jwu said:
Do you propose that it worked at a different rate back then than it works today? Because today's evaporation is enough to fuel all the rain which we see today - lots. And with the whole world covered in water instead of only two thirds, the amount of evaporation should increase by another 50%.
Lets look at the North and South pole and all the ice being held their. How much water would be available to distibute around the world if all of it melted. There are locations were snow is known to be 2 miles deep.
The South pole along holds 90% to 70% of all the fresh water in the world in ice and snow. Image all this melted and used as rain during the flood.
To develop an ice age, where ice accumulates on the land, the oceans need to be warm at mid- and high latitude, and the land masses need to be cold, especially in the summer. Warm oceans evaporate lots of water, which then moves over the land. Cold continents result in the water precipitating as snow rather than rain, and also prevent the snow from thawing during summer. The ice thus accumulates quickly.
Theory Based on Evolution (Long Ages)
Slow-and-gradual evolutionary scenarios to explain the Ice Age do not work. Long-age theories involve a slow cooling down of the earth, but this will not generate an ice age. If the oceans gradually cooled, along with the land, by the time everything was cold enough so that the snow didn’t melt during summer, evaporation from the oceans would be insufficient to produce enough snow to generate the massive ice sheets. A frozen desert would result, not an ice age.
Creationist Explanation to the Ice Age
However, the global Flood described in the Bible provides a simple mechanism for an ice age. We would expect warm oceans at the end of the global Flood, due to the addition of hot subterranean water to the pre-Flood ocean and heat energy released through volcanic activity. Oard and Vardiman point to evidence that the ocean waters were in fact warmer just before the Ice Age, as recorded by the oxygen isotopes in the shells of tiny marine animals called foraminifera.
Why would the land masses be cold?
Large amounts of volcanic dust and aerosols from residual volcanic eruptions at the end of and after the Flood would have reflected solar radiation back into space, causing low temperatures over land, and especially causing the summers to be cold. Dust and aerosols slowly settle out of the atmosphere, but continued post-Flood volcanism would have replenished these for hundreds of years following the Flood.
How long was the Ice Age
Meteorologist Michael Oard has estimated that it would have taken only about 700 years to cool the polar oceans from a uniform temperature of 30°C at the end of the Flood to the temperatures observed today (average 4°C). This 700-year period represents the duration of the Ice Age. The ice would have started accumulating soon after the Flood. By about 500 years after the Flood, the average global ocean temperature would have cooled to about 10°C, and the resulting reduced evaporation would have caused much less cloud cover. This, combined with the clearing of the volcanic dust from the atmosphere, would have allowed more radiation to penetrate to the earth’s surface, progressively melting the ice sheets. Thus the glacial maximum would have been about 500 years after the Flood.
Does the Bible talk about the Flood
Interestingly, there seem to be certain references to this Ice Age in the ancient book of Job (37:9–10, 38:22–23, 29–30), who perhaps lived in its waning years. (Job lived in the land of Uz, Uz being a descendant of Shem [Gen. 10:23], so that most conservative Bible scholars agree that Job probably lived at some time between the Tower of Babel and Abraham.) God questioned Job from a whirlwind, ‘Out of whose womb came the ice? And the frost of the heavens, who fathered it? The waters are hidden like stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.’ (Job 38:29–30).
Such questions presuppose Job knew, either firsthand or by historical/family records, what God was talking about. This is probably a reference to the climatic effects of the Ice Ageâ€â€effects not now seen in the Middle East.
As the oceans cooled in the hundreds of years following the Flood, the humidity of the air over the oceans reduced and the climate of the Arctic coast dried out. Droughts developed. The ice sheets melted back exposing the land, allowing massive dust storms of sand and silt to bury the mammoths, suffocating some of them. This explains why the carcasses are found in what's known as yedoma or ‘muck’, which comprises loess, or wind-blown silt. Some were entombed in a standing position. As the climate got colder, the oceans froze over and permafrost developed on the land, resulting in the carcasses buried in the sand and silt being frozen, where they are found today.
Animals coming off the Ark multiplied in the centuries following the Flood. But with the development of the Ice Age and the onset of permanent climate change towards its end, many animals were unable to cope and became extinct. Some, like the woolly mammoths, died in catastrophes and climate change and from loss of habitat associated with these drastic changes. As the ice retreated and the rainfall patterns changed yet again, many of the well-watered regions became arid, and so even more animals died out. The great cataclysm of the Flood, followed by the smaller related catastrophes of glaciation, volcanism, and eventual desiccation (drying out), drastically changed the character of the earth and its inhabitants to what we see today.
jwu said:
Oh my goodness...you didn't really think that through, did you? What do you think the milk comes from? The animal has to drink something to produce milk. And how many animals on board did lactate?
"Please think before you post."
Oh, the irony...
I guess it's time for me to submit something to FSTDT too...
Milk does a body good. :wink:
jwu said:
Where are your references? Why don't you apply what you demand from me to yourself?
4000 years ago people were not smart enough for something that a ten years old child could think up? Yeah, right...and doesn't the creation model even propose degeneration, that the people back then were smarter than today? After all, Adam himself is witten to have lived until short before the supposed flood.
Adam lived along time because he obeyed Gods diet. Herbs, and not eating of animals that ate of other animals. aka pigs, because pigs would eat everything and I forgot the insect that they would eat but if we ate a pig that ate this certain insect it would cause boils in our skin etc. My cousin was explaining to me this today. He's a Meat Scientist by the way. Of course he mentioned that pork today is supposable certified that it isn't carring such things. And this is the reason why people are told to fully cook pork.
jwu said:
The waves of a 22.5ft deep flood?
Ever been to a wave pool at a park? Its only 8 feet deep and it will rock you off your tube if your not careful, but this isn't even the point. Its implying that the highest hill is 22.5 feet. By only commenting on this we are excluding valles and such and lower lands and were probably much deeper. "thank you thank you, I'll be here all week." So 22.5 feet would be the few shallow spots, few and far between.
jwu said:
Then one can drink it...problem solved. And adaptation doesn't work within a few days.
And, by the way, the salinity of the oceans doesn't change anywhere that fast.
First, it doesn't matter if it is slightly drinkable, your still drowning and without clean food. Second, adaption can take place in a years time. I read an experienment were a scientist took a fresh water tank and salt water tank. And slowly over weeks added opposite water to each. Eventually the fish in each live just fine. Another thing people have to sleep, do you think you can sleep in a boat that is being rained on for 40 days? I don't think so. You'd drown in ur sleep.
I don't feel like copy pasted your last part. But only 1 item would be needed to survive and yes that is a bit of an extream example. But everyone you know would be dead floating on water. I"m sure it would be in great numbers.