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[__ Prayer __] payer for schoolwork


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Hi all.

As I'm now in senior years, the work at school has increased quite a lot and the amount of work will only ever go up from here on in. So could I have some prayer please, that I would be able to do the schoolwork to the best of my abilities, but also that I keep God as my number 1, and don't let the schoolwork take over my life and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I think everyone at school could use this prayer.


As a fulltime student during much of the year~ I can REALLY understand what you are going through. I guess I expected the work to be time consuming... but I did not expect the subjects to become mind-counsuming. So much of ones brain is required to think through and understand the concepts and ideas being thrown at you from Professors, authors, and even other students. :shrug

Often~ I have taken these concepts to the word ~ to check by the Lord's wisdom and find the loopholes in their judgment. It helps me So much. This way you are still stuying but also being a berean and preparing your mind and heart to follow Him, and be a defender of the faith~ as God guides.

Father in heaven ~

Please give Nick the discernment to know when to push himself harder into a subject... and when to let go a bit. Give him diligence in his studies to create a regular appointed study time.

And Father give Nick plenty of opportunity to drawn near to You by wour word and remian safely kept in You. In Jesus name I ask. :amen
Lord, please assist Nick through this difficult time so that he will be successful Father. Guide him on the correct paths so that he will not forget you Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ Bless him to come to you in prayer and seek your word, always. :amen
I second that prayer!

And Nick, from what I have gathered about you, I don't think you have anything to worry about. You seem like a very responsible young man with a heart for God. :yes
I will definitely keep you in my prayers, Nick!
I am not in college.. yet.. and I don't know what
you are going through right now.. but I will soon
enough! Hang in there!

What are you majoring in, if you don't mind me asking?
kimberlyb0112 said:
I will definitely keep you in my prayers, Nick!
I am not in college.. yet.. and I don't know what
you are going through right now.. but I will soon
enough! Hang in there!

What are you majoring in, if you don't mind me asking?
not college, school. I'm in the second last year of school. Thanks for the prayer. :)
Sorry! After I posted that..I saw your profile lol

Didn't mean to assume college! That's awesome that
you are a senior.. last step before graduating!

Hang in there :)
So could I have some prayer please, that I would be able to do the schoolwork to the best of my abilities, but also that I keep God as my number 1, and don't let the schoolwork take over my life and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I think everyone at school could use this prayer.

Nick I will add you to my prayer list, but I want to tell you how much I admire you. I look at what you are praying for when most kids your age are asking for a new i pod, and it gives me hope for the next generation. You are very special and I can't wait to see how God is going to use you.

Love, Kelli
Kelli said:
So could I have some prayer please, that I would be able to do the schoolwork to the best of my abilities, but also that I keep God as my number 1, and don't let the schoolwork take over my life and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I think everyone at school could use this prayer.

Nick I will add you to my prayer list, but I want to tell you how much I admire you. I look at what you are praying for when most kids your age are asking for a new i pod, and it gives me hope for the next generation. You are very special and I can't wait to see how God is going to use you.

Love, Kelli
Thankyou Kelli!
Oh Lord please help Nick in his studies .God help him to concentrate hard in studies without any distractions.God please help and do not lead him to test.Make his life as beautiful as possible.God shower your blessings on Nick so that he can keep the No 1 priority in life as worshipping You Oh My Lord!!

God Bless You!
Jerin said:
Oh Lord please help Nick in his studies .God help him to concentrate hard in studies without any distractions.God please help and do not lead him to test.Make his life as beautiful as possible.God shower your blessings on Nick so that he can keep the No 1 priority in life as worshipping You Oh My Lord!!

God Bless You!
thanks very much Jerin! :)


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