OK, have it your way ... loss of salvation.
It's easy ... for salvation is a process.
Each of these topics has a dozen or so supporting NT verses:
Believers stay righteous by practicing righteousness
Believers stay righteous through their obedience
Believers faith must endure until the end of their lives
Believers keep salvation by repenting of their sins
Believers are included in warnings such as these
Believers were chosen and called to live holy lives
Believers must love, forgive, not judge or condemn
Believers must be victorious overcomers
Before God created anything it was just Him, the Son, and the Spirit in Trinity. We can't fathom it at all.
Scripture says "God is Light."
So, if I were to ask you to close your eyes and imagine God in Trinity what do you see?
Most would see God as a light in the center of their darken view. Well, that's my point.
In Trinity, God is not surrounded by darkness as we may see Him when we close our eyes and imagine Him as light.
Paul, who met Jesus on the Damascus road was blinded but he didn't see blackness. He saw white light. In his whole field of closed-eye view. White light.
OK. So, there is God as Trinity, and it is HERE that the Father contemplates creating His people, a people that once He contemplated them/us He saw us as saved, holy, righteous individuals - and with new bodies that were manufactured in TIME on the planet during the course of human history.
God saw the end from the beginning because He ordained the end.
From God's Eternal perspective it is a done deal. We, His Elect, those people whom didn't exactly have bodies, but names and He wrote those names in a "book.' A book of life of the lamb slain from [BEFORE] the foundation (creation) of the world. Rev. 13:8.
From God's Eternal perspective it's a done deal, His Elect are already with Him. I AM ALREADY with Him.
Do you see where I am going?
Well, since God cannot reduplicate Himself in Himself He created the Universe and TIME and all the laws of nature and nature's God, the motion of the planets...heck, Moses was a physicist. God revealed in one verse the five laws governing the universe.
Free will in man is an illusion. We have no free will. Not even God has a will like ours and His Will is not free. It is confined by His Nature and His Attributes. No, He cannot create a rock too heavy He can't lift. Etc. Or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, and all that.
It doesn't work that way.He doesn't work that way.
His Elect are named in the book of life of the lamb slain....and the number is fixed. The number of angels is fixed.
THEN, God began to create 'heaven,' earth, and man.
All God is doing in TIME is preparing bodies to go with those names in the book of life of the lamb slain...
Just as He prepared a body for His Christ. Predestination.
The first Covenant God made was with the Son and the Spirit. He is following a pre-ordained plan of man and it's a done deal. There is no "accept Jesus into your 'heart,' nor is the statement that God loves everyone true.
So, if God wrote names of those whom He was going to give life to, and eternal life, and this book was written BEFORE God created 'heaven,' earth, and man, how does free will in man fit in?
It doesn't. It's a done deal.