unred typo
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- #81
Imagican wrote: And unred, I noticed that you deliberately left out the answers to the questions that I posed. Tough ones from your perspective huh?
Which questions did I miss? I may skipped a couple that were redundant but I thought I answered most of them. Did you read both of my posts? The chronological account of Genesis is after the one I wrote in answer to your questions. If I missed any, run them by me again.
Imagican wrote: Now guys, let's be realisitic here. IF Noah actually gathered TWO of EVERY animal that exists, why are there no records or specimens STILL in existence in the AREA that he landed AFTER the Flood? No GRIZZLY BEARS, NO MOUNTAIN LIONS, NO ZEBRAS, NO LIONS, NO ELEPHANTS, NO DUCK BILLED PLATYPUS, NO KANGAROOS, etc, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Let’s think about that. Here are eight people getting out of the ark, onto a destroyed planet covered in flood debris. The first thing they want to do is sit down and make an inventory of all the animals before they leave for various parts of the globe that the Lord has sent them to. Obviously, they really need to record the number of kangaroos and other placental animals that are going to remote islands before the land bridges disappear. Or probably not. They probably just want to get their lives back together, explore their new world for food and build shelter. I have a couple of questions for you. If a land slide covers a swamp in Florida, how many kangaroos will be buried? Do you believe God is capable of creating an animal? If so, do you believe he can cause the animals he has created to go where he has chosen for them to live?
Imagican wrote: You take the words literal as if they were written for 'your' understanding. NOT SO. The information was given to a people that had ALMOST NO understanding of ANYTHING compared to what has been learned since. God CREATED US IN HIS IMAGE. Hard to tell sometimes when those that supposedly believe in Him refuse to attempt understanding. He NEVER meant for us to BE ignorant. The tree of knowledge WOULD have eventually been FREELY GIVEN to us upon our maturation. Many indicate that they are UNWILLING to learn. The knowledge of good and evil was NOT ALL EVIL. And basically what was involved was KNOWLEDGE PERIOD. Man was simply NOT READY for the discernment to know HOW to use it. We HAVE matured much. I admit that it seems like ONLY A FEW HAVE, but these have at least.
I guess you are light years ahead of me, since I have no idea what your point is here.
Imagican wrote: EVERYTHING written in the Bible is NOT the COMPLETE story. If you believe this, you have simply chosen to do so for the sake of excusing oneself from learning.
OK. I don’t think the Bible has the complete story of any events. There are millions of details left out. I certainly don’t remember the color of Adam’s hair being mentioned or the longitude/ latitude of the garden of Eden or the number of animals in the ark or how many segments the first centipede was created with. Are you satisfied now that I’m not the complete imbecile you thought I was or do I need to pass another Imagican test?
Imagican wrote: Do those that believe that the Earth is ONLY ten thousand years old believe that the ice bridge existed a mere 10,000 years ago or less. And that ALL the continental movement and separation of land masses, migration of men and animals has taken place in LESS than 10.000 years? Just two or three hundred years ago it wouldn't have been surprising to hear these words. But we have come SO far in our ability to discern the EVIDENCE of ancient Earth that for those to INSIST upon it now makes them look like backwoods hillbillys or something. As I have stated previous: All these that insist upon this 'young Earth' don't hessitate to allow a doctor to shove antibiotics in their arms when they are sick. Or allow a 'Heart specialist' perform a 'triple bipass' when needed. But will take the SAME effort that has been expended to explain the past and say, "Nope, I don't WANT to believe it. It CHANGES what I WANT to believe and I'm NOT going to do it". Funny folks indeed.
Do you know how long it takes to melt a glacier the size of North America? Do you know how long it would take for a group of people to walk across such an ice bridge? Do you have any idea how much bigger, more magnificent, and majestic God is than the universes he has created? Do you have a clue of just how powerful he is and how puny our entire planet is in his sight? The psalmist called it his foot stool. I don’t have any faith in doctors, my faith is in God. God gave man antibiotics and other medicines. If he chooses to hide knowledge from man, they would not even be able to find a cure for the common cold. If God has given doctors a cure for whatever may ail me, I will trust God to lead me there. If he doesn’t, he can heal me or I can die if that is what he chooses for me.
Imagican wrote: Does ANYONE out there KNOW what the word REPLINISH means. Was that word a MISTAKE or was it INTENDED to be in Genesis? To REPLINISH means to Plinish AGAIN. To 'do it OVER again'. Now, if Adam WAS the FIRST man EVER, HOW could God command him to REPLINISH the Earth? Sounds kinda foolish don't it?
That word threw me at first when I entertained the notion of a gap theory. Then I found out it has the same idea as the word, ‘reproduce’ on the earth, not ‘repopulate’ it.
Which questions did I miss? I may skipped a couple that were redundant but I thought I answered most of them. Did you read both of my posts? The chronological account of Genesis is after the one I wrote in answer to your questions. If I missed any, run them by me again.
Imagican wrote: Now guys, let's be realisitic here. IF Noah actually gathered TWO of EVERY animal that exists, why are there no records or specimens STILL in existence in the AREA that he landed AFTER the Flood? No GRIZZLY BEARS, NO MOUNTAIN LIONS, NO ZEBRAS, NO LIONS, NO ELEPHANTS, NO DUCK BILLED PLATYPUS, NO KANGAROOS, etc, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Let’s think about that. Here are eight people getting out of the ark, onto a destroyed planet covered in flood debris. The first thing they want to do is sit down and make an inventory of all the animals before they leave for various parts of the globe that the Lord has sent them to. Obviously, they really need to record the number of kangaroos and other placental animals that are going to remote islands before the land bridges disappear. Or probably not. They probably just want to get their lives back together, explore their new world for food and build shelter. I have a couple of questions for you. If a land slide covers a swamp in Florida, how many kangaroos will be buried? Do you believe God is capable of creating an animal? If so, do you believe he can cause the animals he has created to go where he has chosen for them to live?
Imagican wrote: You take the words literal as if they were written for 'your' understanding. NOT SO. The information was given to a people that had ALMOST NO understanding of ANYTHING compared to what has been learned since. God CREATED US IN HIS IMAGE. Hard to tell sometimes when those that supposedly believe in Him refuse to attempt understanding. He NEVER meant for us to BE ignorant. The tree of knowledge WOULD have eventually been FREELY GIVEN to us upon our maturation. Many indicate that they are UNWILLING to learn. The knowledge of good and evil was NOT ALL EVIL. And basically what was involved was KNOWLEDGE PERIOD. Man was simply NOT READY for the discernment to know HOW to use it. We HAVE matured much. I admit that it seems like ONLY A FEW HAVE, but these have at least.
I guess you are light years ahead of me, since I have no idea what your point is here.
Imagican wrote: EVERYTHING written in the Bible is NOT the COMPLETE story. If you believe this, you have simply chosen to do so for the sake of excusing oneself from learning.
OK. I don’t think the Bible has the complete story of any events. There are millions of details left out. I certainly don’t remember the color of Adam’s hair being mentioned or the longitude/ latitude of the garden of Eden or the number of animals in the ark or how many segments the first centipede was created with. Are you satisfied now that I’m not the complete imbecile you thought I was or do I need to pass another Imagican test?
Imagican wrote: Do those that believe that the Earth is ONLY ten thousand years old believe that the ice bridge existed a mere 10,000 years ago or less. And that ALL the continental movement and separation of land masses, migration of men and animals has taken place in LESS than 10.000 years? Just two or three hundred years ago it wouldn't have been surprising to hear these words. But we have come SO far in our ability to discern the EVIDENCE of ancient Earth that for those to INSIST upon it now makes them look like backwoods hillbillys or something. As I have stated previous: All these that insist upon this 'young Earth' don't hessitate to allow a doctor to shove antibiotics in their arms when they are sick. Or allow a 'Heart specialist' perform a 'triple bipass' when needed. But will take the SAME effort that has been expended to explain the past and say, "Nope, I don't WANT to believe it. It CHANGES what I WANT to believe and I'm NOT going to do it". Funny folks indeed.
Do you know how long it takes to melt a glacier the size of North America? Do you know how long it would take for a group of people to walk across such an ice bridge? Do you have any idea how much bigger, more magnificent, and majestic God is than the universes he has created? Do you have a clue of just how powerful he is and how puny our entire planet is in his sight? The psalmist called it his foot stool. I don’t have any faith in doctors, my faith is in God. God gave man antibiotics and other medicines. If he chooses to hide knowledge from man, they would not even be able to find a cure for the common cold. If God has given doctors a cure for whatever may ail me, I will trust God to lead me there. If he doesn’t, he can heal me or I can die if that is what he chooses for me.
Imagican wrote: Does ANYONE out there KNOW what the word REPLINISH means. Was that word a MISTAKE or was it INTENDED to be in Genesis? To REPLINISH means to Plinish AGAIN. To 'do it OVER again'. Now, if Adam WAS the FIRST man EVER, HOW could God command him to REPLINISH the Earth? Sounds kinda foolish don't it?
That word threw me at first when I entertained the notion of a gap theory. Then I found out it has the same idea as the word, ‘reproduce’ on the earth, not ‘repopulate’ it.