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[__ Science __ ] Noahs Flood explained and Evolution refuted.

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Racism, as you now see, was an essential part of YE creationism.
As usual, you are resorting to silly, childish games out of your chagrin over the fact that, as you know, you have no hope of ever proving your Darwinistspeak. Like so many people in the modern world, you are angrily reacting to Bible Truth that you despise and reject (in this case, young-Earth Creationism) by mindlessly, meaninglessly calling it "racism". You wouldn't ever feel an urge to behave in the shameful way that you are behaving, if you could prove (or even, if you merely believed you could prove) your Darwinistspeak.
As usual, you are resorting to silly, childish games out of your chagrin over the fact that, as you know, you have no hope of ever proving your Darwinistspeak.
Getting angry and verbally abusive won't help you. Try to put a cogent argument together and deal with the facts, not your feelings.

Like so many people in the modern world, you are angrily reacting to Bible Truth that you despise and reject
I notice that you're the outlier here. Most of the world's Christians have no problem with His word, without the SDA revisions you follow.

You're angry learning about the racist foundations of YE creationionism by early YE creationists like Henry Morris. I'm not saying you're racist. Many, if not most YE creationists have rejected the racist foundations of YE creationism.

Calm yourself and try to frame an argument on the facts. When someone annoys me on the net, I go get an iced tea, play with the dog, and only then go back to reply.

Saves me a lot of embarrassment. Just think about it, O.K.?
Please, cite and quote for us Henry Morris's words that you are calling "racism".
"Often the Hamites, especially the Negroes, have become actual personal servants or even slaves to the others. Possessed of a genetic character concerned mainly with mundane matters, they have eventually been displaced by the intellectual and philosophical acumen of the Japhethites and the religious zeal of the Semites."
Henry Morris The Beginning of the World Second Edition (1991), pp. 147-148

Morris is stuffed with prunes, of course. Evolutionary theory has shown that there are no genetic races of humans, and there haven't been for a long time. And there certainly isn't a shred of evidence for his notion that blacks are inferior intellectually or spiritually to other people.

Morris goes on to blame God, not man for this perceived inequality:

"The prophecy would be inevitably fulfilled because of the innate natures of the three genetic stocks, not by virtue of any artificial constraints imposed by man."
(same source)
Yes, we no longer burn witches or enslave people. But humans are no better now than when we were burning witches.
Christians. Or at least professed Christians in both Protestant and Catholic states.

Did the SDA burn witches and heretics?
They began in the 1830s, so they missed out on witch burnings. And they generally opposed slavery. I've had business and social contacts with many of them, and while I disagree with a lot of things they believe, they generally act in a manner that does credit to their faith in God.
Getting angry and verbally abusive won't help you.
Then why do you get angry and verbally abusive? Why preach what you refuse to practice?
I'm neither angry nor verbally abusive. Are you accusing me of being angry and/or verbally abusive? If so, you're falsely accusing me.
Most of the world's Christians have no problem with His word
Unlike you, I don't call most of the people in the world "Christians". So, what "point" are you trying to make? Why appeal to the erroneous thinking people I don't call "Christians" in your futile, failed attempt to support your Darwinistspeak. That's merely you stating the obvious fact that many other people besides Barbarian are devoted to irrational, anti-Bible thinking.
Then why do you get angry and verbally abusive?
You're projecting. I would never say those things to you. Not because I'm a saint, but because I've learned to take a bit of time to reply if someone annoys me. That could help you, too.

Unlike you, I don't call most of the people in the world "Christians".
We happen to be the largest single religion in the world. But I know that smaller sects will often tell people that "all those other Christians aren't REAL Christians." Do you know how, during the great persecutions, Christians were able to identify each other? Might be a revelation for you.

That's merely you stating the obvious fact that many other people besides @Barbarian are devoted to irrational, anti-Bible thinking.
Again, if you'd take a bit of time to calm yourself, you likely wouldn't be writing such things. It might feel satisfying at the time, but people remember.
"Often the Hamites, especially the Negroes, have become actual personal servants or even slaves to the others. Possessed of a genetic character concerned mainly with mundane matters, they have eventually been displaced by the intellectual and philosophical acumen of the Japhethites and the religious zeal of the Semites."
Henry Morris The Beginning of the World Second Edition (1991), pp. 147-148
  • Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Hamites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
  • Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Japhethites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
  • Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Semites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
  • Which proposition(s) that Morris stated here are you calling "racist"? And why?
  • And, by calling a proposition "racist", do you mean that said proposition is false, and is not true? Yes or No?
Oh, also....why did Charles Darwin decide to marry and have offspring with his first cousin?
What's directly observed constantly is your cognitively-meaninglessly chanting of slogans like "evolution is directly observed in populations constantly"
That's pretty simple. Evolution is, as you might remember, a change in allele frequencies in a population. I've shown you examples. Would you like me to show you some more?

Why, you even "Post reply" to numerous posts by, despite knowing that does not read your posts.
They bring up interesting claims that are worth considering here. That's what the forum is for.

You can't even prove that your Darwinistspeak rises to the level of being false.
As the philosopher of science Karl Popper noted, that while evolutionary theory has been verified, it is at least in principle falsible. Let's take the four points of Darwin's theory:

1. all organisms are slightly different than their parents
2. some of these differences affect the likelihood of living long enough to reproduce
3. the favorable ones tend to increase in the population and the unfavorable ones tend to be removed
4. over time, this produced new species

Which of these do you think have been shown to be false, and what is your evidence?

I've got grievances with different aspects of the SDA. But, be aware that he thinks he has an axe to grind with the SDA, because the SDA has always seemed so opposed to and critical of Romanism.
Actually, you have that wrong as well. My observation (as I pointed out earlier) is that SDAs generally live in a way that is a credit to their faith in God.

If you were less concerned about other people's motivations, and more focused on facts and testable evidence, things might go better for you here.
"Often the Hamites, especially the Negroes, have become actual personal servants or even slaves to the others. Possessed of a genetic character concerned mainly with mundane matters, they have eventually been displaced by the intellectual and philosophical acumen of the Japhethites and the religious zeal of the Semites."
Henry Morris The Beginning of the World Second Edition (1991), pp. 147-148

Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Hamites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
You still don't get it. There are no genetic or biological human races today. Race, in humans, is a cultural construct, not a biological reality. Morris has that absolutely wrong. But it's a necessary assumption for him, because his religion requires that blacks be genetically inferior to whites. None of those imagined groups are genetic or biological races.

Which proposition(s) that Morris stated here are you calling "racist"? And why?
See above. Because he ascribes differences in intelligence and spirituality to supposed racial differences.

Oh, also....why did Charles Darwin decide to marry and have offspring with his first cousin?
Apparently, it used to be a common thing among upper-class English people. It's still legal in at least 19 U.S. states. Of course, people in Darwin's time knew nothing about harmful recessives, so it's not surprising it was legal in England.
You're projecting.
That's false. You're wrong, yet again. Once again, you have falsely accused me.
I would never say those things to you.
Which things?
Not because I'm a saint,
I didn't say you are.
but because I've learned to take a bit of time to reply if someone annoys me.
I've very often seen the sort of things you say to someone when they annoy you. For example:
Getting angry and verbally abusive won't help you. Try to put a cogent argument together and deal with the facts, not your feelings.
And, it sure did not take you a very big bit of time to react in your anger that way to what I had written.
That could help you, too.
Apparently you've not tried to practice what you preach, so how can I reasonably take it other than as empty, vain words, when you claim that what you preach without practicing "helps" you?
I know that smaller sects will often tell people that "all those other Christians aren't REAL Christians."
Unlike such people, I don't call non-Christians "Christians", and so, I would never say something as stupid and self-defeating as what you make your imaginary friends to say: "all those other Christians aren't REAL Christians". Do you consider it a reasonable thing to do, to call someone or something an X when you do not believe that that someone or something is an X? I, for one, do not consider that to be reasonable behavior. Yet, it sure seems like lots of people nowadays demand that others engage in that very behavior.
Do you know how, during the great persecutions, Christians were able to identify each other?
I do not know that by your word, "Christians", you are even referring to Christians. Do you call everyone in the world, "Christians"? I don't.
Again, if you'd take a bit of time to calm yourself
There, yet again, you are gnashing your teeth at me in your anger. Best practice what you preach, instead of continuing your silly projection. Might benefit you if you would try it.
people remember.
Ah, yes! What you wrote, there, is an example of the language of chagrin-born threat-making. To whom, and to how many persons are you referring by your word, "people"?
  • Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Hamites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
  • Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Japhethites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
  • Are the people to whom Morris refers by his phrase, "the Semites", something you would call "a race"? Yes or No?
Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
  • Which proposition(s) that Morris stated here are you calling "racist"? And why?
Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
  • And, by calling a proposition "racist", do you mean that said proposition is false, and is not true? Yes or No?
Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
Oh, also....why did Charles Darwin decide to marry and have offspring with his first cousin?
Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
You still don't get it.
Getting angry and lashing out at me because of your inability and failure to answer these questions I've asked you is not going to hide your inability and failure to answer them.
@Barbarian: <NO ANSWER>
You let your temper get the best of you again. You got answers, just not the answers you wanted.

My answer:
You still don't get it. There are no genetic or biological human races today. Race, in humans, is a cultural construct, not a biological reality. Morris has that absolutely wrong. But it's a necessary assumption for him, because his religion requires that blacks be genetically inferior to whites. None of those imagined groups are genetic or biological races.

Everyone can see my answers above. Calm yourself and be sure your statements are true.
I know that smaller sects will often tell people that "all those other Christians aren't REAL Christians."

Unlike such people, I don't call non-Christians "Christians"
What do you think marks a "real Christian?"
Do you know how, during the great persecutions, Christians were able to identify each other? Might be a revelation for you.

Do you call everyone in the world, "Christians"? I don't.
People notice that you declined to answer. If you can't even tell us what a Christian is, how can you tell us anything about it?

I'm not trying to upset you. I'm trying to figure out what you're thinking here. Take some times to think about it and let us know.
You let your temper get the best of you again.
You let your temper get the best of you again.
You got answers,
None of what you are calling "answers" was an answer to any of the questions I asked you.
just not the answers you wanted.
Wait, what "answers" are you claiming I "wanted", exactly? Let's hear you list what "answers" you are claiming I "wanted".
My answer:
You still don't get it. There are no genetic or biological human races today. Race, in humans, is a cultural construct, not a biological reality. Morris has that absolutely wrong. But it's a necessary assumption for him, because his religion requires that blacks be genetically inferior to whites. None of those imagined groups are genetic or biological races.

Everyone can see my answers above.
And, everyone can see that what you are calling "My answer" is not an answer to any of the questions I asked you, so what's your "point"?
Calm yourself and be sure your statements are true.
Calm yourself. Your statements are false.
I know that smaller sects will often tell people that "all those other Christians aren't REAL Christians."
You're mindlessly repeating your nonsense again, I see. I don't know whom you are talking about (and it seems you're not willing to tell me whom (if anyone) you are talking about); but, like I said, I don't use your phrase, "REAL Christians", and so, I don't say things like "all those other Christians aren't REAL Christians". So, again, what's your "point"?
What do you think marks a "real Christian?"
Where have I used your phrase, "real Christian", other than in quoting you using it? I have not used it. I don't call anyone "real Christian". Christians I call "Christians", and non-Christians I do not call "Christians". Christians are people who believe -- rather than reject and war against -- what the Bible teaches. Christians are people who believe that God gave His infallible, inerrant Word, The Holy Bible, to man.
Do you know how, during the great persecutions, Christians were able to identify each other?
You mean the Roman Papacy's persecutions of Christians throughout the Dark Ages? Among others, the SDAs, I know, have a long history of documenting the Papacy's atrocities against Bible-believers, which is why I'm never surprised to see you spewing your hatred against the SDAs in sort of a package deal alongside your spewing of hatred against believers of the Bible Truth of young-Earth Creation.
I'm not trying to upset you.
There you go, once again gnashing your teeth at me out of your chagrin. Don't worry, though, your continual lashing out in anger at me and your hypocritical projection is amusing, not upsetting. I'm long-since used to the sort of behavior that is your wont.
You're mindlessly repeating your nonsense again, I see.
It really doesn't matter who you regard as a Christian. God decides.
Christians are people who believe -- rather than reject and war against -- what the Bible teaches.
I thought you claimed to be a Christian.
Do you know how, during the great persecutions, Christians were able to identify each other?

You mean...
The great persecutions under the Romans such as that of Diocletian. I'll ask again...
Do you know how, during the great persecutions, Christians were able to identify each other?

Hint: it wasn't by Scripture. The NT didn't even exist in at the time. No Bible to thump, but they still knew. How?

which is why I'm never surprised to see you spewing your hatred against the SDAs
Let's see what you regard as "spewing hatred."
Actually, you have that wrong as well. My observation (as I pointed out earlier) is that SDAs generally live in a way that is a credit to their faith in God.
That explains a lot of your posts here.
your spewing of hatred against believers of the Bible Truth of young-Earth Creation.
I regard YE creationists other than the Muslim YE creationists, as Christians like the rest of us. It's not a salvation issue, so unless you make an idol of your new doctrines, your salvation is not at risk.

I'm not trying to upset you.

There you go, once again gnashing your teeth at me out of your chagrin. Don't worry, though, your continual lashing out in anger at me and your hypocritical projection is amusing, not upsetting.
You don't seem very amused. Your posts are increasingly frantic and accusatory.
None of what you are calling "answers" was an answer to any of the questions I asked you.
Of course they were. I showed you that none of the "races" that Henry Morris was blathering about, were genetic races as he claims. You asked if they were races, and I showed you that in humans, race is just a cultural construct with no genetic or biological reality.

Wait, what "answers" are you claiming I "wanted", exactly?
You thought you could make points by insisting on a "yes or no." The old "have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no." game. Instead I showed you that one of the founders of YE creationism merely assumed there is a genetic race of humans who are intellectually and spiritually inferior to the rest of us, and bound to be our servants.

It's all racist garbage. There are no biological human races. And again, I realize that many if not most YE creationists today reject the racist basis of YE creationism.
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