Heidi said:Do you believe that humans descended from monkeys like evolutionists do? Yes or no.
It depends what you're calling a "monkey". The common ancestor of humans and living old-world monkeys probably looked a lot like a monkey, but it also probably had molars that were more similar to humans. Living old-world monkeys have bilophodont molars - the lophs (ridges) help them digest leaves, which form a larger part of the monkey diet.
Heidi said:If yes, then since descendants are produced by the mating and breeding between their ancestor, then you absolutely are saying that monkeys breed human beings. But if you don't claim that humans are the descendants of monkeys, then you are not adopting the theory of evolution. So which is it? :-?
No one's saying that a monkey gave birth to a human, if that's what you mean. The theory of evolution claims that small changes added up over very many generations. So an evolutionist might say "A population of monkeylike animals eventually evolved into a population of human beings". But she wouldn't say "Monkeys breed human beings". Given that dog breeders breed dogs, "monkeys breed humans" just sounds weird on all kinds of levels.