...... what is the role of the Church, in your opinion? Scripturally, it is obviously more than a simple meeting place or a loose knit group of believers, .......
The word "church" comes from a Greek phrase that means "the Lord's house, but then, it is important to find out who used that Greek term, and especially, which "lord" it actually pointed to. The word "church" is not a translation of the Greek noun ekklêsia which as you stated means 'assembly,' 'congregation,' or can even mean 'mob.'
It is my contention that all churches drastically miss the mark as they profess their particular brand of christianity. People who are members of churches would be better served by being members of one another's lives as they love and help each other to live in the manner Jesus instructed. Most of these institutions do a lot of good in their communities and in the lives of their members, but what I am saying is that the doctrines and structures they typically mandate are a far cry from what Jesus and 1st century saints would identify with. In addition, many members including me have been guilty of always wanting to label or pigeonhole others of differing faiths. We tend to use these labels as a way to slander those with whom we disagree or do not understand. Names like gnostic, pagan, fundementalist, preterist, and others are used as weapons to discredit people oftentimes without dealing with the issues those who have been given those labels ask to have addressed. It's a sad cop-out, really.
In my understanding of scripture, Jesus came to call out a people for salvation. He did not come to lead people to some corporate institution that acts as a go between between the individual and Him. People need to seek out a relationship with the Lord rather than a membership in a corporate church. There is no harm in going to the assembly services of a church, but what is wrong is to tell people that the way to God is through your church. Church should be used as a place to fellowship with people who you can help and that can help you.