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My quest continues...


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Do the current scientific perceptions concerning the origins of the universe have any status in the theological community?
This is not an arbitrary question. I need to know more about how theology resolves the reservations I have about the disparities between science and religion.
Please bear with me, I am not trying to be subjective or disingenuous...
To me, I could care less. No one alive now was alive 6,000 years ago, nor were they alive billions of years ago, the point being, no one saw the creation of the universe. Who says that God didn't set it up for scientists to make contrary discoveries about the origin of the universe just to test Christians faith? Contrary to popular opinion, there has never been a fossil found of a transitional animal. It's all a matter of faith, brother.
prough91 said:
To me, I could care less. No one alive now was alive 6,000 years ago, nor were they alive billions of years ago, the point being, no one saw the creation of the universe. Who says that God didn't set it up for scientists to make contrary discoveries about the origin of the universe just to test Christians faith? Contrary to popular opinion, there has never been a fossil found of a transitional animal. It's all a matter of faith, brother.
I wont get into evolution alot here, but it doesnt affect daily lives. If false or true it wont change my life at all. Biblically speaking theres something that would be hard to reconcile with if its true. I mean is the Lord calling the death of his animals good before the fall? God is perfection did he create something imperfect before the fall and the curse of sin.
Denghis said:
Do the current scientific perceptions concerning the origins of the universe have any status in the theological community?
Of course they do. I believe that virtually all Christians believe that the universe was created, despite disagreements about the timing. So Christians rightfully see the scientific picture of a big bang where the universe sprang into existence as being entirely consistent with this picture of a created universe. Except, perhaps, for "young universe" types who I expect are a small, albeit vocal, minority.

Denghis said:
This is not an arbitrary question. I need to know more about how theology resolves the reservations I have about the disparities between science and religion.
What discrepancies in particular are you referring to?
Denghis said:
Do the current scientific perceptions concerning the origins of the universe have any status in the theological community?
This is not an arbitrary question. I need to know more about how theology resolves the reservations I have about the disparities between science and religion.
Please bear with me, I am not trying to be subjective or disingenuous...
Drew said:
Denghis said:
Do the current scientific perceptions concerning the origins of the universe have any status in the theological community?
Of course they do. I believe that virtually all Christians believe that the universe was created, despite disagreements about the timing. So Christians rightfully see the scientific picture of a big bang where the universe sprang into existence as being entirely consistent with this picture of a created universe. Except, perhaps, for "young universe" types who I expect are a small, albeit vocal, minority.

Denghis said:
This is not an arbitrary question. I need to know more about how theology resolves the reservations I have about the disparities between science and religion.
What discrepancies in particular are you referring to?

How do you resolve the contradictions between the Bible and science and maintain your faith in the Bible as the written Word of God?
Contradictions such as to how God created the world, and then fashioned man to be in His own image, created women from a rib, and brought forth all of the fauna and flora of the Earth. Am I living in the past? I admit it has been a long time since I have given this much thought. That is why I am here...for elucidation.
I thank you for your responses,
prough91 said:
To me, I could care less. No one alive now was alive 6,000 years ago, nor were they alive billions of years ago, the point being, no one saw the creation of the universe. Who says that God didn't set it up for scientists to make contrary discoveries about the origin of the universe just to test Christians faith? Contrary to popular opinion, there has never been a fossil found of a transitional animal. It's all a matter of faith, brother.

Where did your faith come from? Was it epiphany? Was it taught? Was it ingrained in your upbringing?
I have faith in many things. I have faith in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the greenness of growing grass, the coming of springtime and its blush of new life on the land. I have faith in death, and taxes, and the inherent goodness of man.
Why is faith in God so hard for me to come to terms with?
Because you are trying to understand with your mind, ask the Lord to help you with your unbelief and accept the bible as it is.

You might also ask yourself, what upbringing or influences have you had that might steer your away from belief in God. Not everything we might see on TV or read in National Geographic is completely reliable. True science and The Word of God (manuscripts) agree with each other. It's pseudo science and men's religious doctrines that contradict each other.
Denghis said:
How do you resolve the contradictions between the Bible and science and maintain your faith in the Bible as the written Word of God?
Contradictions such as to how God created the world, and then fashioned man to be in His own image, created women from a rib, and brought forth all of the fauna and flora of the Earth. Am I living in the past? I admit it has been a long time since I have given this much thought. That is why I am here...for elucidation.
I thank you for your responses,
I am still not sure what the specific issue is here, so I will assume that it is the "evolution vs young earth creation" issue.

My answer: For a number of reasons, I believe that much of the creation account is simply an allegory and that evolution was the "factual" means by which God created humankind. This is in no way detracts from the essential "truthfulness" of the account.
Denghis said:
Drew said:
Denghis said:
Do the current scientific perceptions concerning the origins of the universe have any status in the theological community?
Of course they do. I believe that virtually all Christians believe that the universe was created, despite disagreements about the timing. So Christians rightfully see the scientific picture of a big bang where the universe sprang into existence as being entirely consistent with this picture of a created universe. Except, perhaps, for "young universe" types who I expect are a small, albeit vocal, minority.

Denghis said:
This is not an arbitrary question. I need to know more about how theology resolves the reservations I have about the disparities between science and religion.
What discrepancies in particular are you referring to?

How do you resolve the contradictions between the Bible and science and maintain your faith in the Bible as the written Word of God?
Contradictions such as to how God created the world, and then fashioned man to be in His own image, created women from a rib, and brought forth all of the fauna and flora of the Earth. Am I living in the past? I admit it has been a long time since I have given this much thought. That is why I am here...for elucidation.
I thank you for your responses,

The questions you ask, in my humble opinion, should not be the basis or foundation of anyone's faith. The foundation of my faith is in Christ. Knowing that he died for all of us so we can have salvation.

I think the rest are just details that we may never have a complete answer for. That does not make his sacrifice and him being my Christ and Savior any less true.

Just my two cents.
Where did your faith come from? Was it epiphany? Was it taught? Was it ingrained in your upbringing?
I have faith in many things. I have faith in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the greenness of growing grass, the coming of springtime and its blush of new life on the land. I have faith in death, and taxes, and the inherent goodness of man.
Why is faith in God so hard for me to come to terms with?

How exactly would you define faith?

What exactly does faith in the sun, moon, stars, growing grass, death, taxes, and man mean to you?
Denghis said:
Where did your faith come from? Was it epiphany? Was it taught? Was it ingrained in your upbringing?
I have faith in many things. I have faith in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the greenness of growing grass, the coming of springtime and its blush of new life on the land. I have faith in death, and taxes, and the inherent goodness of man.
Why is faith in God so hard for me to come to terms with?
hi Denghis,
God gives us our faith, if you are lacking, pray for faith.
it's easy to have faith in the sun, moon and stars because you can see them, but it's not the same faith, you don't have faith the stars will save you, or do anything for you but shine. lol
yet Christian faith is believing before seeing. it is praying for something and believing it is already done for you.
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5: 7

as far as your question about how we come to terms with difference between the Word and science, i can say my faith is in God, not science or any scientist. scientists find new data to change what they once believed, etc. but God was, is and always be the same, He has never changed nor will He ever change. why would we listen to scientists when God knows it all?

God bless -
veteran said:

You might also ask yourself, what upbringing or influences have you had that might steer your away from belief in God. Not everything we might see on TV or read in National Geographic is completely reliable. True science and The Word of God (manuscripts) agree with each other. It's pseudo science and men's religious doctrines that contradict each other.

As a kid we were church-going Presbyterians, and what steered me away from God was the church itself. I am not easily swayed by what I see or read in the media. My mother taught us to weigh the evidence and make our own decisions. I saw people who were Godly only on Sundays, and came to the conclusion that being a Christian was only a part-time endeavor. I don't do part-time anything well.
LaCrum said:
Where did your faith come from? Was it epiphany? Was it taught? Was it ingrained in your upbringing?
I have faith in many things. I have faith in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the greenness of growing grass, the coming of springtime and its blush of new life on the land. I have faith in death, and taxes, and the inherent goodness of man.
Why is faith in God so hard for me to come to terms with?

How exactly would you define faith?

What exactly does faith in the sun, moon, stars, growing grass, death, taxes, and man mean to you?

The sun shines, the stars twinkle, the grass grows, and my mother loves me...all of this I know without reservation. I just don't know why all of this has come to pass.
I don't know how to come by the kind of faith you confess to. Surely all of this that we know as our lives and what surrounds us and makes us what we are has come from something, but that something is fundamentally inexplicable and enigmatic to me. I just cannot wholeheartedly accept an unconditional faith in something that has an incongruency to that which seems natural to me.
Do you know what I mean? No?
I don't blame you...I'm not sure I do, either.
Denghis said:
Where did your faith come from? Was it epiphany? Was it taught? Was it ingrained in your upbringing? I have faith in many things. I have faith in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the greenness of growing grass, the coming of springtime and its blush of new life on the land. I have faith in death, and taxes, and the inherent goodness of man.
Why is faith in God so hard for me to come to terms with?
Dan, you have faith in the inherent goodness of man? How so?
mondar said:
Denghis said:
Where did your faith come from? Was it epiphany? Was it taught? Was it ingrained in your upbringing? I have faith in many things. I have faith in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the greenness of growing grass, the coming of springtime and its blush of new life on the land. I have faith in death, and taxes, and the inherent goodness of man.
Why is faith in God so hard for me to come to terms with?
Dan, you have faith in the inherent goodness of man? How so?

I know what your point is. The inherent goodness of man comes from God, and is indicative of God's reality.
I think it is a product of eons of social interaction, and that man has learned to some degree what it takes to survive amongst his fellows. Do unto others...CYA...what goes around, comes around. And it feels good, too...I believe all learned responses, as the animal Man evolved to his present state.
I won't discount a higher influence, no way, because I don't know.
If God touched your life in some inexplicable and fundamental way, why won't He do the same to me?
Denghis said:
If God touched your life in some inexplicable and fundamental way, why won't He do the same to me?

What makes you think he has not touched your life? God is love and the subject of love is huge. There has to be one or two biblical principals or nuggets of truth you can grab hold of and grow from there.

Faith in God is not indicative of physical, calculative evidence, and I'm not arguing the existence of evidence or not; Faith is about truth vs fact.

I became a Christian when I was 25 years old. I was bankrupt. My wife left me. I owed the IRS a 5 digit figure and my business was ruined. I sat in my home with what was left of my "things" and I prayed for the first time. Something like; "God I do not know you and I do not know if your real, but if you are all these wonderful things people say you are I need you to reveal yourself to me, because I've no place to turn and I've screwed up my life. I can not do this alone."

I'm sorry for giving you a testimony here, but that prayer, that time, was so pivotal to me. It started something new. It was immediate but also gradual. It was immediate, but took time. I had peace for the first time because I let go and started practicing faith. Over time that little bit of faith grew. Once I found God in my heart I then began to understand him in my mind in a factual way. Today it is crystal clear to me. Today I am fully restored and still learning and growing.

That month I had enough money in my account to make a truck payment $209.63, or my house note $478.23. I could pay one or the other. I had about $500.00 buck. I made a truck payment and I walked to the mail box to place it in there, I pulled out a letter from my mortgage company. The letter was actually a check for....ready......$209.23. Seems I was over on my escrow. You have a choice; you can say well that's just a coincidence, or you can say that's a blessing. If you say that's a blessing then you are listing to God. Some time to hear God we have to be still and quiet.


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