First, Christians are always to look for truth. Anything else would dishonor the very God in whom we profess to believe. Evolution and creation cannot both be true because they are mutually exclusive worldviews. One must be wrong if the other is right. How can we claim to be followers of the One who claimed to be "The Truth" if we aren't willing to search for the truth.
Second, Jesus Christ said that we could tell a tree by its fruit. Have you ever heard anyone sincerely state, "I'm glad I have learned the evidence for evolution. It has led me to the reality of God's love for me. Now that everything can be explained by random chance, I feel purpose and meaning in my life." On the other hand, many people confess that hearing the evidence for creation has strengthened their faith in God's existence, in His personal involvement with His creation, and in the Bible as God's revealed truth to mankind.
Third, the Bible is very clear that human behavior is tied closely to basic beliefs. Take time to read Romans 1:17-26. This passage states that because of the evidence of creation, no one has an excuse for disbelief in God. However, if God used evolution to bring everything about, then there is no evidence for God's existence from observing his creation, and this Bible passage is contradicted. The verses in Romans go on to list the results of denying God's existence: a society with wide spread homosexuality, greed, envy, murder, hatred toward the God of Christianity, and many other consequences. Does this sound like America today? The primary tie of the physical world to a spiritual God is the reality of creation. This is why the Bible equates belief in God with the acknowledgment of Him as creator . As any society accepts evolution as reality, the relevance of God decreases, and the tie to an absolute source of right and wrong is broken. The result is a drift toward humanism and the devaluation of human life.
Fourth, the Bible is very clear concerning God's method of creation and the history of our planet. Unlike the numerous creation stories from cultures all over the world, the Biblical creation account is precise, concise, and provides testable predictions concerning the world around us. For instance, the Bible describes humanity with a tendency toward evil and decline. This appears to be the case, because every society in the history of the world has ended in tragedy and bloodshed. Not one has lasted more than a few centuries. The Bible describes the creation of separate animal and plant "kinds". That is exactly what the fossil record shows.