All that stuff did happen huh?????
Please prove that the abomination of the desolator as occureed already....
Please prove the gathering of the elect has occured already.....
Please prove that the elect have been brung before satan/antichrist giving a testomony against Him...
and theres much more.....
First of all, Nightmare, as a follower of Christ, may I suggest some more grace in your posts? I don't think there's any reason to talk down to people and treat them like they're intellectually inferior. We're just having a conversation. Neither myself nor Drew have said that YOUR ideas are dumb, but we have challenged you w/ legitimate texts in the Scripture - to which you have offered no rebuttal. You haven't offered any explanation for the word "generation", the obvious figurative language that Jesus uses in quoting from the OT, or considered the Olivet Discourse in a historical context. Drew and I are not trying to lie to you (as you seem to be suggesting), we're merely trying to get you to think outside of the view that you've been spoonfed. I'm actually offended that you think I'm trying to somehow lead you astray w/ my "bold face lies".
What is your understanding of the "abomination that causes desolation"? Are you going to insert the antichrist here where there is absolutely no hermeneutical warrant for it? The "abomination" was a reference to Antiochus Epiphanes (Daniel 9) who came in and desecrated the temple by destroying it and sacrificing swine on the altar (an utter abomination). He set himself up in the temple and pronounced himself to be "god". This historical context was something the Jews of Jesus' day were familiar with.
So, what is the abomination that causes desolation that Jesus speaks of? Well, there are a couple of ideas, but they all happened in the 1st century and would've obviously conjured up memories of Antichus Epiphanes for the 1st century Jew.
1) General Titus acted in very similar to Epiphanes when he destroyed the temple in 70 AD and proclaimed himself to be "god". This is a likely abomination that causes desolation.
2) The next view is a bit more complex and involves looking at some Scripture in context. As Jesus leaves the temple at the end of Matt. 23, he states in vs. 38 "YOUR house is left to you desolate". Jesus is referring to the temple, but he doesn't refer to it as MY house, but YOUR (the Jews) house. Well, why is the Jew's house being left desolate? Because they refuse to accept the Messiah. Why was Epiphanes' sacrifice of swine an abomination to the Temple? Because everyone knows that pigs are about the most unclean animal for a Jew and by sacrificing it it desecrated the altar. Now, what could be more offensive than that?!? Well, the Jews, by offering continued sacrifices after Jesus already made the ultimate sacrifice, would have been desecrating the altar (and God) to the utmost abomination. They are now not only rejecting Jesus as the Messiah by their words, but also w/ their actions. It's a slap in the face to God. It's an abomination that causes God to leave the Temple desolate and a worthless act of continued sacrifice. It has now become like what Isaiah says in Is. 66:3 -
He who slaughters an ox is like one who kills a man; he who sacrifices a lamb, like one who breaks a dog's neck; he who presents a grain offering, like one who offers pig's blood; he who makes a memorial offering of frankincense, like one who blesses an idol. These have chosen their ways, and their soul delights in their abominations.
I used to lean toward view #1, but I find myself leaning more toward view #2 these days.
Have the elect already been gathered? The Church is still here isn't it? After 70 AD, Christians were no longer viewed as an "off-shoot" of Judaism by the Romans.
Have the elect been brought before the "antichrist" to suffer? Well, all 12 Apostles were brutally martyred except for John who was exiled to Patmos. The greatest persecution of Christians in the 1st century happened during Nero's reign (mid 60s AD). Did the early Christians go through a "great tribulation"? Absolutely.
So, Nightmare, instead of just shooting down what I've said, how about you engage the issues at hand? How about you try reading some of these passages without your futurist "glasses" on and see if the text is really saying what YOU THINK it says? And how about keeping it civil and mature? We're all big boys here who love Christ and want to have a better understanding of His Word, so let's play nice, ok? :D