Well I think that at this point, only you know the desires of your heart. So ask yourself what are the desires of your heart. Because we know that God gave to us the desires which we have for anything in this life. So if God gave you the desires of your heart then you have to take a step towards them. The way that He will fulfill your desires for you is by you surrendering all and ask for His direction in everything. I don't think God would leave you hanging if you asked for Him to make happen what should happen to be within His will. You have not because you ask not.
You may not understand it, you may not be able to see how could such things happen. You may feel like how Abraham felt! Go where?! And do what?! (I'll tell you when you get there!) ...and Abraham trusted the Lord so he went on the journey. Abraham obeyed, and now has high standing in his new station!
The Lord says, pray without ceasing. That means every little thing talk about to him, and I kid you not you will begin to be able to hear Him.
God's word comes to us in two forms. The Logos which is the written word, and through Rhemas which is His spoken word. Like for example, you ever when reading your Bible, you read a verse or passage that just seems to speak to you? It sorta just jumps off the page at you and you can immediately relate it to a circumstance in your present life? My Brother, that is called receiving a Rhema from God. That is His still small voice that speaks to you.
And when you pray, remember that, prayer is not a monologue. That is to say, it is not a one sided conversation. Prayer is a dialogue, so when I pray, I pause and listen to whatever pops into my head. Might be words, might be a scripture, but it will make sense in your prayerful conversation. That is two ways God speaks. You must believe it.
Hard at first but gets easier and you eventually pick up on little things, like...that sounds like how the Lord talks, that's not how I think. It was God speaking. Lord help our unbelief.
To answer what my heart desires, I desire to go back to the states. I do not like it here really. I do not like to be around family because they are negative and do not feel comfortable going over their houses during their "religious holidays". They refuse to understand and say "it is okay, nothing bad will happen". But if they cannot do something because their religion says they cannot do it, they expect others to respect that. I will give you an example. I went to...i guess my nephew's? wedding party (I put ? because it is a distant relative. He is my cousin from my grandfather side) and my other cousin asked me if I wanted a beer. Seeing as nothing wrong with having one beer, I asked him to bring one and they did. After I finished, they insisted that I have another. Refusing because one was enough for me since I did not want to get drunk being a lightweight, being a bit chilly outside and seeing that the wedding party was outside, they insisted that I have another multiple times. Eventually they left me alone. However these things are what irritates me about this culture. I am sure that it is like that everywhere, however and thankfully, I never experienced that.
With that in mind, I also feel that maybe God called me here to build a church as well which is another conflict because I do not really want a business. I know I am here to serve God and in time, he will work with me on that, but that is where my heart is.
In reference about you talking about Rhema, yes, I have experienced it. I also used to wait and talk with God like you mentioned but stopped after posting a question on here and suggested against it, at least the reply did. I do not remember what I prayed about but I had asked the question which I got from a post on Quora and suggested that I ask who died for my sins since Satan cannot and will not acknowledge that. However, even with asking that question, he replied to the question and it was the wrong answer (from a demon or Satan).
I do not know how to transition this statement so I will just write it as my mind speaks to me lol. I believe I have laid everything on God's feet. At least the daily things and not things in the future i.e., career, courage, etc. Things that I am called to do once I am fit to do. I do not think I am fit now because I do not know how to love, full of anger, addicted to porn, etc. I believe these things are not Godly and how can I help them when I have troubles of my own that I cannot take care of. I am reminded of a story that I just watched yesterday where a Calvery pastor admitted to watching porn and commiting adultery on the story of Saeed, the Iranian that was imprisioned for being a Christian and accused of abusing his wife. I do not want to be that sort of Pastor.
In any case, I think it is best if I write down what I pray for. Again, I do not wait and seek the Lord after my prayer like I use to. I did have some luck with it before, but that does not mean it was proper. I believe I wrote a testimony here saying that the Lord spoke to me with why I am so angry because I had the same dream over and over again like the story of Jacob, the one that was imprisoned in Egypt and help the Pharaoh translate what his dream was. Here is my prayer through out the day:
10 am prayer
Heavenly Father, hallow be your name.
Except the offering of my spirt so that you may guard my heart (before I use to say "so that you may guard the inappropriate thoughts that are murderous and adulterous (Matthew 5:21 and 27) that come to my mind and guard my words so that I do not speak your name in vein or say any inappropriate words")
May your kingdom come
Use the offering of my spirit to accomplish your will that you have planned for me
2 pm prayer
I come to pray to ask for these blessing gifts:
I ask for a changed heart so that I may be led by the spirit and not the flesh.
Secondly, I ask that you give me the wisdom of forgiving others for their trespasses and wisdom of love.
Third thing that I ask for is the strengthened of my faith (have the capability to trust God when I do not see his works like how I am now).
Forgive me for my sins as I forgive my trespassers (I ask for forgiveness of what my sins are that day)
Father, you know that my flesh is stronger than my spirit. Therefore I ask that you not let me be tempted and ask that you deliver me from the evil one.
That is what I pray everyday. Any suggestions?