If God doesn't approve of the corruption, will he accept the tiny good they have done while all along they refuse to repent, and their heart is not true to the Lord God? Jesus even said, Thier good works will not save them.
Refusal to repent makes all the difference! I dont' even see these corrupt politicians admitting they are transgressing against God the Father.... This country was based upon "Christian" priciples... and these corrupt ones are totally turning their backs on what this country is based upon! No will nor any intention on repentance. Oh the little good they do has nothing to do with the wickedness they seek to achieve! they want to take over this country and destroy the basics of the American Way and we are suppose to find something good that we approve of with Obama? What? is that a joke or something? Since when are we to say hey... the mafia is doing a good thing... let's just focus on that and distract from what is really going on with them. The devil comes in the guise of a light folks.
I'm gonna have to agree with the recent reports, and I just can't seem to find more good than not in all of what he's been up to since he's been in office.
The little things he's been doing for his beloved wife and daughters... of course he's a good husband and daddy. All else is a huge mask to what he's really been up to... and the proof of his being the one who is carrying the baton of the Elite from the inception of the communistic movement come to America is evident. Sorry folks. This guy is not an American Patriot! Just because he's doing a few good things for the troops here and there is not proof that he's is consistant with Loyalty towards our Coutnry. Anyone who bashes his own country in the face of the enemy is NOT fit to be president of a coutnry he is supposed to stand for! He's a traitor as were some of our past presidents. And I pray that the Lord come quickly to stamp out the horrible corruption of which Obama and the rest of them are fallen into... Bush is not exception... He was a part of those who just took the baton and just passed it onto Obama to get the ball rolling even more quickly down hill to take over and destroy the American Way as it was meant to be known and lived by according to the founding Fathers of this country! Those Communists who wrote the Communist manifesto and have had their commrads carry onward are not excluded from those who wish to create a NEW WORLD ORDER TRAITORS! Bill Clinton was a part of it along with the Bushes and now Obama is in there too. All you nay sayers can bash me and call me a conspiracy nut if you want, but you will see the truth of it come down the pike soon enough. If any one paid attention to American History... the infiltration of the communist party started way back in the 20's slowly gained momentum in the 30's and has been mushrooming it's ugly head ever since. A steady slow pace... now about ready to explode in our faces because no one was keeping watch and/or they kept a blind eye to the feeding of the child of this monster! Now they got the ball rolling so fast it's not going to be long before America is taken over by the Elite who started their manifesto rolling way back in the 20's.
So trying to ask me to find anything good to say about a President who's got the baton handed to him and his ushering in the quickening of the demon spirit whose come to steal kill and destroy everytyhing this nation stand for... I'm sorry there is nothing in regard to his politics that I approve of with these corrupt people. The good they are doing is just a cover up it's no different than the candy a perv will give to child just to veil the ugly of what they really intend on doing! 'Feed them cake' is that the old saying? Feed them cake to shut them up and blind their eyes from what's happening behind the scene. (but will eventually come out in the open,when it's too late to do anything about it. ) Viper politicians. I'm sorry, I'll not support any government that is corrupt. I might have to go by their rules, but I don't have to support them with thier dirty bag of tricks!
Show me where IN RECENT NEWS that this guy is more good than not. If you call taking over a nation and infiltrating it with some perverted form of socialism as being a good thing... sorry, you are sorely mistaken. Socialism never worked and it won't work now. It is the start of a horrible downfall and if something isn't done about it America will be destroyed by these monsters, these Goliaths! These Wolves in sheeps clothing! Smooth talkers with the sting of a viper! It's sad that people are in denial of what is happening. And it is sad that by asking to point out the tiny good that this government is doing so that something good can be said about them while all along, behind the scene the dirty work is full speed ahead! That's like saying tell me something good about Satan! Okay... he comes disguised as light! Isn't that nice, he's doing something good.... awe.... how nice.... yay... good for him... But, I sure am glad he's doing a little bit of good.the back stabber that he is! :bigfrown Our government has become so corrupt they are nothing but a bunch of robbers and criminals out to take the American way out of the way! And some people are scrounging to find something good about them while all along they are out to destroy our country! :o Sad, soo sad. That we have scrounge and find something nice to say about a corrupt system as if it will make us any happier or content with the corruption going on! I dont think so folks. :o
I pray the Lord come quickly. Because I'm saddened by all the corruption that is so fast avalanching this country from the political perspective and the society that has gone downhill with it's moral ethics. Moral ethics is just about dead by the one who comes to steal kill and destroy everything in it's selfish greedy path. Yes, he is an excellent tool of the devil! And he is being used effectively. Something needs to be done to cut this corruption short. As the bible says,..... Else the days be shortened, none would survive. I believe that to be a general statement, as well as for the day of that battle in the valley of Golan.
Read on.... there is so very little to be approved of with this man in terms of his political views being set into action!
Obama. the Radical Son
July 06, 2009
The story that should have been front page news a year ago:
Samuelson on Obama's health care plan: 'Naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest'
July 06, 2009
Obama is dreaming if he thinks his plan will control health care costs.
A most unusual Fourth of July
July 06, 2009
While we, the American people, were celebrating the passage of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, 1776, our only nationally-elected leaders seem to have forgotten its meaning.
Obama: 'I am not naïve'
July 06, 2009
That brief statement of Barack Obama's last month seems every bit as risible as Richard Nixon's "I am not a crook"
Constitution apparently declared optional by Obama administration
July 06, 2009
Evidence continues to accumulate that President Obama regards the Constitution's requirements as merely suggestions.
Obama's security reduction mission to Russia
July 06, 2009
It is hard to believe that this level of naïveté is present in the individual directing US foreign policy at least through 2013, and perhaps 2017.
Honduras, the Last Bastion of Democracy
July 06, 2009
It should be no surprise that Barack Obama, sides with Chavez and Castro against tiny Honduras.
Obama: Intergalactic Champion of Fiscal Irresponsibility
July 06, 2009
Even worse than California
July 06, 2009
Obama's Demagoguery
Vel Nirtist
Our president keeps the world, and a huge number of Americans, enthralled by his superb oratorical skills. But are Obama's pronouncements indeed solid pieces of political wisdom, or just tricks of a glib tongue?
July 06, 2009
In Defense of the Frail Elderly
Anthony Ughetti
The frail elderly stand to be the biggest loser under president Obama's health care reforms.
And that was just the "RECENT" NEWS! :o
God save those that are His in the days to come!
Refusal to repent makes all the difference! I dont' even see these corrupt politicians admitting they are transgressing against God the Father.... This country was based upon "Christian" priciples... and these corrupt ones are totally turning their backs on what this country is based upon! No will nor any intention on repentance. Oh the little good they do has nothing to do with the wickedness they seek to achieve! they want to take over this country and destroy the basics of the American Way and we are suppose to find something good that we approve of with Obama? What? is that a joke or something? Since when are we to say hey... the mafia is doing a good thing... let's just focus on that and distract from what is really going on with them. The devil comes in the guise of a light folks.
I'm gonna have to agree with the recent reports, and I just can't seem to find more good than not in all of what he's been up to since he's been in office.
The little things he's been doing for his beloved wife and daughters... of course he's a good husband and daddy. All else is a huge mask to what he's really been up to... and the proof of his being the one who is carrying the baton of the Elite from the inception of the communistic movement come to America is evident. Sorry folks. This guy is not an American Patriot! Just because he's doing a few good things for the troops here and there is not proof that he's is consistant with Loyalty towards our Coutnry. Anyone who bashes his own country in the face of the enemy is NOT fit to be president of a coutnry he is supposed to stand for! He's a traitor as were some of our past presidents. And I pray that the Lord come quickly to stamp out the horrible corruption of which Obama and the rest of them are fallen into... Bush is not exception... He was a part of those who just took the baton and just passed it onto Obama to get the ball rolling even more quickly down hill to take over and destroy the American Way as it was meant to be known and lived by according to the founding Fathers of this country! Those Communists who wrote the Communist manifesto and have had their commrads carry onward are not excluded from those who wish to create a NEW WORLD ORDER TRAITORS! Bill Clinton was a part of it along with the Bushes and now Obama is in there too. All you nay sayers can bash me and call me a conspiracy nut if you want, but you will see the truth of it come down the pike soon enough. If any one paid attention to American History... the infiltration of the communist party started way back in the 20's slowly gained momentum in the 30's and has been mushrooming it's ugly head ever since. A steady slow pace... now about ready to explode in our faces because no one was keeping watch and/or they kept a blind eye to the feeding of the child of this monster! Now they got the ball rolling so fast it's not going to be long before America is taken over by the Elite who started their manifesto rolling way back in the 20's.
So trying to ask me to find anything good to say about a President who's got the baton handed to him and his ushering in the quickening of the demon spirit whose come to steal kill and destroy everytyhing this nation stand for... I'm sorry there is nothing in regard to his politics that I approve of with these corrupt people. The good they are doing is just a cover up it's no different than the candy a perv will give to child just to veil the ugly of what they really intend on doing! 'Feed them cake' is that the old saying? Feed them cake to shut them up and blind their eyes from what's happening behind the scene. (but will eventually come out in the open,when it's too late to do anything about it. ) Viper politicians. I'm sorry, I'll not support any government that is corrupt. I might have to go by their rules, but I don't have to support them with thier dirty bag of tricks!
Show me where IN RECENT NEWS that this guy is more good than not. If you call taking over a nation and infiltrating it with some perverted form of socialism as being a good thing... sorry, you are sorely mistaken. Socialism never worked and it won't work now. It is the start of a horrible downfall and if something isn't done about it America will be destroyed by these monsters, these Goliaths! These Wolves in sheeps clothing! Smooth talkers with the sting of a viper! It's sad that people are in denial of what is happening. And it is sad that by asking to point out the tiny good that this government is doing so that something good can be said about them while all along, behind the scene the dirty work is full speed ahead! That's like saying tell me something good about Satan! Okay... he comes disguised as light! Isn't that nice, he's doing something good.... awe.... how nice.... yay... good for him... But, I sure am glad he's doing a little bit of good.the back stabber that he is! :bigfrown Our government has become so corrupt they are nothing but a bunch of robbers and criminals out to take the American way out of the way! And some people are scrounging to find something good about them while all along they are out to destroy our country! :o Sad, soo sad. That we have scrounge and find something nice to say about a corrupt system as if it will make us any happier or content with the corruption going on! I dont think so folks. :o
I pray the Lord come quickly. Because I'm saddened by all the corruption that is so fast avalanching this country from the political perspective and the society that has gone downhill with it's moral ethics. Moral ethics is just about dead by the one who comes to steal kill and destroy everything in it's selfish greedy path. Yes, he is an excellent tool of the devil! And he is being used effectively. Something needs to be done to cut this corruption short. As the bible says,..... Else the days be shortened, none would survive. I believe that to be a general statement, as well as for the day of that battle in the valley of Golan.
Read on.... there is so very little to be approved of with this man in terms of his political views being set into action!
Obama. the Radical Son
July 06, 2009
The story that should have been front page news a year ago:
Samuelson on Obama's health care plan: 'Naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest'
July 06, 2009
Obama is dreaming if he thinks his plan will control health care costs.
A most unusual Fourth of July
July 06, 2009
While we, the American people, were celebrating the passage of the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, 1776, our only nationally-elected leaders seem to have forgotten its meaning.
Obama: 'I am not naïve'
July 06, 2009
That brief statement of Barack Obama's last month seems every bit as risible as Richard Nixon's "I am not a crook"
Constitution apparently declared optional by Obama administration
July 06, 2009
Evidence continues to accumulate that President Obama regards the Constitution's requirements as merely suggestions.
Obama's security reduction mission to Russia
July 06, 2009
It is hard to believe that this level of naïveté is present in the individual directing US foreign policy at least through 2013, and perhaps 2017.
Honduras, the Last Bastion of Democracy
July 06, 2009
It should be no surprise that Barack Obama, sides with Chavez and Castro against tiny Honduras.
Obama: Intergalactic Champion of Fiscal Irresponsibility
July 06, 2009
Even worse than California
July 06, 2009
Obama's Demagoguery
Vel Nirtist
Our president keeps the world, and a huge number of Americans, enthralled by his superb oratorical skills. But are Obama's pronouncements indeed solid pieces of political wisdom, or just tricks of a glib tongue?
July 06, 2009
In Defense of the Frail Elderly
Anthony Ughetti
The frail elderly stand to be the biggest loser under president Obama's health care reforms.
And that was just the "RECENT" NEWS! :o
God save those that are His in the days to come!
