Luke did not live in the time of Jesus as one example......
What if the Bible is flawed....from what men have done with it? I asked a question in another thread.....and I would like to ask it of you....
Please provide the evidence that shows that Luke did not live in the time of Jesus?
You say the bible is flawed, again what evidence do you have for this statement?
A little basic research would have shown you that Luke wrote as the companion of Paul who was a contemporary of Jesus.
Atheist historians date the creedal statement Paul gives in Corinthians to have organised within ten years of Jesus's resurrection.
Other historians have evaluated Lukes writing and state that he is always accurate when stating geographical or political facts.
Relevance of this, well with out history books or the Internet could you write a travel blog based one hundred years ago, getting names, places, political organisations All correct.
Luke did, but he was an eyewitness.
Biblical errors. Get a good bible and look at the footnotes.
You will quickly see where there are alternative readings, translation querri3s etc etc.
Interestingly while there are lots of footnotes, there are no queries or quibbles over the passages dealing with our salvation.
Are there errors, well there are around 4000 known errors, note one word misspelt several times in a passage is counted for each misspelling.
Which changes how those " errors " are seen.