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Mystery Babylon

What can I say, this is really truly funny!:clap
Hats off again Doc.


Cheers Thran,

Glad to see someone has a sense of humour here.
The pope is my neighbor. The LAW and The Spirit COMMANDS me to love my neighbors.

The Jew is my neighbor. The Law and The Spirit COMMANDS me to love my neighbors.

The Roman Catholic Church member is my neighbor. The Law and The Spirit COMMANDS me to love my neighbors.

Those who THROW STONES at their neighbors merely show that the hypocrite is IN THEIR heart, ready to JUSTIFY themselves and CONDEMN other sinners.

Such throwers do not understand ANYTHING of God.

No hypocrite can LOOK WITHIN themselves. They are blinded by the 'god of this world.'

We are to call NO MAN common or unclean. (Acts 10:28)
We are not to COUNT SINS against mankind. (2 Cor. 5:19)
We are to call NO MAN evil. (Titus 3:2)

We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is the LAW, the COMMANDMENT and The Spirit of God in those who HAVE HIM therein.

The only place that remains is PROPER JUDGMENT.

Every conspiracy theory on these threads is FALSE and in VIOLATION of Gods Laws.

1 Peter 4:17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

Let judgment begin AT THE TEMPLE, the HOUSE of God, our MIND AND BODY.

WE all carry the presence of the LAWLESS one within us. There is where the USURPER sits. Throwing stones at neighbors is WORTHLESS. God JUDGES those OUTSIDE and we should have NO FEAR in what HE allows to RAISE in these matters.


LOOK to yourselves.


Is it wrong to warn my brothers?
2 Thessalonians 3:15
Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

1 Timothy 1:3
[ Warning Against False Teachers of the Law ] As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer

1 Timothy 5:20
Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.
Is it wrong to warn my brothers?

Nothing wrong with warning people.

Smaller just has some accountability issues he needs to iron out with himself.

I would say however that it would be wrong to warn people ONLY about the trusty sidekick harlot daughter (Rome) and leave out the Mother Whore (Jerusalem) when you are fully aware of her identity.

That could easily be looked upon as......well.......deception.

Look JC....the games up ok? We all know that everything stems from the Pharisees (and Satan, ok smaller?! :toofunny).

You need to get with the programme. The world is controlled by the global zionist movement HQ'd in Jeru. It's obvious. You'd have to be blind to not see it.

No-ones gonna think any less of you if you do an about turn on your position. Infact you'd get a lot of respect by coming to the truth.

Are you a Christian Jew? I am too.

I see a commonality among many who (unfortunately) wear blinders and have a tunnel vision of their own making.
The discrepancies seem to be an adamant desire to prove oneself right in particular points while, at the same time, not quite listening to the others point.

There are valid points coming from all contributions, however there seems to be an animosity in debate/rebuttal.

Perhaps common ground should be found before the stick throwing begins. Proving ones point to be valid is fine as long as another's point is not dismissed for the sake of argument.

To assume that the world is controlled by a zionist movement HQ'd in Jerusalem is a stretch when put into the context of Satan being the prince of this world; they are his puppets, that includes the Rothchild family. While I agree that they "appear" to be the power brokers, they actually are no more powerful than God Almighty allows them to be. There is no power or authority, nor kingdom, nor nation, not even one man who has any more power than God has allowed; and He can (and will) strip them of all of what they believe to think in one hour.

To bring such information forward (concerning these groups or families) is beneficial to understanding, keeping watch, etc.

I personally fear no man, but Satan is not a man, he's an angel. That said, I do not fear him per se, but I'll not presume to be any kind of authority over him, nor would I assume that any power within this world, whether government, organization, or a family, does not have the power to kill me or even make an attempt to deceive me; I recognize that Jesus Christ is Lord, and ONLY by His will can anything come upon me or over come me.
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Nothing wrong with warning people.

Smaller just has some accountability issues he needs to iron out with himself.

I would say however that it would be wrong to warn people ONLY about the trusty sidekick harlot daughter (Rome) and leave out the Mother Whore (Jerusalem) when you are fully aware of her identity.

That could easily be looked upon as......well.......deception.

Look JC....the games up ok? We all know that everything stems from the Pharisees (and Satan, ok smaller?! :toofunny).

You need to get with the programme. The world is controlled by the global zionist movement HQ'd in Jeru. It's obvious. You'd have to be blind to not see it.

No-ones gonna think any less of you if you do an about turn on your position. Infact you'd get a lot of respect by coming to the truth.

Are you a Christian Jew? I am too.

I have studied from your point of view years ago. My conclusion was that although Israel has played the harlot, it still is not Mystery Babylon.

It goes unreported, but, The Pope is the richest man in the world.
Is it wrong to warn my brothers?
2 Thessalonians 3:15
Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.

1 Timothy 1:3
[ Warning Against False Teachers of the Law ] As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer

1 Timothy 5:20
Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.

Bashing Roman Catholics or Jews for their faith is wrong.

I have studied from your point of view years ago. My conclusion was that although Israel has played the harlot, it still is not Mystery Babylon.

It goes unreported, but, The Pope is the richest man in the world.

Ok so you admit both Isreal and Rome are

Who's been around longer?

Who birthed who?

Who's the mother?

It's simple logic JC.

The Pope? Richest man in the world? Oh plz. He's simply a figurehead for the RC organization. He takes orders directly from the Jesuit General.

Is the Pope the guy who controls the World Bank, Fed. Reserve, Gold prices etc.

Do the RC church own all the Hollywood studios? All the kingpin media outlets?

You think all the gold in the world is hidden under the Vatican in massive vaults? Lol.....It's a zionist fallacy buddy. Dont be fooled.

Jerusalem rules the nations through lending money. They all drink of her cup.

Prophecy tells us who will rule many nations. It is a blessing of God to Israel, and it even describes how they will rule over the nations. They rule by lending money to the nations.

Deuteronomy 15:6 For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

Deuteronomy 28:12 "... and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow."

Of course, the harlot woman rules the kings of the earth.

Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

The great harlot lends money to the nations to control them. This is the opposite of how a harlot operates; normally a harlot receives money from her lovers. Ezekiel 16:33 describes how Jerusalem plays the harlot, oddly enough, by giving money to her lovers, which is "contrary" to how other women commit whoredoms:::>

Eze 16:31 In that thou buildest thine eminent place in the head of every way, and makest thine high place in every street; and hast not been as an harlot, in that thou scornest hire;

Eze 16:32 But as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers instead of her husband!

Eze 16:33 They give gifts to all whores: but thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers, and hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.

Eze 16:34 And the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms, whereas none followeth thee to commit whoredoms: and in that thou givest a reward, and no reward is given unto thee, therefore thou art contrary.

Does the fact that the woman lends money to the nations prove that she rules them? Yes! Deuteronomy 15:6 clearly shows that by lending money, she rules the nations. Further proof that the lender rules over the borrower.

Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Implications of this proof: If you study the role of gold in history, and the history of money, you will find that the international moneylenders control the nations through lending money to them, and that a portion of these bankers have a certain tie to Jerusalem.

This is not a racist view, nor is it a condemnation of Jewish people, nor of the nation of Israel, but rather, it is merely the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. In fact, this interpretation cannot and is not a judgment against the Jewish people, because the common people do not lend to the nations or kings of the earth.

In 2010, the literal city does not fit the prophecy, and the 7th beast riden by the harlot has not yet come into being. And the prophecy is not about a location per se; it's about a people in a location. The literal city of Jerusalem may not be destroyed, but the people who will practice the money lending to control the future world government will operate out of Jerusalem in the future, and they will be destroyed.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild

1st Thess 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil...

Doc :::::::::::
Jerusalem and Rome are about the same age. It's unknown as to which is older.

Lol....Ok JC. Not the physicl city then. The system! The religion! Who's been around longer the Pharisees or the Romans? where does the RC church get all its false doctrines from? Whats the root?

Anyway, this topic is called "Mystery Babylon" so were not really talking about the Whore or the Mother of Harlots anyway. It's all false religion.

Mystery Babylon:
The beginning of Mystery Babylon (confusion) was with Nimrod in the ancient city of Babylon.

Nimrod was first a Godly man, a mighty hunter before the LORD. He began to build Babel (gate to God) and during the process was deceived by the devil. He became an apostate and established a mystery religion that is contained in the mystery of iniquity within Judaism (Kabbalah), and false Christianity (Catholic secret orders).

God would not permit Nimrod to complete the building of Babel. Nimrod's purpose was altered from God to mysticism that became a counter religion against the original faith of the Patriarchs.

This mystery religion was adopted by Babylonian Jews and the Catholic Church. These perversions are presently the substitutes claiming to be the real people of God. This scheme is capturing families and making them bond servants to the legalism of sin.

Mystery Babylon arose up out of the earth as a substitute religion to the Messianic hope in Jesus. All such religions with the same purpose are Mystery Babylon. The mystery systems have become the habitation of all evil and unclean spirits.

Mystery Babylon became the snake-throne of the serpent. Judaism took this throne to Jerusalem and from the temple cult satan had the feet of Jesus nailed to the Cross. Within these mystery religions men and women began to claim a mental salvation to get to heaven without living by faith, a Godly life of holiness and righteousness. Nimrod started organized religion with all of its political offices and hierarchy. God rejected it.

Among Christianity we call it the Nicolaitian heresy. Man-made mud brick had they to substitute for real stone. The true religion and Ecclesia of Jesus Messieh is not built out of man-made doctrines of men (Babylonian mystery of iniquity brick), but is built upon the *stone* or rock Messieh Jesus. Messieh's Bride will not then worship in any Jewish Temple or Christian Church where this mystery of iniquity substitutes the Messianic Truth with falsehood, especially where the Lord's Passover memorial supper is not observed.

I would just like to point out that an attack on catholicism is not an attack on catholics. Although it would seem as a personal attack to a devout catholic. People should read other peoples posts honestly and not respond with emotionalism because being hot under the collar can cause one to throw false accusations.

From what i have read in this thread i cannot see an attack on the Jews as a whole. I see an attack on a specific tradition within the Jewish culture which is being linked to the Revelation of the whore of Babylon.

People need to ask themselves where there loyalties lay and how those loyalties are effecting their view of the world. People should also ask themselves if their opposition to something is based not on what that something is but their personal experience with that something in their own lives.

People must realise where talking about a very serious issue and where talking to other people. People whom we should love.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Amen! Adstar.

I seriously doubt Rome can even come close to Jerusalem or Damascus in age. Considering Babylon is essentially the place of the biblical origin of man, even secular origins opinion certainly doesn't come close to Rome.

I have to agree with Doc on his point about God's prophetic curse coming upon the Jews who worship money over and above El Shaddai. There is a HUGE difference between a Catholic, Jew, Christian, who worship the one true living God and have their faith in Jesus Christ verse the apostate, unbelieving Catholic, Jew, or Christian who have been led astray buy false gods including money.

I haven't witnessed any bashing of any one group as a WHOLE throughout these various threads. It's all still there in print to read and it's clear who is exactly being pointed out. Doc has been very clear who he is talking about and I've never gotten the impression he has grouped ALL of any one group together.

It is foolish to believe that God has lied about what He has said would come to pass. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and there are many corrupt individuals in places of "Power" within this world. I even would say that some can actually come to repentance, but that is the key isn't it, repenting and coming to the Lord through the faith in the Blood of Christ.

I do see certain Jewish factions controlling wealth of this world, as well as the RMC controlling faith understandings (false faith beliefs).

The Mystery Babylon clearly is not the saved church or true believer, and pertains to a corrupt group of unbelievers who believed that this life is all there is for them (or don't care about eternal condemnation). They are in love with money, control of people, and corruption. And they clearly want to eliminate anyone, or anything (The Gospel), that stands in their way.
"When Attalus, the Pontiff and King of Pergamos, died B.C. 133, he bequeathed the Headship of the Babylonian Priesthood to Rome. When the Etruscans came to Italy from Lydia (The region of Pergamos), they brought with them the Babylonian religion and rites. They set up a Pontiff who was head of the Priesthood. Later the Romans accepted this Pontiff as their civil ruler. Julius Caesar was made Pontiff of the Etruscan Order in B.C. 74. In B. C. 63, he was made Supreme Pontiff of the "Babylonian Order," thus becoming heir to the rights an title of Attalus, Pontiff of Pergamos…Thus the first Roman Emperor becomes head of the "Babylonian Priesthood" and Rome the successor of Babylon (p. 151-152)."

The info can be found in history books, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and Wikipedia.
I noticed that Sissy asked you on three separate occasions to provide the name of a history book substantiating Larkin’s claims. However, you blatantly ignored her request, giving only a non-descript response saying, “the info is found in old books”. Of course the only “old books” that speak of Attalus bequeathing Babylonian priesthoods are Christian polemics written by pastors and commentators who were trying to connect Babylon to the Catholic Church. There aren’t any books written by actual historians that teach such things, which is why you resorted to denigrating “new books” as revisionist history and “full of garbage for simpletons”, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia doesn't support your claims about Attalus III or the origins of the term "supreme pontiff"; Wikipedia's entries don't agree with your claims either.

The fact of the matter is no one knows for sure where the Etruscans came from, whether they were indigenous to Italy or not. So the notion that the Etruscans brought “religion and rites” from Babylon is simply an unsupported opinion, not history.

When Attalus died, it was said that he bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans, but there was nothing about “the Headship of the Babylonian Priesthood”. There is an account that Attalus’ grandfather, Attalus I, sent the relic of the Goddess of Ida to Rome to help ward against future invasion, but that wasn’t in 133BC.

Plenty of books describe Attalus as a king, but the only sources that refer to him as a “pontiff” are, again, Christian polemics. I have yet to find contemporary sources or historians referring to the Pergamonian kings as “pontiffs” (which was a Roman term, btw).

I’ve never heard of Julius becoming “pontiff of the Etruscian Order” (whatever that means) in 74BC. In his teens, he did become the high priest of Jupiter in 86BC, but that office was taken away soon afterward. He became pontiff in 73BC, but again, this was before his political and military career had really even started.

In Christ,

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Warning is not bashing. Here is an example of bashing: Matthew 23:33. "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?:study

I think that's called a direct rebuke. ;)

I wasn't directing that at anyone in particular, because I have not read the whole thread from start to finish. It was just a reminder.

God Bless,

To assume that the world is controlled by a zionist movement HQ'd in Jerusalem is a stretch when put into the context of Satan being the prince of this world; they are his puppets, that includes the Rothchild family. While I agree that they "appear" to be the power brokers, they actually are no more powerful than God Almighty allows them to be.

AH! Somebody FINALLY gets it!

Congratulations! I've been speaking of this FACT here for quite awhile, as the above are GODS FACTS.

My hope is that some of you transition away from er, ah, excuse me, blaming and accusing JEWS and understand the REAL WORKINGS behind ALL these matters, not only in JEWS but IN ALL.

Mystery Babylon IS that 'control system' of SATAN that the WHOLE WORLD is planted into. The MYSTERY OF INIQUITY does work in this present environment in the form of SIN, which same is OF THE DEVIL.

No person is immunized in the natural. A SPIRITUAL PERSON is granted in to SEE THE FACTS.

Have you actually found this in a history book or the Catholic Encyclopedia? Because I haven't.
So I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me which history book it is in, and where in the Catholic Encyclopedia it is.

The Catholic Encyclopedia (Thomas Nelson, 1976)
Oh Goody. Another Mystery Babylon thread.

Well my friend....

Scriptures are more than clear that Jerusalem is the Whore of Babylon.

See this thread for all the evidence you need.

The City where our Lord was Crucified?? Rome? Nope.

Rome is a VERY clever decoy. I was there in my research for a while. But Jerusalem is clearly the one.

We are told that the beast is a nation. Jerusalem is a city. Now the Vatican in Rome is both a city and a nation all in one. In regards to the little horn: The Vatican is the smallest nation in the world.
Matthew 23:35
And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.

Matthew 23:37
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.

Yahshua says that "this will come upon this generation." Yahshua did not blame the city Jerusalem or the nation Israel, but he did blame that generation of people.