- Oct 16, 2016
- 374
- 47
Do your own research on that, I mentioned the word nebula for a reason, for that's how some scientists believe the stars and planets started out as, i.e., a gaseous vapor.Source?
Scientific theory - or belief constructed upon naturalism (natural realm only realm) worldview?
Because most believe Genesis 1:2 is a condition of 'vacuum-nothingness', which is not what the Hebrew tohu va bohu ("without form, and void") actually means, they are defaulting to science's views the earth still being in a nothingness vapor state at verse 2. They don't even try to account for the "face of the deep" and "face of the waters" that are described on the earth there in Genesis 1:2. Nowhere past Gen.1:1 does God describe when He created those 'waters' shown already upon the earth at Gen.1:2.
God's written Word is the evidence. You just haven't understood it yet per Paul in Romans 8 and Peter in 2 Peter 3, nor per the actual meaning of "without form, and void" according to the destruction God did in Jeremiah 4:23-28. I described what God meant about for the reason of that destruction He said the heavens above would be 'black', which is a very simple idea to understand that reveals God placed His original creation in that "bondage of corruption" which Apostle Paul described in Romans 8:18-25. But it's like Apostle Peter said with many, being "willingly ignorant" of this matter about the "world that then was."hmmm
Virtually no evidence. Just extrapolation.
When folks say things like you are doing, it means you've already closed your mind ot these things in God's Word. Well, there's no demand that we all believe the Gap idea. It's already obvious that not that many are going to understand it, like that pastor said that I spoke with.
Now that above truly is... just conjecture. Just because there's no way to determine how much time took place between God's original Perfect creation in the beginning at Gen.1:1 and then His destruction upon the earth to end Lucifer's rebellion of old with the state of the earth at Gen.1:2, does not mean it didn't happen. The fossil evidence actually supports it."
There are many different versions as to what supposedly happened during this gap of time, but most versions of the gap theory place millions of years of geologic time (including billions of animal fossils) between the Bible’s first two verses. This version of the gap theory is sometimes called the ruin-reconstruction theory.
So where... did the old THEORY that God's creation of the earth being only 6,000 years originate from?
It began by bishop Ussher's 17th century Bible chronology from the time of Christ back to the time when God formed the man Adam and in His Garden. Ussher dated Adam being formed at 4004 B.C. Then he had to stop, because there was no record further back that he could go! So a bunch of un-educated country preachers took that idea and ran with it, claiming God's creation was only 6,000 years old.
And then, those "willingly ignorant", with that false 6,000 year old theory began trying to claim that those who understand the Gap idea are pushing man's evolution theory which is not true, just to keep brethren in Christ away that are given to know about it. Willful ignorance like Peter spoke of is a type that seeks to deceive. And now there's those on the silly New Earth Creationist theory that are trying to claim that dinosaurs still exist AMONG US walking around upon the earth today! Now if that isn't willful ignorance seeking to deceive, then I don't know what is!
Where Did the Gap Theory Come From?
Christians have made many attempts over the years to harmonize the Genesis account of creation with accepted geology and its teaching of billions of years for the age of the earth. Examples of such attempts include the views of theistic evolution, progressive creation, and the gap theory.
This idea of the gap theory can be traced back to the rather obscure writings of the Dutchman Episcopius (1583–1643), but it was first recorded from one of the lectures of Thomas Chalmers.
That's not where the Gap idea came from. Apostles Peter and Paul both knew about it and Peter in 2 Peter 3 even spoke of some things in Paul's Epistles that were hard to understand, which points to what Paul covered in Romans 8:18-25 about God having placed the creation in vanity, and in bondage of corruption.
Notice that K-44 has NOT... addressed ANY Bible Scripture that I have provided in my posts. All he has tried to do is use 'commentaries' by men in his attempt to debunk the Gap idea in Genesis 1. Even the KJV in Genesis 1 reveals that God had put back His original creation past Gen.1:6, but leaving it in a state of "bondage of corruption" like Apostle Paul showed in Romans 8:18-25, which is yet another Scripture K-44 failed to even address.