There are many infectious diseases, viruses, and other pathogens that kill tens of thousands or more every year. What you're suggesting is that we should not be engaging in any church services or other gatherings for fear that we may inadvertently infect another person if we happen to be infected unknowingly.
The thing is, our societies today have been growing more and more away from taking responsibility for ourselves and closer to passing that onto others and our governments. I believe this is just the opposite of what Jesus taught. Nowhere do we find in Scripture where Jesus taught the multitudes, such as us, that we should put the responsibility on others and government to "protect us" and/or "take care of us." He taught the importance of caring for each other individually. He said, "You, if you want to be perfect, sell all you have and give it to the poor." (paraphrased) If I suspect that I am ill or possibly contagious, putting on a mask is not the best thing to do. The best thing to do is for me to protect others by keeping my distance that I don't spread my contagion around to those in my vicinity.
Besides, our purpose has never been to completely stop the virus from spreading. It has always been and still is to keep the virus from spreading too fast for our healthcare systems to keep up. The idea that we need to stop it from spreading is fear mongering. The fact is, if a vaccine is truly possible and likely in the near future as we are told, then spreading the virus could be the best thing for us because the faster we can develop herd immunity the faster this virus will die off because it will no longer have suitable living hosts to infect. Since 85% of those that contract it will only experience minor symptoms and the remaining 15% are the elderly, particularly those over 70, and those who already have other underlying health conditions and they need to take extra precautions to protect themselves by keeping their distance from others and we need to do likewise around them.
The only reason for the mask mandates is because we do a poor job of taking personal responsibility and expect government to be the responsible party, therefore, our governments enforce the mask mandates.