You stated the video was fake and denied what they said, claiming it was false.
I first stated: "Everything about that video looks so staged and fake."
And then:
"You do realize why these "doctors" are all wearing white, nondescript lab coats, don't you? It is a psychological tactic to give the appearance of legitimacy and, therefore, authority. Yet, when I see the vast majority of doctors give presentations, they aren't wearing lab coats (I only say a vast majority because I can't remember even one).
I haven't managed to find a complete list of all the 17,000. In fact, their site lists 67, all of which could simply be done by web scraping, and then simply says, "And thousands more physicians, medical scientists and researchers from around the globe." This is likely a tactic to try and get real doctors to sign on. Sure, there might be a handful of doctors behind it, but the whole thing smacks of fake for the purpose of spreading their views."
I didn't say that what they said was false, although much of it likely is (perhaps all of it, I don't know). I hardly watched any of the video. Within the first minute there are a number of indications as to why the whole thing is staged and there likely aren't over 17,000 doctors and medical scientists involved in this supposed "Global COVID Summit."
Then you refused to answer the question which was based on the words of Christ.
Because, as I clearly stated and is clear to all, you are using it to try and distract from the fact that you refuse to answer questions about the video.
As I said before, I hope you do well with the vaccine.
Many have not, but have been injured or died.
And far more have died from COVID and far more would have died without the vaccines.