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Those are to treat medical conditions

The motivation is totally different

You want to poke holes in yourself because you think it makes you look cool.

No, I got piercings because it was something I wanted to do. In case you haven't yet noticed, I really don't care what other people think of me.

You seem to be very good at judging others for trivial things that you find "evil", Joe. I would suggest that you have things in your own life that might need attention, and perhaps you should focus on them before running around condemning people half your age who are doing nothing wrong.
People typically get into body modification because they suffer from one of the "Cluster-B " personality disorders. In fact at one time if a person had 5 or more tattoos it was considered to be one of the diagnostic criteria.

I see you are getting a small taste of what and how some people will treat you. Wait until you get your piercing... people will treat you differently. If you can handle it, then get the piercing. But I would also add that others will look at you differently, yet never say to your face what they are thinking.

I used to have hair to the middle of my back when iwas mid 20s. I got used to people treating me a certain way. One day I got my hair cut and this guy I worked with for about 2 weeks came over and introduced himself and after awhile, offered me some home made cinimon rolls. As we were talking, he said something like, wonder where that !#$%= went... he didn't realize it was me with a hair cut. I told him the next day lol. Funny how I was treated differently just because of my hair.

My daughter is almost 22 and I like her piercings. I think they look good. But everyone has a different opinion. Honestly, my advice would be to stay away from the snakebites until your older. Make sure its not just a fad or a stage. Like a tatoo, you can't undo lippiercings and they are noticeable.

Good luck and God bless
Viola started reading over my shoulder and the subject captured her attention. We googled images of lip piercings and nose piercings...

She just got her ears pierced on Monday for her birthday. The earrings are cute little flowers with blue stones for petals and a cubic zirconia for the center. They really enhance her natural beauty.

While looking at the various pictures of pierced nostrils, noses, septums as well as lips, snakebites etc. we talked about how some of the piercings enhanced the features of the face and others just got to the point of ridiculousness.

I put nostril piercings about the same as ear piercings... when used correctly, they can enhance the natural beauty of the face.

As for the rings in the septum.... Sorry, Riniel, this is just my opinion, BUT... it simply makes me want to hand the person a Kleenex 'cause it looks like they just sneezed something not quite all the way out. :lol
You know, Jeff had a very good point. You are going to have to prepare yourself for "the look" or comments you don't appreciate. I do wish the opposing view would have been differently worded :gah but you did ask for honest responses. I would never get a tattoo or piercing, but if a person's heart is in the right place, I see it as a freedom that comes with Christian liberty. But know that you WILL be judged, right or wrong.

People make judgment calls all the time based on appearance, and if we're not able to rise above it, we shouldn't proactively put ourselves in that position. I don't particularly appreciate the person who pierces just for the sake of getting reactions, but I do appreciate those who do it for their own beauty and stay true to who they are.

The difference between ear piercing and your piercing is cultural for the most part, but you are in the culture you're in. ;)

I see you are getting a small taste of what and how some people will treat you. Wait until you get your piercing... people will treat you differently. If you can handle it, then get the piercing. But I would also add that others will look at you differently, yet never say to your face what they are thinking.

I used to have hair to the middle of my back when iwas mid 20s. I got used to people treating me a certain way. One day I got my hair cut and this guy I worked with for about 2 weeks came over and introduced himself and after awhile, offered me some home made cinimon rolls. As we were talking, he said something like, wonder where that !#$%= went... he didn't realize it was me with a hair cut. I told him the next day lol. Funny how I was treated differently just because of my hair.

My daughter is almost 22 and I like her piercings. I think they look good. But everyone has a different opinion. Honestly, my advice would be to stay away from the snakebites until your older. Make sure its not just a fad or a stage. Like a tatoo, you can't undo lippiercings and they are noticeable.

Good luck and God bless

I'm actually older than your daughter.. lol. I'm 27.
People will always criticize you, especially when it comes to appearances. I say go for it if it's what you want to do. :) I have my ears gauged and I get comments all the time about them. I don't really care if people don't like them. I didn't do it to please people.

I find if you have piercings or tattoos you can reach a certain group of people you might not normally be able to. Like for instance, I worked in a youth outreach program. Kids would come in off the streets. Because I have gauges and I don't look like your typical Christian they would really open up to me.
Okay, so.. I was curious. I want to get my septum pierced, and I feel that getting a piercing isn't going to make my faith in God any less. A lot of people in the Christian faith are against piercings, but for some reason getting your ears pierced isn't a big deal to a lot of Christians. Your ears are a piece of flesh, like my septum is and you're stabbing a hole into your body when you pierce your ears. Why do people think pierced ears are any different than me getting my septum pierced?

Also, what is your opinion about my desire to pierce my septum?


Firstly the outward appearance shouldn't be a matter for emphasis: to the believer, Paul stresses the inner person in Ephesians according to true holiness.

But as handy says, the Lord Himself is on record as having given Zion a nose ring, albeit symbolically. So I don't really see what you suggest as problematic, although again, in the end shouldn't be regarded as a matter of great importance, one way or another. (I see what One Truth means, though.)

(Early start tomorrow; gtg.)
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I agree. I'm 44, and and have a belly button ring (my running group got it together).
Somehow, the negative effects just didn't seem as bad as chain-smoking...
I'm actually older than your daughter.. lol. I'm 27.

Ha, imagine that! I thought I read earlier that you did design or something like that from home. Is that your long term career?

For some reason, I did think you were younger... oops! But at your age, you should be pretty well established in the career your heading into. I work around a few designers and some of them look... well.... fashionable :D Certainly well outside my comfort zone :toofunny But I also understand that they are very creative people and their fashion statements is a true reflection of who they are. Point is, they are established in their careers and have a good name for themselves. In other words, their talent is sought after so regardless of what they look like, their work speaks for itself and they are highly respected, even by the guys who wear a tie every day.

If you want my personal opinion, I actually think a nice nose piercing can make a woman look more attractive (I like the small diamond studs, or even a hoop), but as far as the piercing your looking to get I'd have to agree with Dora (handy). I wouldn't look down on you if I saw it, nor would I treat you differently, but it doesn't do anything for me.

Your nose, your body. Again, you've gotten a taste of how people will react. Just know that while people in the real world would probably never come up and say the things you've been said here, they are thinking it, and worse. And it will show in the way they treat you. I guarantee it. It's not right, but it is the way it is.

Let us know what you do.
And let not your adornment be merely external - braiding the hair, wearing of gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:3-4

One thing to keep in mind is that, while there is nothing intrinsically wrong with jewelry or adornments, we do need to remember that we are not to focus on our outward appearance to the point of becomming immodest.

The definition of immodest is more defined by culture than anything else and we do live in a multicultural society... what's immodest in an Amish community in Lancaster, PA won't raise an eyebrow in Seattle, WA...

However, I think when we get to the point of saying "Screw whatever anyone else thinks... I'm going to do whatever I want"... then we've arrived at violating the principle found in 1 Peter.

This isn't to say that because there will be folks who will judge or be rude because one has a certain piece of jewelry that one cannot then wear jewelry... but we do need to look to the inward attitude... this is where God righteously judges all our decisions.
Okay, first I want to address stove, then Dora.


I've been doing graphic design since I was 15. I taught myself everything I know, and I'm a freelance graphic designer. I could work in a firm if I wanted, but I prefer to work for myself, and have more freedom to make the choice of which clientele I will work with. In a firm, I would probably be forced to do graphic design on a subject, or product that I'm not comfortable with. I do make less money doing freelance, but it's a choice of, "what's more important?" doing an advertisement for condoms, gay and lesbian ads (which I'm not against the gay and lesbian community, I love everyone the same. I just don't condone their lifestyle), something more sexual than I'm comfortable working on, etc. or, choosing the client you want to work with that wants graphic design for an advertisement that doesn't make me uncomfortable, like Jones soda for example, or kettle chips, etc.

I know for some people doing design for a product that is highly sexual isn't an issue for them, but for me, I feel that I'm a contributing factor in sending the wrong message to children, and people in general. Imagine working on an ad where the client asks you to make the design sexy, and seducing with women wearing very revealing clothing. I know for most Christians designing something like that would make them uncomfortable, and not only feel guilty for doing it, but feel partially responsible for that advertisement being seen by millions, or even billions of children, women, and men. I know in this day and age, some men who happen to be very sexually driven, have issues with pornography, and a Carl's Jr. advertisement of a woman wearing a tight shirt, that may even be cropped to show her stomach, and has a deep v neck that shows cleavage, can be very distracting for a man walking the path of righteousness. It doesn't just effect men though, it effects women too with ads that have a man shirtless with a very muscular physique. So, I know you didn't ask why I work from home directly, but I choose to freelance to have control over the design I do for my clientele.

As for the septum piercing, I think they are cute, and if I ever needed to hide it real fast for whatever reason, I could just flip the horseshoe up into my nostrils and you won't see the piercing. That's one reason I like it, but I just like the way they look. I think they are cute, and perhaps with the right adornment, they can be more elegant, and pleasing to the eye. I don't plan on wearing just a plain surgical steel horseshoe. I hope I can get a horseshoe that maybe has something special about it.


I know that when people become too enthralled in their appearance, they can become vain, and as you said immodest. I don't think that getting this piercing will change much about me. I've always done extreme things with my hair. I don't do extreme things with my hair to be "evil", but to have fun. I don't go really extreme, but the stuff I've done is probably extreme to most Christians. For people of my generation, the things I've done to my hair is probably tame in their eyes. So, I don't plan on changing the way I dress, or wear my hair, or anything like that.

I am at a point where I don't really care what people think about me. I don't have a "screw you" attitude, but if I cared what every person thinks about me, I probably would have commited suicide a long time ago. I am at a point where people can have their opinion, and think whatever they want, but I'm not going to let it get to me. The only way people can make us feel bad, or feel a certain way, is if we let them. I know that's easier said than done. We are creatures who yearn for approval from our peers. I do feel bad when someone I care about says something hurtful about the way I look, but a perfect stranger can think, or say whatever they want. Hopefully feeling this way isn't going against what is said in 1 peter.

I like to think by the grace of God, that I'm a gentle spirit, and loving. I'm much too trusting, and I wear my heart on my sleeve. Many men have taken advantage of me, because of how trusting I am. I've gotten better with not believing every lie a man tells me. When I'm highly attracted to someone, and they tell me they like me, and they tell me a bunch of things that make me feel good, it's very difficult for me. I want so badly to believe what they are saying, and recently a guy I met was very attractive to me, and I liked him a lot. He told me he liked me a lot, and he was glad that we went out on a date, and he initiated kissing me. I've only kissed 3 people in my entire life, and I liked him so much I let him kiss me. Then after the date, it went from him liking me a lot, and being happy we went on a date, to him not talking to me, and suddenly not liking me anymore. It got to the point where I told him that I need to know if he is even interested in me anymore, and he told me that he didn't have time to maintain a "friendship" with me, because he was preparing for deployment to Afghanistan, and he is seeing someone, so he didn't have time to be my "friend". I tried asking him what changed from our date, to suddenly not liking me anymore, and having a girlfriend. He wouldn't tell me anything, and I've gotten to the point that I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with me. Whenever I meet a guy I really like, something always goes wrong. So, the point of me bring that up, is I like to believe I have a good heart, and a gentle spirit.
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I think that you are very mature, and although I don't find the septim piercing attractive, perhaps with your creativity you'll find a way to wear it well.

I know you were talking to Dora, but as for the guy thing... Give it time and don't change a bit. God will bring the right guy to you. Your pretty and it sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders.

And as a disclaimer, just because I say your pretty does not mean I'm making a pass or anything stupid like that. I'm old enough to be your Dad Geesh, you never know how somebody is going to take something.
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I think that you are very mature, and although I don't find the septim piercing attractive, perhaps with your creativity you'll find a way to wear it well.

I know you were talking to Dora, but as for the guy thing... Give it time and don't change a bit. God will bring the right guy to you. Your pretty and it sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders.

And as a disclaimer, just because I say your pretty does not mean I'm making a pass or anything stupid like that. I'm old enough to be your Dad Geesh, you never know how somebody is going to take something.

Thank you very much Stove. I appreciate your kind words. :)

I hope I can find a barbell, or ring that is beautiful that can make the septum piercing look unique and cute.

ROFL.. I'm sorry, but your disclaimer made me giggle.. I know a guy like you, that has a daughter that is a few years younger than me isn't going to be "hitting" on me on a Christian forum. Now, if we were on another forum that was risque, I'd wonder, but not on a Christian forum. So, no worries! :p
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