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[__ Science __ ] MUST WATCH: Global COVID Summit - Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity


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Really? Huh, yet no one knows the outcome because they are new and most vax take upwards of 2 -3 yrs to make according to scientist. Yet you are so sure and a full 3 years has not passed? You must have gotten a placebo or are commissioned to talk in illusions.Get some more boosters then. You might hit the lottery .
Vaccines have always taken longer to make due to a number of factors, such as regulatory red tape, lack of volunteers, lack of funding, etc. Those were all removed and the mRNA vaccines were based on existing technology, so, yeah, they came out in record time. We have another year to go. Interestingly, one of my FB "friends" posted a video from last year of a far-right, anti-COVID-vax person such as yourself, saying that people would start dropping dead at Thanksgiving last year. Well, here we all are.

Time line?
Yes, a timeline. You said people will start dropping like flies and I want to know when.

You're one to talk. You're telling people that there's nothing to be concerned about, putting the cart before the horse. The horse hasn't even completed his run and you are declaring victory for the m-RNA shot this is still a trial run no matter how you flip it !
This is not a trial run. The vaccines have been out for 2 years now, including the initial trials, and they have saved countless lives and significantly decreased burdens on the healthcare systems.

What's victory for you, successful GMO human beings? That will be a victory of sorts for the Evolutionists . Definitely will fill in some gaps concerning their missing links.
How is this even an argument?

Either way people will die in large numbers.
Okay. When?
Really? Huh, yet no one knows the outcome because they are new and most vax take upwards of 2 -3 yrs to make according to scientist. Yet you are so sure and a full 3 years has not passed? You must have gotten a placebo or are commissioned to talk in illusions.Get some more boosters then. You might hit the lottery .
It's always so weird to me that anti-vaxxers keep claiming all these imaginary side effects will happen, and yet brush off all the known side effects people are getting from even mild cases of COVID-19.
Interestingly, one of my FB "friends" posted a video from last year of a far-right, anti-COVID-vax person such as yourself, saying that people would start dropping dead at Thanksgiving last year. Well, here we all are.
Each year, count on it, they'll move the date back. That's how it works.
You're one to talk. You're telling people that there's nothing to be concerned about, putting the cart before the horse. The horse hasn't even completed his run and you are declaring victory for the m-RNA shot this is still a trial run no matter how you flip it !
This is not a trial run. The vaccines have been out for 2 years now, including the initial trials, and they have saved countless lives and significantly decreased burdens on the healthcare systems.
Huh, they do move their goal post. Use to be the time it took to develop- 2yrs. Now it's not a trial run- according to you. Yet they have only been out for not quite 2yrs and is why big Pharma is given 75 yrs to release the results of that tried -and- true shot? Gotta love your logics- very entertaining. Not to mention they had to use coercion and scare tactics- loss of work and freedoms, to get it into people's arms. Not what I would call tried -and -true. Still sounds experimental. Hey if you lined up for it , I'll just follow the science. If you didn't grow any weird things or aren't dead, or didn't produce some weird Chimeric offspring, I'm gooood.... and Thank you for taking one for team humanity. I couldn't make such a sacrifice of myself or anyone for that matter. Get back to me in about another yr. and half. So, who are you trying to convince to get it, people reading here just passing thru?
It's always so weird to me that anti-vaxxers keep claiming all these imaginary side effects will happen, and yet brush off all the known side effects people are getting from even mild cases of COVID-19.
Not brushing off anything. I'm just not complying with government made viruses that were deliberately released and then they come out with the solution. Listen you can be a good little sheeple of the government, that is your prerogative. Nothing imaginary about what people are going thru and seeing, it's very real. The only imaginary thing in this mix is the foolish notion that men in high places have your best interest in mind. That bubble is the one I signed on to pop!
Not brushing off anything. I'm just not complying with government made viruses that were deliberately released and then they come out with the solution.
Sounds interesting. Let's see your evidence for that. What do you have?
Nothing imaginary about what people are going thru and seeing, it's very real.
But you can't show us any of it? Why is that?

The only imaginary thing in this mix is the foolish notion that men in high places have your best interest in mind.
If you think doctors and scientists are "men in high places", you have way too high an estimation of our place in society.
Each year, count on it, they'll move the date back. That's how it works.
And you wanted dates? LOL! I could date you this and that as you said, " They'll move it back". So, clearly not wasting my time with numbers, oh and I got your number. Better yet the man of sin has one for you, line up!
Huh, they do move their goal post. Use to be the time it took to develop- 2yrs.
Actually, the first COVID vaccine was being tested in 1991. Different strain, but even then the spike proteins were being evaluated as the best immunity-producing fraction.
Each year, count on it, they'll move the date back. That's how it works.

And you wanted dates? LOL! I could date you this and that as you said, " They'll move it back".
As you see, they already have. The dire predictions of massive side effects within a year have been falsified. No one was surprised, not even the people who were making the predictions.
Sounds interesting. Let's see your evidence for that. What do you have?
Show me evidence that I'm wrong. I have to laugh, you atheist/satanist or whatever you go by these days, say don't believe everything the bible tells you because you weren't there. Yet it foretells about all before we are there. On that note people like you want everyone to believe that government and science has no malice toward the people, yet malice of government using science is throughout history, in all nations, by all governments. You don't see something wrong with your blind devotion? You might call what I have a "blind devotion" too, except, my doesn't try to override my freewill and take away my rights, and limit my behavior through fear. On that note, you go be afraid and a slave to the system, I will take my collective laurels and go be free somewhere else. One problem, your government has no intention of allowing freedom of choice if it means freedom from them.
Not brushing off anything. I'm just not complying with government made viruses that were deliberately released and then they come out with the solution.
Sounds interesting. Let's see your evidence for that. What do you have?

Nothing imaginary about what people are going thru and seeing, it's very real.
But you can't show us any of it? Why is that?
Show me evidence that I'm wrong.
So you don't actually have any evidence? Why do you believe it, then?
Actually, the first COVID vaccine was being tested in 1991. Different strain, but even then the spike proteins were being evaluated as the best immunity-producing fraction.
Oh please anyone can go post that up on some Culling government or medical website. But since you mention it, they have given people the equivalent of Aids. People will need to get boosted every 3-4 months because of the "wanning" of the tried and true vaccines. How wonderful!. Lose your own natural immunity and get their substitute, that should turn out great! did you eat a lot of GMO foods and additives while growing up? What's a little fake immunity then right? You can get boosted every 3-4 months! Hope no natural disaster comes along and wipes out your Covid jump!


Dr. Fauci Warns That Vaccinated People "Need to Realize" This Now​


APRIL 6, 2022
anthony fauci testifying in front of congress
Greg Nash-Pool / Getty Images
Now that we're more than two years into the COVID pandemic, most of us feel like we have steadier footing against the virus than we did in March 2020. For one thing, we've learned so much about how COVID spreads and what we can do to keep ourselves safe. But we've also gotten access to vaccines and boosters, which may not stave off the possibility of contracting COVID entirely, but are still highly effective at preventing the direst outcomes. At the same time, the pandemic is rapidly evolving, and it's not time to let our guards down completely yet. In fact, there are some things that even the most COVID-cautious Americans might not fully grasp.

In an April 6 appearance on Bloomberg's Balance of Power podcast, top White House COVID advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, spoke with host David Westin about the current state of the pandemic and what to prepare for next. Fauci began by talking about the issue of "background immunity," which refers to the large number of people who have some protection against COVID from vaccination or prior infection, and what that means for the possibility of another surge.

Unfortunately, Fauci explained, there's only so much this immunity can do—because it isn't long-lasting. "One of the things that people need to realize is that [COVID] immunity wanes, so it isn't like measles," he told Westin. "If you measure someone and take a look at their immunity to measles, that lasts a lifetime. The immunity to COVID … is something that wanes over a period of months."

That's especially important to consider as we face the rise of the BA.2 Omicron subvariant. As Fauci noted in his Balance of Power interview, BA.2 already accounts for 75 percent of cases in the U.S. and is even more infectious than the already highly contagious BA.1 Omicron variant. Many virus experts and health officials believe that the country's positive trajectory will soon be thwarted, with former Food & Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, saying in an April 5 CNBC interview that BA.2 will cause a "national wave" of new COVID cases.

Fauci told Westin—as he has said repeatedly in recent weeks—that "over the next couple of weeks we are gonna see an uptick in cases." How serious that rise is, however, remains "difficult to predict." Background immunity from vaccination and prior infection comes into play by ideally preventing another surge in cases from becoming a surge in hospitalizations and deaths. But it's not yet known how durable that protection will be.

Vaccinated people—and those who have recovered from a COVID infection—could still get sick during the next surge. On a larger scale, waning immunity makes it hard to say how to achieve the sort of herd immunity that would prevent the worst outcomes. Herd immunity refers to the level of immunity within a community that keeps a virus from spreading. "The wild card in this is to be able to predict accurately what level of immunity over time will present us from getting either a large surge or a surge associated with hospitalizations," Fauci told Westin.

In the Balance of Power interview, Fauci said that a "very high percentage of the population" has been vaccinated and/or infected with COVID, with as many as 90 percent of Americans having some level of immunity to the virus. But because of waning immunity, the percentage of Americans who currently have a high level of protection is almost certainly much smaller.
In a March 31 article for the Oxford Academic Journal of Infectious Diseases, Fauci and his colleagues at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wrote that "classic" herd immunity against COVID "almost certainly is an unattainable goal." That means that all Americans—including those fully vaccinated and boosted—will need to learn to live with the virus as numbers ebb and flow.

Waning COVID immunity does not mean people should panic about the rise of BA.2 cases in the U.S. As Yale Medicine notes, "Studies have shown that people who are fully vaccinated and have gotten boosters have strong protection against hospitalization from both BA.1 and BA.2." And a Feb. 25 article in Nature concluded that those who were infected with the original Omicron variant have substantial protection against the subvariant and are unlikely to become sick from BA.2.

The concern right now is more in looking toward the future. When Westin—who has been boosted and had an Omicron infection—asked Fauci if he needed another booster, Fauci assured him that his protection against the virus should be strong enough that it's "very unlikely" he would need another shot "for the immediate future." Looking toward the fall, however, Fauci said we need to think about "all of us, who will have waning immunity."

"I have not been infected, but I've been vaccinated and boosted, and certainly over a period of months it is very likely that my immune projection will diminish to the point of needing yet again another booster," he said.
Oh please anyone can go post that up on some Culling government or medical website. But since you mention it, they have given people the equivalent of Aids. People will need to get boosted every 3-4 months because of the "wanning" of the tried and true vaccines. How wonderful!. Lose your own natural immunity and get their substitute, that should turn out great! did you eat a lot of GMO foods and additives while growing up? What's a little fake immunity then right? You can get boosted every 3-4 months! Hope no natural disaster comes along and wipes out your Covid jump!


Dr. Fauci Warns That Vaccinated People "Need to Realize" This Now​


APRIL 6, 2022
anthony fauci testifying in front of congress
Greg Nash-Pool / Getty Images
Now that we're more than two years into the COVID pandemic, most of us feel like we have steadier footing against the virus than we did in March 2020. For one thing, we've learned so much about how COVID spreads and what we can do to keep ourselves safe. But we've also gotten access to vaccines and boosters, which may not stave off the possibility of contracting COVID entirely, but are still highly effective at preventing the direst outcomes. At the same time, the pandemic is rapidly evolving, and it's not time to let our guards down completely yet. In fact, there are some things that even the most COVID-cautious Americans might not fully grasp.

In an April 6 appearance on Bloomberg's Balance of Power podcast, top White House COVID advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, spoke with host David Westin about the current state of the pandemic and what to prepare for next. Fauci began by talking about the issue of "background immunity," which refers to the large number of people who have some protection against COVID from vaccination or prior infection, and what that means for the possibility of another surge.

Unfortunately, Fauci explained, there's only so much this immunity can do—because it isn't long-lasting. "One of the things that people need to realize is that [COVID] immunity wanes, so it isn't like measles," he told Westin. "If you measure someone and take a look at their immunity to measles, that lasts a lifetime. The immunity to COVID … is something that wanes over a period of months."

That's especially important to consider as we face the rise of the BA.2 Omicron subvariant. As Fauci noted in his Balance of Power interview, BA.2 already accounts for 75 percent of cases in the U.S. and is even more infectious than the already highly contagious BA.1 Omicron variant. Many virus experts and health officials believe that the country's positive trajectory will soon be thwarted, with former Food & Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, saying in an April 5 CNBC interview that BA.2 will cause a "national wave" of new COVID cases.

Fauci told Westin—as he has said repeatedly in recent weeks—that "over the next couple of weeks we are gonna see an uptick in cases." How serious that rise is, however, remains "difficult to predict." Background immunity from vaccination and prior infection comes into play by ideally preventing another surge in cases from becoming a surge in hospitalizations and deaths. But it's not yet known how durable that protection will be.

Vaccinated people—and those who have recovered from a COVID infection—could still get sick during the next surge. On a larger scale, waning immunity makes it hard to say how to achieve the sort of herd immunity that would prevent the worst outcomes. Herd immunity refers to the level of immunity within a community that keeps a virus from spreading. "The wild card in this is to be able to predict accurately what level of immunity over time will present us from getting either a large surge or a surge associated with hospitalizations," Fauci told Westin.

In the Balance of Power interview, Fauci said that a "very high percentage of the population" has been vaccinated and/or infected with COVID, with as many as 90 percent of Americans having some level of immunity to the virus. But because of waning immunity, the percentage of Americans who currently have a high level of protection is almost certainly much smaller.
In a March 31 article for the Oxford Academic Journal of Infectious Diseases, Fauci and his colleagues at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) wrote that "classic" herd immunity against COVID "almost certainly is an unattainable goal." That means that all Americans—including those fully vaccinated and boosted—will need to learn to live with the virus as numbers ebb and flow.

Waning COVID immunity does not mean people should panic about the rise of BA.2 cases in the U.S. As Yale Medicine notes, "Studies have shown that people who are fully vaccinated and have gotten boosters have strong protection against hospitalization from both BA.1 and BA.2." And a Feb. 25 article in Nature concluded that those who were infected with the original Omicron variant have substantial protection against the subvariant and are unlikely to become sick from BA.2.

The concern right now is more in looking toward the future. When Westin—who has been boosted and had an Omicron infection—asked Fauci if he needed another booster, Fauci assured him that his protection against the virus should be strong enough that it's "very unlikely" he would need another shot "for the immediate future." Looking toward the fall, however, Fauci said we need to think about "all of us, who will have waning immunity."

"I have not been infected, but I've been vaccinated and boosted, and certainly over a period of months it is very likely that my immune projection will diminish to the point of needing yet again another booster," he said.
Whoohooo, yah! I want to live on those boosters! Go boosters, go boosters who needs natural immunity when you can get Faucified! Wake up!
Getting angry and posting falsehoods about what I believe isn't going to help you.
Trust me I'm not angry. As I said atheist/ satanist or WHATEVER you are. If you would like to specify it will get rid of any questions. I actually care a great deal for people. What, you think I'm just in here to annoy people? I mean, I guess you could look at it that way if everyone finds truth annoying. Anyways great debate enjoy all the tit-for-tat and I never get angry, I try to keep my humor:dancingHave a good night.🙏🏼
It was funny.
God Is My Judge said:
What's victory for you, successful GMO human beings? That will be a victory of sorts for the Evolutionists . Definitely will fill in some gaps concerning their missing links.

You didn't think that was funny?
Not really.
Show me evidence that I'm wrong. I have to laugh, you atheist/satanist or whatever you go by these days, say don't believe everything the bible tells you because you weren't there.
NO that is a fallacy. You cannot just assert something and then say "prove me wrong." No, that's completely fallacious. You have to prove all your assertions. The burden of proof is on the person asserting them.

If I said, "There is an invisible, undetectable dragon in my garage; prove me wrong", that would simply not be legitimate logic.

Besides, I see three obvious issues with your "atheist/satanist" jibe:
  1. Why are you calling Barbarian a satanist or atheist? Or at least, you're associating him with satanists and atheists; why?
  2. What does the issue of the Bible's truth have to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine?
  3. That's hardly why some people don't believe everything the Bible says. Tell me, why do you not believe in the Book of Mormon? Is it because you weren't there? Or do you have better reasons? Would you be offended if a Mormon told you that you don't hold to the Book of Mormon just because you weren't there?
Each year, count on it, they'll move the date back. That's how it works.

As you see, they already have. The dire predictions of massive side effects within a year have been falsified. No one was surprised, not even the people who were making the predictions.
First of all I never gave a prediction of a year. Someone may have but I'm not that someone.At the onset I did say 3 1/2 yrs. per Daniel's prophecy and time frame concerning how long it would take for the Abomination of Desolation to be set up. I also said God is going to give answer . And people have been dying globally, you obviously don't have access to anything but your Tell A Vision. So, you won't see what I have seen. So sorry you live in a bubble.
Not really.

NO that is a fallacy. You cannot just assert something and then say "prove me wrong." No, that's completely fallacious. You have to prove all your assertions. The burden of proof is on the person asserting them.

If I said, "There is an invisible, undetectable dragon in my garage; prove me wrong", that would simply not be legitimate logic.

Besides, I see three obvious issues with your "atheist/satanist" jibe:
  1. Why are you calling Barbarian a satanist or atheist? Or at least, you're associating him with satanists and atheists; why?
  2. What does the issue of the Bible's truth have to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine?
  3. That's hardly why some people don't believe everything the Bible says. Tell me, why do you not believe in the Book of Mormon? Is it because you weren't there? Or do you have better reasons? Would you be offended if a Mormon told you that you don't hold to the Book of Mormon just because you weren't there?
Yeah done unpacking all your deflections. I will address the Barbarian thing tho. You made mention of what his beleifs or ideology is when you stated you're atheist/ satanist blah blah blah and stuff to me. So, I put that and added "or whatever you are". He can answer for himself, no? Let him settle the matter.


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