Do any of you believe that there is one "right" religion?
We have so many denominations nowadays, how do we know which one to follow? For the most part, it seems that most of them follow the bible but interpret it in a different way.
I know that some religions practice and teach unbiblical doctrines. Do you think that would affect their salvation? For example, the Catholic pray to Mary and saints. In the bible it teaches we should only pray to Him. What are your thoughts on this?
Hi Nicole,
This is a critical question for a truth seeker.
If you are indeed looking to find the "right religion" consider this:
The "right religion" IS the true religion of God. If you are sincere in your search there is only one place you should look. There is only one person you should ask. And that person is Father in Heaven. You and anyone sincerely looking for the right religion should look for the religion that will truly take you to God, literally.
Isn't logical that if one wants to follow the religion that can really take you to God, should ask God Himself?
I can tell you that there is such a religion today on the earth.
If your question is not simply a rhetorical question just to fan the discussion, but a true search for the true religion, then if you ask Father in Heaven with all sincerity and humility, real intent, in the name of Christ, the Father will lead you to the right religion.
I know that there is a religion that has been indeed established by God Himself upon the earth today. And you can find it if you ask Him.
Looking for the true religion is looking for God Himself and you should not take anyone's word for it. You should go straight to your Father in Heaven if you are indeed serious about that question.
Only the true religion of God has the power to save you.
Think about it, anyone with good intention can read the bible and start a religion. But will that religion have power to save? How can you know that that interpretation is the right one?
Ask Father in Heaven where to find the right religion, He will show you.
have a great day,