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My friend said I should look into this so here I am lol

Numbers 15:15...this passage says it all....There shall be one ordinance for both you of Yashar'el and for the stranger/Ger that sojourns with you, an ordinance forever in your generations: as you are, so shall the stranger/Ger be before Yahuah Tsevaoth. Yah Commanded it !
The 'forever' of the law of Moses gets fulfilled in Christ's 'once and for all' fulfillment of the requirements of the law, the fulfilment of which gets applied to us through our faith in that fulfillment.

For example, Christ's work on the cross does not break and cast down God's law requiring sacrifice for sin. It fulfilled it, and fulfilled it so completely it simply isn't needed anymore. It remains forever fulfilled, not forever broken, for mankind.

17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (until the fulfillment occurs). Matthew 5:17-18 (parenthesis mine)
The 'forever' of the law of Moses gets fulfilled in Christ's 'once and for all' fulfillment of the requirements of the law, the fulfilment of which gets applied to us through our faith in that fulfillment.

For example, Christ's work on the cross does not break and cast down God's law requiring sacrifice for sin. It fulfilled it, and fulfilled it so completely it simply isn't needed anymore. It remains forever fulfilled, not forever broken, for mankind.

17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (until the fulfillment occurs). Matthew 5:17-18 (parenthesis mine)

Matthew your one of those who think all has been accomplished, all that Messiah accomplished is the Messiah Ben Joseph part....fulfilling the Spring Feast of Yah. The Fall Feast are yet to be accomplished.....
Act 3:18-21...But those things, which Yahuah before had showed by the mouth of all His Prophets, the Messiah should SUFFER, He also FULFILLED. Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, when times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Yahuah; And He shall send Yahusha Ha' Mashiach which before was preached unto you: Whom the heavens must receive UNTIL the Times of Restoration Of All Things, which Yahuah has spoken by the mouth of His Holy Prophets since the world began. Notice the end of verse 18.
The law of Christ is the law of Moses minus all the laws for dealing with sin.
I will go along with that, now you and the other 98% of christians have a serious problem....every sin Yashar'el and Yahudah committed they were driven into exile, the church commits alot of the same sins yet they think they get rewarded....forsake the Sabbath, forsake The Moediym/Yah's Set Apart Feast, don't know the difference from clean and unclean....tons of christians will hear Matthew 7:23.
I will go along with that, now you and the other 98% of christians have a serious problem....every sin Yashar'el and Yahudah committed they were driven into exile, the church commits alot of the same sins yet they think they get rewarded....forsake the Sabbath, forsake The Moediym/Yah's Set Apart Feast, don't know the difference from clean and unclean....tons of christians will hear Matthew 7:23.
There are going to be differences between us as to what we think has been fulfilled once and for all by Christ's ministry and sacrifice, and what has not. We are to respect those differences. For me, I understand that the scriptures explain how the law was a shadow, not the form of what is. And so I understand the sacrificial, ceremonial, dietary, and separation laws as symbols of spiritual realities, not the realities themselves, and so I serve the reality. But it's okay if you don't understand them that way. No harm, and therefore, no foul in believing you have to do something you really don't have to do.
Matthew your one of those who think all has been accomplished, all that Messiah accomplished is the Messiah Ben Joseph part....fulfilling the Spring Feast of Yah. The Fall Feast are yet to be accomplished.....
Act 3:18-21...But those things, which Yahuah before had showed by the mouth of all His Prophets, the Messiah should SUFFER, He also FULFILLED. Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, when times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Yahuah; And He shall send Yahusha Ha' Mashiach which before was preached unto you: Whom the heavens must receive UNTIL the Times of Restoration Of All Things, which Yahuah has spoken by the mouth of His Holy Prophets since the world began. Notice the end of verse 18.
Simple logic tells us that the "everything is accomplished" spoken about in Matthew 5:17-18 has occurred. Jesus said not so much as a jot or tittle could 'disappear' from the law from that moment he was speaking until heaven and earth pass away, until and unless that accomplishment happened. Well, we know that much more than a jot and tittle has indeed 'disappeared' from the law - that of the laws of animal sacrifice for sin - so, obviously, the "everything is accomplished" has happened. Now we just get to argue about what jots and tittles have 'disappeared' from the law. But like I say, no harm in observing jots and tittles that in actuality have 'disappeared' from the law.
No harm, and therefore, no foul in believing you have to do something you really don't have to do. long as it's not being done for the purpose of justification. Let me be clear on that. No one can be justified by keeping the law. That is the law keeping - law keeping for justification - that you can not do.
A Ger is a Hebrew, Abraham was a really doesn't matter what you think ....the Scripture teaches it so you have a serious problem. And no it's not Rabbinic it's straight out of the Torah.
What does Hebrew mean ? One who has crossed over from unbelief.....98 % of christians don't even study the OT or Hebrew. Sounds like you're one of the 98%.
NO - I know the word ger is Hebrew. It simply means a foreigner or a gentile. It was a later Talmudic (written by rabbis) teaching that Ger meant someone who had converted to being Jewish. The rabbis use the word that way, but as Moses wrote Torah, it was NOT meant that way. The rabbis came up with a concept called the Noachide laws that if gentiles followed, they would be ok with God. There is no such thing in scripture. But to keep that idea consistent with their teaching, the "stranger (ger) who dwells in your gate" which the "one law" applied to HAD to be a convert and not just any random gentile. Otherwise you can just throw out the Noachide laws.
They are no different than us gentile believers. They can keep the Sabbath if they want, but they no more have to do it than we do.
Disagree. The Mosaic command is still a matter of obedience to the ethnic Jews and proselytes. Not for salvation but for obedience.
I will go along with that, now you and the other 98% of christians have a serious problem....every sin Yashar'el and Yahudah committed they were driven into exile, the church commits alot of the same sins yet they think they get rewarded....forsake the Sabbath, forsake The Moediym/Yah's Set Apart Feast, don't know the difference from clean and unclean....tons of christians will hear Matthew 7:23.
You need to re-read Acts 15.19-29 and Acts 21.17-26. There were only 4 laws incumbent on gentile believers.
There are going to be differences between us as to what we think has been fulfilled once and for all by Christ's ministry and sacrifice, and what has not. We are to respect those differences. For me, I understand that the scriptures explain how the law was a shadow, not the form of what is. And so I understand the sacrificial, ceremonial, dietary, and separation laws as symbols of spiritual realities, not the realities themselves, and so I serve the reality. But it's okay if you don't understand them that way. No harm, and therefore, no foul in believing you have to do something you really don't have to do.
Enjoy your pig dinner on easter !
NO - I know the word ger is Hebrew. It simply means a foreigner or a gentile. It was a later Talmudic (written by rabbis) teaching that Ger meant someone who had converted to being Jewish. The rabbis use the word that way, but as Moses wrote Torah, it was NOT meant that way. The rabbis came up with a concept called the Noachide laws that if gentiles followed, they would be ok with God. There is no such thing in scripture. But to keep that idea consistent with their teaching, the "stranger (ger) who dwells in your gate" which the "one law" applied to HAD to be a convert and not just any random gentile. Otherwise you can just throw out the Noachide laws.
Why would anyone follow the Noahide laws when Yah says His Ten are good ?

Let's go by Torah and Yahuah Tsevaoth's meaning of Scripture...The Scripture tells us no Moabite or Ammonite was to enter the Temple for a 1000 generations, yet the Moabite Ruth was mentioned in the lineage of David and the Messiah....why she became a Ger. Ruth had a change in citizenship, just as every new born again goyim longer a gentile but a Hebrew....Gentile is a Latin word for being of Rome ! Something to think about.
You need to re-read Acts 15.19-29 and Acts 21.17-26. There were only 4 laws incumbent on gentile believers.
That's to get them started on pablam, baby food and as they grew in Spirit more meat of the Word, all they had was Torah, The Prophets, and the Writings..... NO renewed covenant Writings.....when Paul told Timothy to bring his coat, he also said to bring the scrolls, do you think he brought New Testament bible or Torah Scrolls, Paul also taught the Feast and keeping Sabbath.....
Enjoy your pig dinner on easter !
Amen, Bro!
(I actually call it Resurrection Sunday).

Enjoy the Jewish feasts and Sabbaths with thanksgiving and praise to our Lord!

6He who observes a special day does so to the Lord;b he who eats does so to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Romans 14:6

Be blessed in your celebrations!
Disagree. The Mosaic command is still a matter of obedience to the ethnic Jews and proselytes. Not for salvation but for obedience.
And I'm fine with that.

I realize after talking to Messianic believers that most of them keep the various Feast and Sabbath and dietary commands for the same reason we all keep the command 'do not steal', not for justification, but because God commanded it. I'm fine with that.
Why would anyone follow the Noahide laws when Yah says His Ten are good ?
Because the 10 were given to Israel and not everyone else.
Let's go by Torah and Yahuah Tsevaoth's meaning of Scripture...The Scripture tells us no Moabite or Ammonite was to enter the Temple for a 1000 generations, yet the Moabite Ruth was mentioned in the lineage of David and the Messiah....why she became a Ger.
The word "Moabite" was masculine. It applied only to men.
Ruth had a change in citizenship,
Which happened when she married a Jew.
just as every new born again goyim longer a gentile but a Hebrew.
Replacement theory. Pure doctrinal error. The Church has NOT replaced Israel.
...Gentile is a Latin word for being of Rome ! Something to think about.
Only because English has a large Latin base, along with Germanic and Anglo-Saxon. It comes from gens, gentis, meaning someone from the other nations. It actually means someone NOT from Rome.
Amen, Bro!
(I actually call it Resurrection Sunday).

Enjoy the Jewish feasts and Sabbaths with thanksgiving and praise to our Lord!

6He who observes a special day does so to the Lord;b he who eats does so to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Romans 14:6

Be blessed in your celebrations!
The problem you have with celebrating easter and calling it resurrection day, it's not the day.....Messiah celebrated Passover with His Disciples, Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied Him. Messiah goes to the cross on wensday, before The Feast of Matzah/Unleavened Bread, at sundown the Feast begins....3days and 3 nights later is the weekly Sabbath which ends at sundown, that night is the wave offing of the first shelves of the barley harvest, called Feast of First Fruits, Messiah the First Fruits from the dead....NOT easter. Then 49 days after the 1st Sabbath, which is 7 weeks of 7 you count, the next day is the 50th day which is Shavout/or Pentecost,, you can't celebrate Shavuot, using easter which can be as much as 6 weeks off of Passover. Passover is always on the 14day of the 1st month. These are Yah' Appointed Feast ....they're not Jewish Feast they are God's Feast.
You will have to provide chapter and verse specifically referring to the 4 commands for GENTILE believers (NOT Jewish believers) being only baby food.
Oh my ! Another intellectually dishonest christian.

According to your way of thinking which is Martin Luther's way of thinking is, sin more so grace may abound.... Yah's instruction has had violence done to it....and christians are the perpetrators along with rabbinic judaism.
Oh my ! Another intellectually dishonest christian.
No - it appears to me you are the one being dishonest about what the bible says.
According to your way of thinking which is Martin Luther's way of thinking is, sin more so grace may abound....
Not what I am saying at all. Paul specifically prohibits that idea several times. But perhaps you are dealing with a wrong, or at least incomplete, definition of "sin?"

Do you understand the New Covenant connumdrum of "sinned if you do and sinned if you don't?"

God does not deal in a one size fits all world as far as His directions go. They are individually tailored for each group of people and to a degree each individual.

It would be sin for a Benjamite to go into the temple and sacrifice lambs, while refusing to do so would be a sin for an Aaronic priest. There are specific requirements that differ according to gender. Is it any stretch to believe that there are some differences between Jews and Gentile believers?
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