- Nov 17, 2010
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And the fact that things are going downhill morality wise surprises you? Really? Have you not read the Bible where it talks about the end times? :P
Seriously though Societies change, this happens. Still can be argued that there were times in history before where things were worse. We don't crucify people on dead trees and line the roads with them. We don't throw a bunch of people in a football stadium with lions and see who wins. We don't setup temples to roman gods and throw a bunch of prostitutes in them and call them priestess. We have it pretty good considering.
In modern terms of our world we don't have it as bad as Christians in other Islamic countries and the like that regularly throw Christians in jail or kill them. In my opinion we should focus on the good, not the bad.
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8"
As for tattoos I had wanted one for many years for faith reasons. I'm not going into what those were because I'm sure someone who doesn't like the idea will sidetrack the topic on it. I prayed about it for 10 years, I kid you not. Finally I was able to come up with a tattoo that fit my focused desires. This is it.
View attachment 2155
It is a band around my right forearm. It's symbolism is pretty clear, though there is some deeper significance to it. The band itself is a crown of thorns representing the suffering of Christ. The nail and blood represents both Christ's sacrifice for my sins and the struggle to die to self and live to God. It serves as a daily reminder for me. It's been 10 years since and I don't regret getting this. In fact I love it. I can not tell you the opportunities I've had to tell people about God and the openings it's brought just by shaking someones hand. It is a statement of faith. A daily reminder not to give up. It's an opportunity to witness. Most of all, it allows me to reach out to people that some can't. It opens closed doors with some groups. "...I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." 1 Cor 9:22
My body is still a temple. We are not bound in the same ways by the old laws, or we wouldn't be eating shellfish or pork. There would still be people getting stoned. And last I knew, temples are decorated. So maybe you don't agree with it, but that doesn't make it sin.
Thanks for the comment, and I reckon that you've had a lot of opportunities to talk to ppl about the faith based aspect of your tattoo, right?
This is why ppl get them.
Other ppl don't at first set out to get them, but because they feel they need a cover up of a previous one they don't now appreciate, they will choose a faith based design as a cover up.
BTW: I appreciated Still Blessed comments; as a tattooed lady she was being honest about her feelings so far, and about her personal tattoo journey that she has made up to now.
(PS: Timothy: Your design seems to be generally armband/tribal in inspiration, which can also be applied to a thorn or even barbed wire design.)
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