My parents were abused themselves, and didn't want kids, but then I came along.
Needless to say, they messed up some area's of my life, and I guess it's time to deal
with the fears I have periodically, that flair up, and I have no way to deal with them, but call out to the Lord, and study verses about fear, and pray a lot, and speak those verses to God.
Fear has always been a constant companion, along with nightmares, but I guess God wants me to deal with it once and for all now.
We all have issues and this is a big one for me.
Please pray for me and put me in God's hands.
The anxiety I'm experiencing is pretty harsh.
In God's loving care for you all.
Seasoned by Grace
I am just reading this now.... it's two months since you posted this request...
Your words really resonated with me... the wounds inflicted upon the innocent child
because of the sins and shortcomings of our given parents.
I too was unwanted... and then later abandoned... my childhood was terrible.
What I have discovered at my very late age (58) and after decades of severe Chronic
depression is that GOD has been at work without my knowledge all through out these
years. I believe even as a non believer... He knew that one day... I would inquire as to
WHO is this wonderful Jesus.
My healing has been slow... very very slow... God recognizes that I was a very broken
person... I still AM.... and I still have terrible trust issues... but HE has been so TENDER and GENTLE with me.
This summer... after decades of constant despair... I received the most precious surprise.
The gift of JOY.... I am not even able to describe with words what has happened to me...
but OH MY..... I suddenly do not remember my suffering. The joy and gratitude keeps
growing... it's been like this for 4 months now.
I would like to encourage you to simply lift your head and allow the SON to shine upon you.
HE knows everything about you... HE has HIS eye on you... He delights in you and sings over
you with JOY.
The hurts that you have received... the lies that you have been fed and believed...the lack of nourishment and
care from the very ones who were chosen to keep you... and should have cared for you... this kind of pain
is carried with us through-out our lives and quite honestly affects every relationship we ever have... including with
our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sometimes in fact... they are often the ones who wound us the most.
I am rambling on here... but I want to encourage you to REST.... HE will finish within you what HE has begun...
which is a GOOD WORK.
I pray that the Holy Spirit is able to minister to your broken places... until God is finished His open heart surgery
on you. It takes years... most of us do not get those supernatural miracles of INSTANT healing... I sure never did.
But I tell you.... it has been worth the wait.... for I am a new creation.
Be encouraged... it is NOT you who can do the work that needs to be done... All you can do is surrender your
shattered parts to the author and finisher of your FAITH.
Tenderly... Addy