. I wouldn't label them a cult on the information presented so far. If they are seeking to control you or the congregation then its time to look out. Cult leaders typically have common attributes.
As someone who grew up in a Christian family, I thought I know what’s right and wrong. Not too long ago, I was invited to a “Christian†church. I put quotes because it's validity is in question here.

  • They have a leader among them who is considered as an apostle. Here are my observations of major differences with the general Christian faith:
  • Their leader is claimed to be an apostle who have directly heard God’s voice/instructions.
  • Gospel we’ve (today’s Christians) received is incomplete
  • Those who believe in God with the incomplete gospel will not go to hell, but cannot enter heaven either. They will reside outside of heaven, regretting their life. Only those who accepts the full gospel can enter heaven. (with exceptions of those incapable i.e., infant death, retardation, etc.)
  • A church rejects an apostle’s leadership is not properly guided by God. In other words, all of today’s churches who know of his (the apostle) existence must let him lead.
  • Baptize must be full body under water, otherwise not baptized. (with exceptions of those incapable i.e., Believe right before death, no suitable facility)
  • Worship and prayer must include speaking/singing in tongues

Sounds like a cult? well I think so. I very much like to dismiss them as a cult and move on with my Christian life. However they have bible verses to backup everything they say. Discuss with them shows they know the bible very well, better than I. I’m having trouble determining where their teachings are wrong. If I can't find fault in their belief, does that mean they are right? That I should follow this apostle? Please someone help me out! Where are they wrong???

  • If need their bible verses that they use to support each of the above, I have upon request.
  • If want to know their church’s name and the apostle’s name, I can give you privately. I will not post it publicly.
  • If want to see their church’s official website, I can provide upon request

~desperate and confused!


See what Paul says about the true Church of Christ.

Ephesians 4:5
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

Ask yourself, how many churches there is in the world today. Can you honestly say there is "One Lord, one faith, one baptism?" (in the world today in face of all denominations) No wonder you are confused. There are so many saying, "here is the Christ, there is the Christ, I am Christian, he is not Christian." Can you honestly say there is "One Lord, one faith, one baptism?"

There are so many flavors of religion saying they are the "right way" that it is definitely confusing. That is how Satan lead people away from God, making everything confusing.

However, God has promised this: Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

So, if you really want to know the true way to God, there is only one way to know. And that way is not a pastor, nor a minister, nor even someone that says he is an apostle.

The way for you to find the true Church of Jesus Christ, the "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" Church is to ask Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ with sincerity, humility, real intent. If you do that as a little child, He will direct you straight to His true Church because His True Church is upon the earth today.

If you want to know more about how to find that out, send me a private message. And remember, you don't need to take my word for it. You don't need to take anybody's word for it. Just go straight to the Father and ask Him in the name of Christ, He will answer you. He has answered to me.

have a great day,
Mamre -

Hi. I just read your reply to the OP. I'm just curious. Your tag on the side says you are a NON-Christian. Is that a typo?

Just curious, that's all.

Be blessed, Stay blessed!
The way for you to find the true Church of Jesus Christ, the "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" Church is to ask Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ with sincerity, humility, real intent. If you do that as a little child, He will direct you straight to His true Church because His True Church is upon the earth today.

If you want to know more about how to find that out, send me a private message. And remember, you don't need to take my word for it. You don't need to take anybody's word for it. Just go straight to the Father and ask Him in the name of Christ, He will answer you. He has answered to me.
Why through PM? Who wouldn't want to know more about that? Please, post it.
Why through PM? Who wouldn't want to know more about that? Please, post it.

I do believe s/he is being sensitive to my concerns and covering the basis of the possibility that I might not be comfortable continuing the conversation in a public forum. I appreciate the thoughtfulness.

For the record, I am comfortable. So talk away..~!


What if someone did exactly what you described? That he seek God directly and got an answer back from God directly. God gave him a mission to spread the word, and so he dedicated his life to it. As a result many turned to God by listening to this man's preaching. Sounds pretty good doesn't it?

But that's what this apostle-in-question did. Isn't he just contributing to the problem of creating another denomination? The "seeking God on your own" method doesn't seem to always yield holy results.

btw, I am also curious of why you have "non Christian" on your profile.
Mamre -

Hi. I just read your reply to the OP. I'm just curious. Your tag on the side says you are a NON-Christian. Is that a typo?

Just curious, that's all.

Be blessed, Stay blessed!

Well if there is a tag that says I am a non-Christian then there are some "Christian" moderator on this forum that tagged me incorrectly (devilish incorrectly).

Because I KNOW that Jesus is the Christ. I KNOW that he sacrificed for our sins. I KNOW that there is no other name under Heaven through which we can be saved. I KNOW that we are saved by Grace and not by our own works, lest we boast. I KNOW that Jesus is the way.

So, you judge by yourself: Am I a non-Christian? But be honest.

So, you judge by yourself: Am I a non-Christian? But be honest.

No judgments here. Just asking because of the tag (btw, it might just be a typo (nothing devilish), one in which I believe you may be able to change yourself in your settings/profile. Sorry if my question offended you.

Be blessed, Stay blessed!
I thought that tag is controlled by the user. Hm... interesting.

If we are on their forum, we must adhere to their rules.

Besides, "Christian" is just a term we came up to identify ourselves. Ultimately God looks for righteousness, not the name we use to call ourselves. What we're tagged as is not important. Please don't harbor any hard feelings.
Well if there is a tag that says I am a non-Christian then there are some "Christian" moderator on this forum that tagged me incorrectly (devilish incorrectly).

Because I KNOW that Jesus is the Christ. I KNOW that he sacrificed for our sins. I KNOW that there is no other name under Heaven through which we can be saved. I KNOW that we are saved by Grace and not by our own works, lest we boast. I KNOW that Jesus is the way.

So, you judge by yourself: Am I a non-Christian? But be honest.


Mormonism isn't Christianity. Is Mormonism Christian? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Are you like a half-Christian/half-Mormon? We used to have a guy on here who called himself a Christian Muslim. :rolling Now he was funny.