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Non-Virgin/Born-Again Virgins Christians intermarrying with Christian Virgins.


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Nicholas Cid

I'm just curious on what people on here think about this kind of subject. 1 day my Pastor was talking about that God wants the best for each and everyone one of His Children. When we are patient and obedient he will give us the best and if we aren't patient and obedient we will not receive the best, but 2nd best, 3rd best, or nothing good at all.. depending on how patient and obedient you are.

I thought about this. I've seen Christians who talk and use the title Born-again Virgin and I don't agree with it and I consider it very insulting, because I am a 23yr Virgin and struggled to keep it until marriage(but nowadays I want to stay a virgin for the rest of my life). Ever since I was baptized the Lord Jesus Christ has made me Non-Sexual. The Lord Jesus Christ has other plans for me, which do not involve getting married and having children.

It has come to my knowledge that some Christians that are Non-Virgins intermarry with Virgins. I am against it for a few reasons.

1: Christian Virgins have been waiting for the best God is going to give them if they remain patient and the Non-Virgins or Born again Virgins haven't been patient and to me are consider 2nd best for these Christian Virgins. I am not trying to degrade Non-Virgins saying they are second best. However I Am trying to say that the best for a Christian Virgin is someone who also has been waiting all their life and saved their Virginity.

2: A Christian Non-Virgin or Born-again Virgin cannot consider themselves to be as Chaste/Celibate as a Christian Virgin. These Virgins have been waiting patiently for God's Best all their life and have not had sexual contact. Non-Virgins or Born-again Virgin have not been waiting patiently for God's best for all their life and have had sexual contact. you cannot compare all life to 1 month-however long. There is nothing fair or equal about Virgins intermarrying with Non-Virgins.
"The LORD abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delight."
- Proverbs 11:1

3: The Christian Non-Virgin or Born-again Virgin is Depriving the Christian Virgin of the Best God is willing to give them if they continue to seek to intermarry with Virgins.

Some Christians who were Virgins that intermarried with Non-Virgins or Born-again Virgins say that oh well I love my Husband or Wife and consider them to be the best God has given me. I have a question for you, how do you know that's God's Best for you and not The second Best? sometimes the Second best thing or person usually seems like the Best but its not and it never will be and you will never know God's best for you because you weren't patient enough.

My Pastor made it clear, We as people usually choose the Second best thing or person, you know why? because we lack patience and expect things to be on our time and not God's time. I see nothing Christlike about that at all.

Let The the Discussion begin! :)
I don't see in Scripture how baptism is linked with the idea of gender change of some sort.

I don't understand either how Christians may be said to be intermarrying with Christians, since the point of the term 'intermarrying' presumably is to denote uniting like with unlike.

(There are a few other things I don't understand, either; this is why I phrased it generally.)
I Don't believe God wants the Like(Virgins) intermarrying with Unlike(Non-Virgins). There is no balance/fairness/equality when a Virgin marries a Non-Virgin. Sex is a wonderful experience 2 Virgins should Experience together, not 1 Virgin. Do you understand or do I really have to find a way better way for you to understand what is it this Discussion is about? I see nothing Good about Virgins marrying Non-Virgins its just like Christians intermarrying with Atheists, the only difference is that this isn't about religion. I have a few question for you. If you were a Virgin would you marry a Non-Virgin? You've been waiting for God's Best life partner for you and saving yourself and the Non-Virgin hasn't, the Non-Virgin isn't the best life partner for you, but could be the 2nd best. which would you rather have the Best or 2nd best(take into account that God wants the Very best for you, not best.) Do you think God is pleased with Virgins who are faithful to wait until their married with the best life partner God is going to give them? do you consider Virgins to be faithful to God and their Life partner to save themselves until marriage?
Ok, so...... all sex is sin, sex within marriage is just forgiven sin, right?
I believe Sex is good when 1 man and 1 woman are married. However I abhor dishonest scales, but delight in accurate weights(Example:Virgin marries Virgin/Non-Virgin marries Non-Virgin.)
Do you agree that is was Good for Hosea to marry a prostitute?
I believe Sex is good when 1 man and 1 woman are married. However I abhor dishonest scales, but delight in accurate weights(Example:Virgin marries Virgin/Non-Virgin marries Non-Virgin.)
Do you agree that is was Good for Hosea to marry a prostitute?

God said, do it.

It was partly to teach the lesson that God is longsuffering.
I Don't believe God wants the Like(Virgins) intermarrying with Unlike(Non-Virgins). There is no balance/fairness/equality when a Virgin marries a Non-Virgin. Sex is a wonderful experience 2 Virgins should Experience together, not 1 Virgin. Do you understand or do I really have to find a way better way for you to understand what is it this Discussion is about? I see nothing Good about Virgins marrying Non-Virgins its just like Christians intermarrying with Atheists, the only difference is that this isn't about religion. I have a few question for you. If you were a Virgin would you marry a Non-Virgin? You've been waiting for God's Best life partner for you and saving yourself and the Non-Virgin hasn't, the Non-Virgin isn't the best life partner for you, but could be the 2nd best. which would you rather have the Best or 2nd best(take into account that God wants the Very best for you, not best.) Do you think God is pleased with Virgins who are faithful to wait until their married with the best life partner God is going to give them? do you consider Virgins to be faithful to God and their Life partner to save themselves until marriage?

If Joe and Mary go to a Bible believing local church and they are both converted and serving the Lord and want to serve Him as husband and wife, then even if Joe discovers that Mary isn't a virgin (or the other way round), if she is repentant and converted, it's their mutual experience of the grace of God in the gospel that counts, not whether at some stage before her conversion her virginity was lost.

Otherwise, where does this leave the grace of God in the gospel?
I'm not a virgin but my fiance is and since God brought us together, I can only conclude that he doesn't have a problem with it
2 Corinthians 5
"16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

Scripture says when we confess and repent of our sins, when we turn from our wickedness and live for Christ who then lives in us, we are forgiven. It is man that continues to see them as what we once were. God does not. This is our hangup; not His.

I don't believe a pastor should be preaching that we are not new creations; that He does not make all things new. This is a "scarlet letter" that children of God shouldn't have to bare.

My response was to illustrate my opinion that you are far too obsessed with sex and virginity - and (as others have pointed out) that you seem to not see God's grace to us concerning this issue.

What was Jesus' response to the woman at the well? Simply, "Go and sin no more." Her past was not all that important to Him, He was concerned with the 'here and now' and her future. He wanted very much to reach her, to change her, and to forgive her. He then wished only that she would leave her past behind, and live a new life in His grace. I find that very profound.

Why do YOU not find that very profound?
Hi Mike: the 2 Cor. 5.17 verse is one that came to my mind also.

Hi Pizzaguy: yes, I was thinking about the John 7.53-8.11 passage as well. 'Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more'.
I'm not a virgin but my fiance is and since God brought us together, I can only conclude that he doesn't have a problem with it


It's always good to go over the relevant Scriptures together as a prospective couple and proceed with a clear conscience, like you guys sound like you've done. Have a great Christmas and God's rich blessing for your future.
If Joe and Mary go to a Bible believing local church and they are both converted and serving the Lord and want to serve Him as husband and wife, then even if Joe discovers that Mary isn't a virgin (or the other way round), if she is repentant and converted, it's their mutual experience of the grace of God in the gospel that counts, not whether at some stage before her conversion her virginity was lost.

Otherwise, where does this leave the grace of God in the gospel?

I can see you don't understand what this topic is about you were confused from the beginning. Please leave the discussion and come back when you understand what the discussion and topic is all about. Thank you and God Bless.
I know, so do you believe The Pope and Priest should marry Prostitutes?


For interpreting the Bible, the pope is not normative.

For interpreting the Bible, a priest in the sense that you are maybe using it: a class of men who have supposedly exclusive insights into divine truth, as distinct from individual believers, such a person is not normative, either.

So the question doesn't say very much to me, sorry.

In the New Testament, all born again believers who thus serve God in newness of spirit, separated to Him, are priests and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It may well be the will of God for someone who has been converted from a life of gross sin to marry another believer: we all stand condemned by our sin, but by the grace of God, as those who are washed by the blood of Christ, believers in Him can move on.
I'm not a virgin but my fiance is and since God brought us together, I can only conclude that he doesn't have a problem with it
How do you know God brought you both together? I know Non-Virgins don't mind getting involved with Virgins, because Virgins have something they don't have. You're not actually making a sacrifice, you're fiance is the only one making a sacrifice. I highly doubt that you're fiance has been saving herself for a man who is unfaithful in saving himself for her. This isn't the 1st time nor will it be the last time a woman chooses the 2nd best over the Very best man God chose for her. The sad part really is that you know what your doing and I think you don't even care. This is a 1 and a life time experience and she should be experiencing it with someone who can relate and experience it with her, however you won't be able to relate and experience it with her, because you've already experienced it with someone else.

This is suppose to be a great Godly experience of Love where 2 become 1 and you have already done that and she hasn't. The best man for her is still waiting for her and he also too is a virgin and your about to take away his Best. Virgin marrying Virgin=Equal accurate weight Non-Virgin marrying Non-Virgin=Equal accurate weight. Virgin marrying Non-Virgin= uneven weight, there is no balance. The Pope, Priests, Pastors, and ETC marrying Prostitutes is a Disgrace to the Church and to God! this intermarrying is a disgrace to the Church and to God. God even says that the people representing Him should marry Virgin women, these Men are Virgins as well. It is written in the Holy Bible the WORD of GOD. Where are the God Fearing and obedient Christians nowadays?

My intent is not to offend you, but to admonish you.
2 Corinthians 5
"16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

Scripture says when we confess and repent of our sins, when we turn from our wickedness and live for Christ who then lives in us, we are forgiven. It is man that continues to see them as what we once were. God does not. This is our hangup; not His.

I don't believe a pastor should be preaching that we are not new creations; that He does not make all things new. This is a "scarlet letter" that children of God shouldn't have to bare.
Mike my Pastor was preaching about "God wants the best for us, not 2nd best". He has said nothing to do with This topic which is a discussion on Virgins intermarrying with Non-Virgins.

I do have a few questions for you though, some Christians teach their children to save themselves for the 1 God has chosen for them, which usually is someone who saves themselves for them in return. Now why should 1 person save themselves for a person who didn't save themselves for them in return? it seems pointless. Why should I save myself and give myself to a woman who didn't even care to save herself for me? Whats wrong with me not saving myself and should I care, if they obviously didn't? By losing ones Virginity they have become unfaithful to their future partner God had chosen for them and thus being unfaithful to ones partner is a sin. I believe in Correction and Punishment for it is Good and Pleasing to the Lord God Almighty, these unfaithful partners should not receive the Best that God was going to give them, instead they will receive the 2nd Best which is an unfaithful partner just like them, a Non-Virgin. I believe Non-virgins intermarrying with Virgins are thieves because they take and do not give, they are unfair.


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