JLB and all brothers and sisters and staff here , I most respectfully wish to ask you a question here.
This question the Lord God gave me to ask us ( you and I )
He wants us to take a stand on it , a position and our commitment.
Paul accused Jesus of ABOLISHING the ETERNAL (Psalm 19:7-11) Law of God in Ephesians 2:15
" BY ABOLISHING IN HIS FLESH THE LAW OF COMMANDMENTS AND DECREES. Christ DID THIS to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace."
Paul again accused "JESUS BLOTTED OUT THE HANDWRITING OF ORDINANCES THAT WAS AGAINST US , and took it out of the way, nailing it to HIS cross" (Colossians 2:14)
From the above two verses it is evident that Paul ACCUSED CHRIST of ABOLISHING THE ETERNAL LAW OF GOD ( Ephesians 2:15) , and BLOTTING OUT THE HANDWRITTEN Law of God (Deuteronomy 9:10) claiming it was AGAINST US even though David in Psalm repeatedly called it Just, Pure, Holy, Eternal , Forever and Ever , Delightful, Wonderful, Life giving, a Honey comb, and more valuable than pure gold ( Psalm 19:7-11, Psalm 111:7-8, Psalm 119)
Question to you JLB and everyone really ( since I wish not to put JLB on a spot no more ) is DO YOU ACCEPT THESE ACCUSATIONS OF PAUL AGAINST Christ... YES or NO?
Before you answer take time to mull over it. This involves the Law of the one and only supreme authority in the Universe, and as OT informs, very sensitive about His Law and it's Obedience. In this case the Whole Law was wiped out clean ! His eternal Law . And Jesus His only begotten Son was accused of it as is abundantly evident from above two fanning verses of Paul .....who else but Paul....
Also if you believe indeed the handwritten Law of God was wiped out clean ,( Ephesians 2:15) and crucified ( Colossians 2:14)you're NOT ALONE. Almost every Church throughout the world for the past 500 years not only believed and accepted it, but also TAUGHT it passionately to billions across the world. Even TODAY they teach it....
Prayer : Please keep your replies brief, succinct, and Biblical. Thank you in advance
For ready reference the question to all those who love Jesus is :
Look forward to hearing from you . A lot of evil has occurred and charges are deadly serious here