unred typo
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- #61
Imagican wrote: So, I assume you believe in a 'literal' six day creation? And that dinosaurs ONLY lasted ONE day? And you analysis of carbon dating STILL offers that IF carbon 14 DOES decay at a specific rate, it CAN be used to measure time. Also, what you offer is that EVERY specimen IS contaminated BEYOND our ability to measure it. REDICULOUS. Typo, when you get sick, what do YOU do? Ever had an X-ray done? or any kind of surgery? How about cooking in your kitchen? God a microwave oven? Telephone? Cable TV? Or satalite? From your perspective, you believe in these things enough to purchase and use them, (probably couldn't live without them), yet this 'other' part of science that you simply 'don't want to believe' you discard for it's lack of compliance with what you WANT to believe.
I believe in a literal six day creation. I don’t believe dinosaurs only lasted one day. They lived with man until they went extinct, at various times for various reasons. Some may still live today except they would be much smaller than they were when they lived for hundreds of years in a more ‘dino friendly’ environment.
I don’t doubt that carbon does decay and the decay rate has been fairly constant in the last few hundred years, at least not measurably different. Every specimen could be contaminated beyond our ability to measure it if all were subjected to some kind of radioisotope changing event at the same time. If some carbon altering gas had been released during a particularly violent volcanic period four or five thousand years ago, how would we know it?
Imagican wrote: MAN has been on this earth for hundreds of thousands of years. We have found remains ON THIS CONTINENT of between 13 and twenty thousand years of age. The dinosaurs are MUCH older than these. You may choose to follow the 'fairy tales' of the church in their defining of Genesis, but that doesn't change what we HAVE learned since it was written. And what I offer takes NOTHING away from God or His Word. To the contrary, I believe that the Bible explains MOST of what I offer. The difference between what I offer and what the churches have taught is simply a matter of understanding. If you will read The Word WITHOUT the preconcieved notions or 'outside' teaching, much of it takes on a COMPLETELY different knowledge. Something akin to the 'truth' instead of fairy tales.
Actually, by reading the Bible itself, and not the opinions of men, I have come to my conclusions. I started with the same preconceived notions that you expound here. I have always loved science and nature but I since I now read the Bible without that typical scientific bias, I have come to disagree with those ‘old earth’ conclusions that some in the field have come up with.
Imagican wrote: Forensics science and palentology have made ENORMOUS advances in recent years. MUCH of it IS fact. Some IS questionable. But that the EARTH is MORE than 10,000 years of age is OBVIOUS to all but the most 'brain-washed' die hards. From your perspective ALL differnces in humans have happened in five thousand years. That's rediculous. Blacks, Asians, Europeans, Native aboriginals, etc.......all being 'made different' in a mere five thousand years. Yeah Right.
We’re not all that different, Imagican. If we looked like Men in Black or an episode of Star Trek with gills, tentacles and feelers, I might agree with you. Let’s take the reverse view. I have seen men walking around town who could do a stand in for a Neanderthal or Pithecanthropus man. God did not create us all alike. Right from the early years, Esau was a hairy ‘red’ man while his twin brother Jacob was smooth.
Imagican wrote: The MOST important issue that the churches MISSED in their interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 is that there was actually TWO creations. The first chapter speaks of the first creation, and the second chapter states from the beginning of it that EVERYTHING WAS COMPLETED. Then comes the creation of Adam and Eve. Once you come to this realization, you quickly see that science and religion are NOT separate, but able to COMPLIMENT one another. Just because there are scientist that DON'T believe in God does NOT take away from their learning of natural science.
The accounts in Genesis are a broad outline and a review with more detail. Nothing to alarm yourself over.
Imagican wrote: Cain's wife was NOT his sister. If your son had just murdered his brother, would YOU let him take one of your daughters with him? Of course not. He went to the Land of Nod and found a wife there. OBVIOUS. And WHO did he build a 'city' for? Him and his wife and child? NO WAY. He build a city for PEOPLE. THERE were the daughters of men whom the Sons of God began to mate with. The first creation who knew of NO SINGLE GOD, began to mate with the descendants of Adam and Eve and before long they LOST their memory of the TRUE God and their hearts became EVIL continually. What IS evil? Rebelion AGAINST God.
There is no time table given for these events. Cain may have already taken his sister as wife before the murder. There is no timetable for the building of the city either. It no doubt took hundreds of years. Multiply two times two until you have twenty generations. Enough for a city?
Imagican wrote: We know that in the beginning man WAS a nomadic gatherer. Yet Adam was a farmer and his children were a farmer and a sheppard. And what about this one. In the first chapter of Genesis it is stated that once men and women were created, they were given EVERY TREE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH to be for food. Yet when Adam was created and placed in the garden, he was specifically COMMANDED NOT to eat from a tree. Contradiction. ONLY if you believe Adam was the FIRST man created. He WAS the first man created and having the BREATH of life breathed into his nostrils. He WAS the FIRST man that had communion with God. But there were probably relatively civilized GROUPS Of people WAY before Adam and Eve. All one NEED do to undertand what I am offering is READ the Word WITHOUT considering the bogus understanding of the churches. Read the first chapter and the second. JUST READ IT. It will then become OBVIOUS that there were TWO separate creations.
We don’t know that the first men were nomadic gatherers and not farmers. Twenty years ago, I had the most beautiful garden full of vegetables. I would give you a thousand dollars to find ANY trace of it today. Squash and pumpkins are notorious for making poor fossils.
Your contradiction is quite feeble. Several possibilities are obvious. God planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil after he had given all trees for food or it didn’t have fruit until after he forbid it’s picking or the one tree was not mentioned until later.
Imagican wrote: And HOW do you think that in a mere five thousand years SO MANY different religions could have possibly formed IF EVERYONE on the planet is an offspring of Noah? Noah and his family KNEW God. Now, how do you suppose that ALL the descendants of Noah DO NOT have at least an historical understanding of God? These became God's CHOSEN people, the Hebrews/Jews.
I wonder if a preacher could have grandchildren who have never opened a Bible? All it takes is one generation who reject the Word of God given to their parents to start another religion that is completely different. I bet you could not begin to count the religions that have began just in the last century. You really haven’t thought this through, have you? Where do you think all the flood legends have come from?
Imagican wrote: And where do you suppose the line was drawn that distinguished the differnce between Gentile and Jew? Were they ALL descendants of Noah, there would BE NO DIFFERENCE IN THE BLOOD LINE.
The Israelites were only the children of Abraham by his wife, Sarah. Not even the son of Abraham by Hagar was counted, nor are the children of Abraham’s wives after Sarah died. Only the descendants of Abraham and Sarah are Israelites. Ishmaelites are the descendants of Abraham’s son by Hagar. I believe they are Arabs today. Have you ever actually read the Bible?
I believe in a literal six day creation. I don’t believe dinosaurs only lasted one day. They lived with man until they went extinct, at various times for various reasons. Some may still live today except they would be much smaller than they were when they lived for hundreds of years in a more ‘dino friendly’ environment.
I don’t doubt that carbon does decay and the decay rate has been fairly constant in the last few hundred years, at least not measurably different. Every specimen could be contaminated beyond our ability to measure it if all were subjected to some kind of radioisotope changing event at the same time. If some carbon altering gas had been released during a particularly violent volcanic period four or five thousand years ago, how would we know it?
Imagican wrote: MAN has been on this earth for hundreds of thousands of years. We have found remains ON THIS CONTINENT of between 13 and twenty thousand years of age. The dinosaurs are MUCH older than these. You may choose to follow the 'fairy tales' of the church in their defining of Genesis, but that doesn't change what we HAVE learned since it was written. And what I offer takes NOTHING away from God or His Word. To the contrary, I believe that the Bible explains MOST of what I offer. The difference between what I offer and what the churches have taught is simply a matter of understanding. If you will read The Word WITHOUT the preconcieved notions or 'outside' teaching, much of it takes on a COMPLETELY different knowledge. Something akin to the 'truth' instead of fairy tales.
Actually, by reading the Bible itself, and not the opinions of men, I have come to my conclusions. I started with the same preconceived notions that you expound here. I have always loved science and nature but I since I now read the Bible without that typical scientific bias, I have come to disagree with those ‘old earth’ conclusions that some in the field have come up with.
Imagican wrote: Forensics science and palentology have made ENORMOUS advances in recent years. MUCH of it IS fact. Some IS questionable. But that the EARTH is MORE than 10,000 years of age is OBVIOUS to all but the most 'brain-washed' die hards. From your perspective ALL differnces in humans have happened in five thousand years. That's rediculous. Blacks, Asians, Europeans, Native aboriginals, etc.......all being 'made different' in a mere five thousand years. Yeah Right.
We’re not all that different, Imagican. If we looked like Men in Black or an episode of Star Trek with gills, tentacles and feelers, I might agree with you. Let’s take the reverse view. I have seen men walking around town who could do a stand in for a Neanderthal or Pithecanthropus man. God did not create us all alike. Right from the early years, Esau was a hairy ‘red’ man while his twin brother Jacob was smooth.
Imagican wrote: The MOST important issue that the churches MISSED in their interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 is that there was actually TWO creations. The first chapter speaks of the first creation, and the second chapter states from the beginning of it that EVERYTHING WAS COMPLETED. Then comes the creation of Adam and Eve. Once you come to this realization, you quickly see that science and religion are NOT separate, but able to COMPLIMENT one another. Just because there are scientist that DON'T believe in God does NOT take away from their learning of natural science.
The accounts in Genesis are a broad outline and a review with more detail. Nothing to alarm yourself over.
Imagican wrote: Cain's wife was NOT his sister. If your son had just murdered his brother, would YOU let him take one of your daughters with him? Of course not. He went to the Land of Nod and found a wife there. OBVIOUS. And WHO did he build a 'city' for? Him and his wife and child? NO WAY. He build a city for PEOPLE. THERE were the daughters of men whom the Sons of God began to mate with. The first creation who knew of NO SINGLE GOD, began to mate with the descendants of Adam and Eve and before long they LOST their memory of the TRUE God and their hearts became EVIL continually. What IS evil? Rebelion AGAINST God.
There is no time table given for these events. Cain may have already taken his sister as wife before the murder. There is no timetable for the building of the city either. It no doubt took hundreds of years. Multiply two times two until you have twenty generations. Enough for a city?
Imagican wrote: We know that in the beginning man WAS a nomadic gatherer. Yet Adam was a farmer and his children were a farmer and a sheppard. And what about this one. In the first chapter of Genesis it is stated that once men and women were created, they were given EVERY TREE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH to be for food. Yet when Adam was created and placed in the garden, he was specifically COMMANDED NOT to eat from a tree. Contradiction. ONLY if you believe Adam was the FIRST man created. He WAS the first man created and having the BREATH of life breathed into his nostrils. He WAS the FIRST man that had communion with God. But there were probably relatively civilized GROUPS Of people WAY before Adam and Eve. All one NEED do to undertand what I am offering is READ the Word WITHOUT considering the bogus understanding of the churches. Read the first chapter and the second. JUST READ IT. It will then become OBVIOUS that there were TWO separate creations.
We don’t know that the first men were nomadic gatherers and not farmers. Twenty years ago, I had the most beautiful garden full of vegetables. I would give you a thousand dollars to find ANY trace of it today. Squash and pumpkins are notorious for making poor fossils.
Your contradiction is quite feeble. Several possibilities are obvious. God planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil after he had given all trees for food or it didn’t have fruit until after he forbid it’s picking or the one tree was not mentioned until later.
Imagican wrote: And HOW do you think that in a mere five thousand years SO MANY different religions could have possibly formed IF EVERYONE on the planet is an offspring of Noah? Noah and his family KNEW God. Now, how do you suppose that ALL the descendants of Noah DO NOT have at least an historical understanding of God? These became God's CHOSEN people, the Hebrews/Jews.
I wonder if a preacher could have grandchildren who have never opened a Bible? All it takes is one generation who reject the Word of God given to their parents to start another religion that is completely different. I bet you could not begin to count the religions that have began just in the last century. You really haven’t thought this through, have you? Where do you think all the flood legends have come from?
Imagican wrote: And where do you suppose the line was drawn that distinguished the differnce between Gentile and Jew? Were they ALL descendants of Noah, there would BE NO DIFFERENCE IN THE BLOOD LINE.
The Israelites were only the children of Abraham by his wife, Sarah. Not even the son of Abraham by Hagar was counted, nor are the children of Abraham’s wives after Sarah died. Only the descendants of Abraham and Sarah are Israelites. Ishmaelites are the descendants of Abraham’s son by Hagar. I believe they are Arabs today. Have you ever actually read the Bible?