Amen! And anyone that interprets the meaning of the Living Word is aq fool, the Word,l when indwelt with the Holy Spirit becomes self interpreting, and any message from any spirit that disagrees with the Book God left us, the Final Court of Arbitration, is a lie!
According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ is the living Word. The Scriptures are not alive. Jesus Christ is alive!!!
And the Scriptures are not self interpreting, the Holy Spirit interprets them, and the Holy Spirit speaks words which can be heard and written down. The Spirits words do not disagree with the Scriptures, but they might and probably do disagree with what you think by leaning on your own understanding. That's because God's thoughts are not your thoughts.
It's written that they will all be taught of God. He is the Teacher. He can use other people, but even then He will talk to you about what those people He uses tell you. That is: He the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Christ and who does not speak on His own initiative but as He hears He speaks, brings the words from the living Word of God (Jesus Christ) to our spirit. We hear those words. And because we hear those words we can tell others things He personally tells us. And since God is awesome we are going to be telling others to listen to Him.
So while He (the Spirit) might use others to tell me things, I would never say:
I wouldn't say that because I am not pushed by people to learn about God, because I am lead by God not people!!! And because I am lead by Him and hear from Him, I know it is possible for others to be lead by and listen to Him also. So I preach Jesus Christ as the living Word of God. Those that don't hear from Him have to lean on their own understanding, or depend on their own understanding of the Scriptures, or perhaps they seek after teaching of other people, because they don't hear from our Lord who said His sheep hear His voice.I have been pushed to learn much about God by some great Preachers and Teachers.
So they say the Scriptures are the living Word of God because they don't know that Jesus Christ lives. They say things like, "God left us a Book", missing the fact that Paul wrote "DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, 'WHO WILL ASCEND IN TO HEAVEN?" (that is, to bring Chris down)
People: Jesus Christ is alive. That is what the Bible tells us. The Bible explains that His sheep hear His voice. It explains that His words are spirit and are life. But it also explains that there are some that have ears but do not hear, and that is happening to this very day!!
It is also written that all those who seek find. So the problem is that they look to others but not to God. They read the Scriptures but don't realize they were written to get them to seek the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ. So they say the Scriptures are the living and active Word of God because they don't know Jesus Christ who is alive and active and talks to His sheep who hear His voice.
Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.
Jn 1:14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God
Jn 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory
Gal 3:22 But the Scripture had shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
It is not faith in the Scriptures, it is not faith in "some great Preachers and Teachers", it is faith in Jesus Christ the Word of God!!! and He is called the Word of God because His sheep hear His voice. They have ears to hear the words His spirit, the Holy Spirit speaks to us!!!