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Non-Virgin/Born-Again Virgins Christians intermarrying with Christian Virgins.


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My response was to illustrate my opinion that you are far too obsessed with sex and virginity - and (as others have pointed out) that you seem to not see God's grace to us concerning this issue.

What was Jesus' response to the woman at the well? Simply, "Go and sin no more." Her past was not all that important to Him, He was concerned with the 'here and now' and her future. He wanted very much to reach her, to change her, and to forgive her. He then wished only that she would leave her past behind, and live a new life in His grace. I find that very profound.

Why do YOU not find that very profound?
I know God's Grace and Mercy. I preach it and I take it to heart. I am not obsessed with sex and virginity. I have a question for you: Why should someone save themselves for someone who didn't save themselves for them in return?
To completely and utterly disregard with contempt the words of our Lord in 2 Corinthians 5 et al is nigh on to outrageous. It places man's judgment as supreme, and is yet another attempt to harden hearts away from our Lord. It also denounces any and all work that our Lord does in our individual lives when we become Christians.

That line of unrighteous judgment establishes a caste system within the realm of Christianity that is nonsense. And the word of our Lord is anything but nonsense! When HE brings two people together for marriage, He knows what He is doing. And what He decides to do for His people is NOT for us to sit back and render unjust judgment.

Nicholas, I highly recommend you read and study our Lord's Word - the Bible - for yourself, and not place such weight on man's words.

I know God's Grace and Mercy. I preach it and I take it to heart.
If you do, then you have proven my point - you are obsessed with sex and virginity, to the point that concerns over such issues mask your knowledge of God's grace.

I have a question for you: Why should someone save themselves for someone who didn't save themselves for them in return?
See, that's it - the answer does not matter to me. WHile is it certainly best if two people actually do save themselves for marriage, such is often not the case in instances where one finds the Lord later in life, or has been married and their spouse died, left them, etc.

For interpreting the Bible, the pope is not normative.

For interpreting the Bible, a priest in the sense that you are maybe using it: a class of men who have supposedly exclusive insights into divine truth, as distinct from individual believers, such a person is not normative, either.

So the question doesn't say very much to me, sorry.

In the New Testament, all born again believers who thus serve God in newness of spirit, separated to Him, are priests and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It may well be the will of God for someone who has been converted from a life of gross sin to marry another believer: we all stand condemned by our sin, but by the grace of God, as those who are washed by the blood of Christ, believers in Him can move on.
I tell you this, there is something sacred about Virginity. The Lord Jesus Christ was not born from a Non-Virgin. What is Sacred in the eyes of the Lord should not mix with what is not sacred and I see nothing Sacred about a Non-virgin unfaithful person intermarrying with a Virgin Faithful person. I do believe in God's Love,Grace,Mercy, and Forgiveness. However I do believe in Correction and Punishment. When a Child does something wrong and asks for forgiveness the Disciplinary action is lightened, that in itself is a reward and the child can hopefully learn from the Disciplinary action not to do what was wrong again.
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When HE brings two people together for marriage, He knows what He is doing. And what He decides to do for His people is NOT for us to sit back and render unjust judgment.
I see a lot of Christians who claim that God brought them together getting divorces and sometimes more than once. I tell you this God did not bring them together, but they brought themselves together thinking it was God who brought them together. God does not bring unfaithful people together in marriage with faithful people. It is a disgrace to think otherwise. I do not make judgements. I do not see anything Just about impurity mixing with impurity.

Nicholas, I highly recommend you read and study our Lord's Word - the Bible - for yourself, and not place such weight on man's words.


I read,study, and Preach the WORD of GOD.
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your words not mine.
I will rephrase .... I pray you are shown more mercy ,grace and forgiveness then you show to through this thread.

We are to 'save' ourselves not for our gain but because it is pleasing unto God or the right thing.... phrase it how ever....

Why should someone save themselves for someone who didn't save themselves
for them in return?
That is like giving to get back...
I see a lot of Christians who claim that God brought them together getting divorces and sometimes more than once. I tell you this God did not bring them together, but they brought themselves together thinking it was God who brought them together. God does not bring unfaithful people together in marriage with faithful people. It is a disgrace to think otherwise. I do not make judgements. I do not see anything Just about impurity mixing with impurity.

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” -Luke 18:27 :thumbsup

These posts sure don't sound like you believe Luke 18:27...
If you do, then you have proven my point - you are obsessed with sex and virginity
Again I am not obsessed with sex and virginity. However this subject interests me on how people mistreat what is sacred to God.

See, that's it - the answer does not matter to me. WHile is it certainly best if two people actually do save themselves for marriage, such is often not the case in instances where one finds the Lord later in life, or has been married and their spouse died, left them, etc.
If you are unwilling to answer questions then I will end this discussion with you because you refuse to obey 1 of Christ's teachings which is: "Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you" -Matthew 5:42 and I am asking you for an answer and your not giving me one, because the answer doesn't matter to you. the answer matters to me, so either answer my question or continue to be selfish by withholding what I ask of you as a brother in Christ. When someone wither a fellow Christian or non-Christian asks me any question. I give them an answer, I don't care wither the answer matters to me or not. I give it because it is asked of me. Be submissive.
I will rephrase .... I pray you are shown more mercy ,grace and forgiveness then you show to through this thread.

We are to 'save' ourselves not for our gain but because it is pleasing unto God or the right thing.... phrase it how ever....
I'm not talking about "OUR GAIN". I believe it is pleasing to God that A Faithful Person marries a Faithful person where each has been faithful to their partner and to God. How is it pleasing to God when a person who has been unfaithful to their future partner but is faithful to God marries a person who has been faithful to them and to God? How is that pleasing when the scale is uneven and God abhors dishonest scales?

That is like giving to get back...
Should we not be rewarded for being faithful and doing Good? I expect nothing in return, nor a reward from God for doing what he asks of me, but he gives it to me nonetheless.

I appreciate your prayers. I will pray for you also. I do show mercy,grace,and forgiveness. When people repent to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, he takes away the punishment of hell and instead resorts to a lesser way to punish us. We are not cleared of all ways and forms of punishments. We all are punished wither it be less or great punishment. Nonetheless the Good Lord punishes the ones he loves. Though we are still punished we are still forgiven of our sins and he removes them from us as far as the east is from the west.
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” -Luke 18:27 :thumbsup

These posts sure don't sound like you believe Luke 18:27...
I believe and take the scriptures to heart. However I do not believe in mixing purity with impurity. I have a question for you. Was your marriage or marriages mixed(Virgin with Non-Virgin) or non-mixed(Virgin with Virgin)? because I'm thinking the people who I am talking to in this Thread are people who have had or are in mixed marriages. I have not come to offend but to have a peaceful discussion. I think by what I am reading is that people are casting stones and making false judgements about me. This Topic is not about me it is about Virgins intermarrying with Non-Virgins. So I ask everyone politely please stop talking about me and start talking about the Topic and why you agree or disagree.
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I believe and take the scriptures to heart. However I do not believe in mixing purity with impurity. I have a question for you. Was your marriage or marriages mixed(Virgin with Non-Virgin) or unmixed(Virgin with Virgin)? because I'm thinking the people who I am talking to is this Thread are people who have had or are in mixed marriages.

Friend, you asked me not to participate, so excuse this final intervention: the question you just asked is intrusive. May we all value highly the saving grace and forgiveness of the Savior who came into the world at Bethelehem. Good-night.
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It's always good to go over the relevant Scriptures together as a prospective couple and proceed with a clear conscience, like you guys sound like you've done. Have a great Christmas and God's rich blessing for your future.

Thanks farouk :) yeah we went over all the relevant scriptures together and prayed about it and we both got signs from God that this was from him. He continues to give us signs and has gotten us through a lot of tough times. We both agreed we'd only get married if this definitely from God and thankfully it is :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Friend, you asked me not to participate, so excuse this final intervention: the question you just asked is intrusive. May we all value highly the saving grace and forgiveness of the Savior who came into the world at Bethelehem. Good-night.
I asked you not to participate dear friend, because you did not know what this discussion is about and couldn't contribute to it. When you do come to understanding and can contribute to the discussion, please I urge you to come back.

Yes the question is intrusive, but as a Christian I have nothing to Hide. Wither the question be intrusive or not, if someone asked me this intrusive question I would give them answers, because I give to the one who asks of me. In my discussions and thread the people in my discussions and thread must be open and if you are not open I will ask you politely to leave, if you will not leave I consider you to be a nuisance and if no one is open in the discussion I will stop posting and will leave, because they are wasting my time that God gave me to live for him and I will not waste it. I ask this question because it only seems appropriate that I know what the views are of the person that I am talking to. If I were in a topic that was about "Homosexual marriage should not be legal" and I felt as though the person I am having the discussion with who is opposed to my position, I would simply ask if they are a Homosexual. Usually the individuals with the most defense are the people who committed the actions I am opposed to. I think some people in this discussion are Non-Virgins who married Virgins or Virgins who married Non-Virgins, that is why they are so defensive and casting their stones. I have been open since the beginning of the discussion. I am a Virgin that God has called to remain a Virgin and Not get married and have children because his plans for me do not involve those things.
Thanks farouk :) yeah we went over all the relevant scriptures together and prayed about it and we both got signs from God that this was from him. He continues to give us signs and has gotten us through a lot of tough times. We both agreed we'd only get married if this definitely from God and thankfully it is :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Mind telling what these signs you believe to be coming from God were?
or are you going to ignore this question too?
I didn't know I joined a Rude community.
I always thought Christian Communities were Polite and Responsive.
then again this could just be a community that appears to be Christian but isn't. I see a lot of those. It's a shame and a disgrace.
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Mind telling what these signs you believe to be coming from God were?
or are you going to ignore this question too?
I didn't know I joined a Rude community.
I always thought Christian Communities were Polite and Responsive.
then again this could just be a community that appears to be Christian but isn't. I see a lot of those. It's a shame and a disgrace.

It's hard to ignore a question that hasn't been asked. Speaking of being rude, you may want to reread your posts before making accusations.

One of the passages that God gave my fiance was;

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Also, whilst praying on it I just felt God say "she is from me" so that combined with everything my fiance got we are happy God has brought us together. Yes we are very different but I've been forgiven for my past, my fiance knows my past and I hide nothing.

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
I believe it is pleasing to God that A Faithful Person marries a Faithful person where each has been faithful to their partner and to God. How is it pleasing to God when a person who has been unfaithful to their future partner but is faithful to God marries a person who has been faithful to them and to God? How is that pleasing when the scale is uneven and God abhors dishonest scales?

Luke 15
"3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

Does it bring joy to the Lord when we do not follow his ways? No. It brings joy to Him and all of Heaven when a sinner confesses and repents of his/her sins. It brings joy to Him when one is found who once was lost. Nicholas, you have sinned, just as the rest of us have. Are you to be thrown in a heap of "lesser thans" because you made some wrong choices? Should those wrong choices you made weigh you down in spite of the fact that you confessed and repented of your sins? NO!! You are NOT a lesser than! The Bible is full of pillars of our faith that fell down and by the grace of God, stood back up - every king, every prophet, every apostle. God used them in spite of their flaws. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

It does not matter to God what they once were. It matters to Him who they ARE IN CHRIST. It is not our place to saddle them with baggage God has released them from!

In my role as admin, I want to remind you that you may not dictate who can and cannot participate in a thread. It is not your place to even suggest that they do not participate. You have been given Godly responses here, and I have seen you lash back with hostility because you didn't agree with answers you were receiving. If you were bent on making a point and defending it against opposing views, Christian Talk & Advice was not the appropriate forum to start your thread in. There is no debating and arguing in this forum.

Since this has not followed the rules for the CT&A from the very beginning, I am thinking of moving this thread to the Apologetics & Theology Forum. If it is moved, you will be free to argue against the fullness of God's Forgiveness there, but you will not determine who will and won't participate in any discussion. As long as it stays in the CT&A, this must be discussed without arguing.

Here is one more chance to keep this discussion within the confines of this forum.

Thank you.
I don't really see where the Bible says you have to marry a virgin? Keep your virginity until marriage, certainly, but I don't see how that equals "don't marry anyone who isn't a virgin" or that it's never God's will for you to marry someone who isn't a virgin.

Certainly that is a very good quality in a person, that they saved themselves for marriage. And certainly it wouldn't be a good idea to marry someone who sleeps around.
But, if they don't do that anymore, have gotten saved since then and/or asked for forgiveness...then why should they have to never get married because of past sins that they've already been forgiven for?
I don't mean someone who only claims to have repented, I mean someone who has really and sincerely changed. And to claim that isn't possible is to deny God's ability to change people's hearts.

If past sins make you second best, then we're all second best. All sin is equal in the sight of God, and we've all committed some sort of sin.

Just my two cents. I'm not looking to argue.
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I wanted to reply to this post the other day because I saw several misunderstandings of Scripture within the mind of a brother - but I held back because, like Mike has said, this forum is for talk and advice and not debate. That being the case, I'm not sure what advice is being sought, perhaps none. The OP contains the invitation, "let the discussion begin," and perhaps the purpose is only to stimulate non-debate type talk here.

With that in mind, I'd like to 2nd Questdriven's last post and say that God does not create categories or classes of people in order to give more respect to one group of people over any other. If a man thinks too highly of himself because he does not tell lies, then is he better than another man who thinks too highly of himself but doesn't steal?


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