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Proverbs 22:3


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Could you guys explain this verse? I am having a hard time understanding. I read some commentaries for this verse and still did not understand. I also watched the channel on YouTube that I usually watch for verse studies, but he does not cover this verse. Thank you in advance.
So pertaining to my anger issue, it is saying to stay away from anger?

Yes. So think about it and what is that that triggers your anger at times? If you go from calm to angry, what happened? Were you drinking alcohol? Alcohol could be a trigger then, so cut way back on the alcohol.

That is an example of a possible trigger or contributing factor that you must overcome. So consider what triggers your anger.
anger problems can be difficult. it could mean trying to get adequate rest and reducing stress in your life (to whatever extent possible) so you aren't triggered as easily. prayer is -very- helpful, at many levels, for all believers...personally, an active prayer life has been more "therapeutic" than any mental health stuff ever.

Proverbs 22:3 , like all of the Proverbs, is a quick verse to provide believers with practical godly wisdom. I agree with JLB in his take on it.
So pertaining to my anger issue, it is saying to stay away from anger?
Jesus was angry many times with people like when he cleared the Temple of the moneychangers and animal sellers as they disregarded God's holiness and worship, Matthew 21:12,13, Mark 11:15-18; John 2:13-22.

Mark 3:1-5 Jesus was angry at the Pharisees for their stubborn hearts in the synagogue of Capernaum where he healed a man on the Sabbath.

Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

We are instructed to not avoid anger, but to deal with our anger in a timely manner so that we do not sin against God. Anytime Jesus was angry he always gave explanation why in showing others the way of God.

Our anger towards others has to have proper motivation at not being angry at the person as we keep control of ourself, but at the sinful behavior and true injustice they cause. Anger has to have proper supplement, Mark 3:5, as by grief over those who lack faith as we need to show love by praying for them and forgiving their actions for they know not what they do.
So pertaining to my anger issue, it is saying to stay away from anger?
I have had issues with anger in my life and still do from time to time. In my case, and I believe this is more often the case for most people, anger issues coincide with control issues. We like to be in control or at least believe we are in control of people, events, things, etc. around us. We don't like to not be in control. We feel vulnerable, embarrassed, incompetent, even lost when we don't have some level of control. We may even feel that we are a failure.

But, that is precisely what God expects from us. He expects us to let go and not be in control but rather let Him take control and that is not a comfortable place for us. But, we do not have to worry. A friend of mine and his wife put it in perspective for me. They are both recovering alcoholics and have certainly dealt with issues in their lives. Whenever I visit their home it draws my attention to see the chalk board on their kitchen wall. On it is written, "Eden's, do not worry. I have everything under control.....God!"

Here's an example from the apostle, Paul.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13 NKJV

Here's an example of God's message to His people Israel.

“But you, Israel, are My servant,
Jacob whom I have chosen,
The descendants of Abraham My friend.
You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth,
And called from its farthest regions,
And said to you,
'You are My servant,
I have chosen you and have not cast you away:
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'"

Isaiah 41:8-10 NKJV

Here's an example from Jesus.

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
Matthew 6:25-34 NKJV
I used to have anger issues when I was younger. But I think it was only because I was surrounded by stupid people.

Then I got born again and the Lord taught me that I don't have to be angry at those people. That being angry at them could hurt me more than even them. So to steal a line from Rambo, God loves stupid people, He made so many of them!

So at least you're in good company Bro.
Anger was an issue for me, till Jesus intervened. And now...

as with all Christians, " is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me...," and thankfully, The Lord has seen fit to "...put off the old, put on the new..." in ways that have resulted in a "new creation in Christ Jesus..." who is far, far less angry and healthy, too.

I would like to note that all Christians should be wary of the "helping professions." The pills tend to be toxic, many are potentially addictive, all have potential adverse effects and costs. Talking treatments tend to be focused on looking inward and backwards for answers, which is -completely- contrary to Jesus' message of "cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you..." and "...take up the plow and push forward..." Perhaps not surprisingly...

the available data on long term results from talking and/or drug treatments for any number of dsm-labels are...rather disappointing, given the resources poured into the industry and the unquestioning faith the world at large puts in "professionals'" abilities to "help people," etc. "Antidepressants" often fail to do better than placebo in treating "depression," the drugs for "Schizophrenia" calm people down but do precious little to improve quality of life (all while carrying -serious- adverse effects, drug costs, etc.), and the myriad drugs for various forms of "Bipolar Disorder" seem to quiet people down, provide a bit of stimulation (depends on the drug, the drug cocktails, etc.), but the long term outcome for many people in the "severely mentally ill" category has actually gotten considerably -worse- over the past 50 years, not better. hmmmm...

so, yeah. your life, your faith, your life...I'd just seriously, personally advise you to pray often, turn to Scripture, try to find seasoned Christians you can trust, (re)build meaningful connections in your own life...

and avoid the "helping professions," if at all possible. :)
Yes. So think about it and what is that that triggers your anger at times? If you go from calm to angry, what happened? Were you drinking alcohol? Alcohol could be a trigger then, so cut way back on the alcohol.

That is an example of a possible trigger or contributing factor that you must overcome. So consider what triggers your anger.
It is my family that angers me most because they do not respect my time, especially my brother. I could talk with him, but I see it being fruitless. I have told him plenty of times that I have a lot on my plate, especially since I am like a special ed' kid when it comes to school studies and need to devote a lot of time to studying. However, he does not accept that and only wants it his ways. He does have a lot on his plate too, more than me, however, I believe that is his own fault since he chases money. In any case, talking to my mom and brother are pointless and it is like a switch when they are not seeing from my perspective. The Lord has done some work in me where I do help out more and dedicate more time, but my anger has not fully stopped. How can I possibly stay away from that? I could go back to the states and be homeless, and sort of accepted that being my fate, but idk if that is a smart move. God brought me here to Nepal, even if I did not know it or at least believe that he did. I came here in June of 2019.

That was for me as well before I...well dare I say "truly" came to God. I thought that I was more "knowledgeable" than most of the people. Boy, did Father show me otherwise. It was nothing but pride and showed me that I knew nothing. That does not mean I still feel the same, however that is not an issue at the moment since I do not currently associate with a lot of people. That and here in Nepal, they are more humble than the rest of the world.
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anger problems can be difficult. it could mean trying to get adequate rest and reducing stress in your life (to whatever extent possible) so you aren't triggered as easily. prayer is -very- helpful, at many levels, for all believers...personally, an active prayer life has been more "therapeutic" than any mental health stuff ever.

Proverbs 22:3 , like all of the Proverbs, is a quick verse to provide believers with practical godly wisdom. I agree with JLB in his take on it.
I agree it is suppose to be and the bible does say lay your worries at the feet of the Father, but it does not bring me peace. I "feel" like nothing is being done. However, we are not called to go with our feelings but faith. That does not make it better though and is a you know what. I do not know if I just committed blasphemy if you can understand the word that I am portraying. Yet, I still do it just because I belong to him since he bought me with a hefty price and going by the faith that I have.
I have had issues with anger in my life and still do from time to time. In my case, and I believe this is more often the case for most people, anger issues coincide with control issues. We like to be in control or at least believe we are in control of people, events, things, etc. around us. We don't like to not be in control. We feel vulnerable, embarrassed, incompetent, even lost when we don't have some level of control. We may even feel that we are a failure.

But, that is precisely what God expects from us. He expects us to let go and not be in control but rather let Him take control and that is not a comfortable place for us. But, we do not have to worry. A friend of mine and his wife put it in perspective for me. They are both recovering alcoholics and have certainly dealt with issues in their lives. Whenever I visit their home it draws my attention to see the chalk board on their kitchen wall. On it is written, "Eden's, do not worry. I have everything under control.....God!"

Here's an example from the apostle, Paul.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13 NKJV

Here's an example of God's message to His people Israel.

“But you, Israel, are My servant,
Jacob whom I have chosen,
The descendants of Abraham My friend.
You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth,
And called from its farthest regions,
And said to you,
'You are My servant,
I have chosen you and have not cast you away:
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'"

Isaiah 41:8-10 NKJV

Here's an example from Jesus.

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
Matthew 6:25-34 NKJV
I guess it is control issue, but I am not sure. In the app, it says there are three categories that are common to create anger. Security, control (like you mentioned), and connection. I would say since I am dealing with time issues, among other things but mainly time, I would say it is security, but I guess it could be all three (look at the reply I gave to Edward for the story).
It is my family that angers me most because they do not respect my time, especially my brother. I could talk with him, but I see it being fruitless. I have told him plenty of times that I have a lot on my plate, especially since I am like a special ed' kid when it comes to school studies and need to devote a lot of time to studying. However, he does not accept that and only wants it his ways. He does have a lot on his plate too, more than me, however, I believe that is his own fault since he chases money. In any case, talking to my mom and brother are pointless and it is like a switch when they are not seeing from my perspective. The Lord has done some work in me where I do help out more and dedicate more time, but my anger has not fully stopped. How can I possibly stay away from that? I could go back to the states and be homeless, and sort of accepted that being my fate, but idk if that is a smart move. God brought me here to Nepal, even if I did not know it or at least believe that he did. I came here in June of 2019.

That was for me as well before I...well dare I say "truly" came to God. I thought that I was more "knowledgeable" than most of the people. Boy, did Father show me otherwise. It was nothing but pride and showed me that I knew nothing. That does not mean I still feel the same, however that is not an issue at the moment since I do not currently associate with a lot of people. That and here in Nepal, they are more humble than the rest of the world.

So, you say that you believe that the Lord sent you back there? Are you sure? Are you very sure? I ask that because in my experience, the Lord has told me to do things several ties that...I didn't want to do that! sure.

I used to live in coloful Colorado, and the Lord told me to move to Ohio where I am from...and from where I mmoved away from because I didn't like it, that was the last thing I wanted for myself on this earth. I had in fact vowed never to move back. Well I was paying attention that day and after thinking about whether or not I should go, the Lord gave me two things, confirmation that the message was real and from Him, and the rememberance of the story of Jonah and the whale. (yikes!). So guess where I live now? Ohio. I did NOT want to come here. But who can deny the God of the universe?! So I better go. And I did just as he told me too. He even provided me place to land! But within a couple months, I myself became homeless and I slept in my truck for two months. So when my cash ran out I went looking for a job. I got a job so fast that it still amazes me. And two weeks later when I got my first paycheck, I rented the very first place I looked at. It just happened and everything fell into place. It became apparent to me that the Lord was in control of all of it. Ok so I was homeless for two months. but I had a place to sleep and I never missed any meals.

So don't worry about that sort of thing Brother. Homeless don't last long when you have the slightest ambition, and there is always work...anyone can always find a job here, for those who want to work. I understand that the proud, picky people, oh I can't find a job. Yeah? Well then he wasn't trying very hard, lol.

It's easy to hear the Lord when He says what we like to hear! But what I suggest to you Brother, is to be sure where the Lord wants you. Does HE want you there? Or do you have desire to be there? If you are not 100% positive, then you need to pray for confirmation, and I guarentee you that He will answer you...but if you are not willing to hear it then you might not hear it. So be honest and expect a pretty quick answer so pay attention! He may speak to your heart, or through another person, or in a way that, He usually speaks to you? Gd speaks to different people in different ways.

I have received texts from the Lord. I have received phone calls from the Lord! Through His people but don't worry, He confirms it!! Ask me how I know! Lol!

So be honest with yourself. You gave your life to the Lord and He is your Father now. So let Him tell you what to do, and do it, even if you don't like it.
I agree it is suppose to be and the bible does say lay your worries at the feet of the Father, but it does not bring me peace. I "feel" like nothing is being done. However, we are not called to go with our feelings but faith.

Waitaminute, my experience is when my spirit is not at peace, then that's usually the Lord letting me know that something isn't right. That something needs changed. Within myself, which includes every situation but it all starts with us personally. You better listen to your conscience Brother.

Life is 10% what you get in the cards, and 90% how you react to it.

So let go of the anxiety that accompanies everyday life. I think anxiety is self made conspiracy theories about oneself. Do you want to start hearing God speak to you? Ok, then do this. Start reading your Bible more. Some every day. It is food for your spirit. This food for your spirit is more important than the food for your body. And believe what you read, in it's simplest form Brother because the Lord does not lie!
Waitaminute, my experience is when my spirit is not at peace, then that's usually the Lord letting me know that something isn't right. That something needs changed. Within myself, which includes every situation but it all starts with us personally. You better listen to your conscience Brother.

Life is 10% what you get in the cards, and 90% how you react to it.

So let go of the anxiety that accompanies everyday life. I think anxiety is self made conspiracy theories about oneself. Do you want to start hearing God speak to you? Ok, then do this. Start reading your Bible more. Some every day. It is food for your spirit. This food for your spirit is more important than the food for your body. And believe what you read, in it's simplest form Brother because the Lord does not lie!
This reply is to both of your replies to my reply. I hope that makes sense lol. I am not very good with words. In any case, no, I cannot say I am 100% sure because I had rejected God at that time. I did not come back to God until late 2020. However, it seems to good to be true to be just a coincidence. Let me tell you the story and I apologize if I have intervened with your time.

All my life, I have struggled with what I wanted to do. It was not until 200910ish that I thought I wanted to work in fast food. Have that be my career and just move up the ladder. However, that fell through because I was not getting the help I needed to be a good supervisor and wasn't a very good one. At this time, I was a believer, however did not attend church nor read the Bible (I know, I am such a wise person). Then I tried the Army thing because by this time, I had a kid to take care of and had it out of wedlock. So I got in the Army and my hope was high. I had prayed a couple of times to God because I was struggling and was good to answer my prayers. After, I was not happy with the Army life and was going through things in the home as well.

By this time, I am separated from my wife but still hopeful as I was gonna set out to do another thing that I thought was going to make me happy and that was computers. That is the reason why I joined the Army. To work on computers and get a network admin job after. However, that did not happen because the positions were full. Therefore I settled with a mechanic job. Nevertheless, that did not work out because I got behind my studies for the certification exams when I got arrested for domestic violence and had to get a job. So I just caved to my life and let whatever happen, happen.

After getting out, I got a job, two jobs actually but since I was having car problems, I dropped one and worked full time to the one that was closer to me. Things were happening at work and started to grow my anger even more. I couldn't pay rent, and decided I am just going to live in my car and be homeless. I stayed in a hotel for two months and started to tell my mom I decided to go homeless. During this time, my mom suggested I come here but did not want to. Not one ounce of me did. I did before when I was struggling and had a conversation with my mom and brother, but they advised against it. In any case, there was a point and I do not clearly remember why it happened but something my brother said that had to do with drug money or leaving my work, it is not clear, the point is that influenced me to never talk to my brother again and I was going to stop communicating with my mom. I was so angry at being born and where I was in life (like it is a surprise) and loved her at the same time that I was disappointing her with not making use of my life that that was the conclusion I came up with.

Anyway, my mom being my mom, she never stopped trying to reach me after that incident and had me sit down on the phone to talk to my brother. He asked me what was wrong and that being homeless was stupid and what I would do for this and that. I told him and he suggested me coming there so he could "help" me out. Obviously, my opinion did not change but changed my mind nonetheless.

After that, I never stopped enduring hardships and that hardship is what brought me back to God. I was so angry at God and my life that I begin to research if this is what really life was meant to be. I began in Genesis and went on to Leviticus and began to be a believer again until I couldn't stop my addictions. I ran away once more of course and realized that I am miserable either way and just began to read the book of Matthew because I heard somewhere that I was suppose to emulate Jesus.

Another point to add is that during the Covid crisis, I was here. If I had not come here, I would've probably died because I might not have had a job and with no job, no food because I always got my food from work since I worked in a fast food place. This point and me coming to God like I did, is the reason why I believe God brought me here to Nepal.

I apologize that this post is long but as you can see, I have a lot to say and very very lost. Now, the point about listening. That is what I am exactly struggling with. First, I thought that we would talk to us, that was false. Now we are suppose to read the word and listen and that is what I am doing. I am studying the word but nothing yet. Also, I mentioned in another post that maybe God is trying to teach me to persevere. That is the belief that I am holding on to but no confirmation. And I cannot blame God which means it is me, me always and it is frustrating. I do not know if this is selfish or not but I just want to live a simple life. Im not money hungry or anything. I just wanna live right for God since I know him now and that is it. I know that not being money hungry or anything doesn't mean that you are good. I have plenty of sins that I need to take care of. Doesn't help that Jesus speaks in parables either since I am not really smart. I will end it here as this is probably long enough.
This reply is to both of your replies to my reply. I hope that makes sense lol. I am not very good with words. In any case, no, I cannot say I am 100% sure because I had rejected God at that time. I did not come back to God until late 2020. However, it seems to good to be true to be just a coincidence. Let me tell you the story and I apologize if I have intervened with your time.

All my life, I have struggled with what I wanted to do. It was not until 200910ish that I thought I wanted to work in fast food. Have that be my career and just move up the ladder. However, that fell through because I was not getting the help I needed to be a good supervisor and wasn't a very good one. At this time, I was a believer, however did not attend church nor read the Bible (I know, I am such a wise person). Then I tried the Army thing because by this time, I had a kid to take care of and had it out of wedlock. So I got in the Army and my hope was high. I had prayed a couple of times to God because I was struggling and was good to answer my prayers. After, I was not happy with the Army life and was going through things in the home as well.

By this time, I am separated from my wife but still hopeful as I was gonna set out to do another thing that I thought was going to make me happy and that was computers. That is the reason why I joined the Army. To work on computers and get a network admin job after. However, that did not happen because the positions were full. Therefore I settled with a mechanic job. Nevertheless, that did not work out because I got behind my studies for the certification exams when I got arrested for domestic violence and had to get a job. So I just caved to my life and let whatever happen, happen.

After getting out, I got a job, two jobs actually but since I was having car problems, I dropped one and worked full time to the one that was closer to me. Things were happening at work and started to grow my anger even more. I couldn't pay rent, and decided I am just going to live in my car and be homeless. I stayed in a hotel for two months and started to tell my mom I decided to go homeless. During this time, my mom suggested I come here but did not want to. Not one ounce of me did. I did before when I was struggling and had a conversation with my mom and brother, but they advised against it. In any case, there was a point and I do not clearly remember why it happened but something my brother said that had to do with drug money or leaving my work, it is not clear, the point is that influenced me to never talk to my brother again and I was going to stop communicating with my mom. I was so angry at being born and where I was in life (like it is a surprise) and loved her at the same time that I was disappointing her with not making use of my life that that was the conclusion I came up with.

Anyway, my mom being my mom, she never stopped trying to reach me after that incident and had me sit down on the phone to talk to my brother. He asked me what was wrong and that being homeless was stupid and what I would do for this and that. I told him and he suggested me coming there so he could "help" me out. Obviously, my opinion did not change but changed my mind nonetheless.

After that, I never stopped enduring hardships and that hardship is what brought me back to God. I was so angry at God and my life that I begin to research if this is what really life was meant to be. I began in Genesis and went on to Leviticus and began to be a believer again until I couldn't stop my addictions. I ran away once more of course and realized that I am miserable either way and just began to read the book of Matthew because I heard somewhere that I was suppose to emulate Jesus.

Another point to add is that during the Covid crisis, I was here. If I had not come here, I would've probably died because I might not have had a job and with no job, no food because I always got my food from work since I worked in a fast food place. This point and me coming to God like I did, is the reason why I believe God brought me here to Nepal.

I apologize that this post is long but as you can see, I have a lot to say and very very lost. Now, the point about listening. That is what I am exactly struggling with. First, I thought that we would talk to us, that was false. Now we are suppose to read the word and listen and that is what I am doing. I am studying the word but nothing yet. Also, I mentioned in another post that maybe God is trying to teach me to persevere. That is the belief that I am holding on to but no confirmation. And I cannot blame God which means it is me, me always and it is frustrating. I do not know if this is selfish or not but I just want to live a simple life. Im not money hungry or anything. I just wanna live right for God since I know him now and that is it. I know that not being money hungry or anything doesn't mean that you are good. I have plenty of sins that I need to take care of. Doesn't help that Jesus speaks in parables either since I am not really smart. I will end it here as this is probably long enough.
Thank you for sharing this as now we know more about your struggle with life.

I to struggled with so much anger in my life from childhood on to adulthood, even in my off again on again relationship with Christ, which was pretty weak as I never fully gave my life over to Him as surrendering all of me to Him and allowing the Holy Spirit guide me. I suppressed my feelings for so many years as I felt like no one wanted to hear my problems. I even went to a former Pastor for help and all I got from him was a pat on the back and told I was strong and could handle my problems. Thanks for the help there Pastor, ugh!!! I quit going to church for almost ten years as I was so discouraged and fell deeper in despair. Just living my life day by day working mainly in gas stations as a cashier while living with my mom. Her and I have a great relationship and so thankful she let me live with her for so many years.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I got to the place where enough was enough, now knowing it was Satan trying to beat me down. I finally got to the place where I either believed in God or to just throw it all away. I gave Him one last chance, actually an ultimation, that if things did not change for me I was going to commit suicide. I found myself a place where I could be still without interruption and began pouring my whole heart out to Jesus. I gave him all my hurt, my anger, my everything because enough was enough and I wanted everything I was dealing with to just go away. I laid myself out before Him and when I was all done giving my all, He gave me His all as it felt like He was wrapping His loving arms around me in the greatest warmth I had ever felt. His love engulfed me as He spoke to me telling me I was the head and not the tail, Deuteronomy 28:13, and He had great things for me to do.

I recommitted myself to the Lord that day and even though there are some bumps in the road at times, I keep pressing on in my relationship and fellowship with Him as He always walks with me taking me through the storms strengthening me and encouraging me to be the best me I can be for myself and for Him.

Hope this helps in some small way :)

Any way
just chiming in here, more to add a bit to what for_his_glory has written than anything else...

personally, a lot of my "anger issues" improved as I came to the end of my my own "stuff" (self, flesh, what have you) and basically -had- to let The Lord take over. thankfully, it was never anything too, too, too dramatic or anything, just...

fear. for a number of reasons, fear was a bigger problem for me than straight up anger. fear mixed with anger and social rejection and labels and such = intense distress that resulted in psych labels. and now...

for me, remembering that "...perfect love casteth out -all- fear..." has been amazingly helpful. I came to a point where I had to just stop trying to out-think anger and fear, etc., and just...visualize Jesus, Crucified. I never thought I'd be one for visualization and such, but...

a born again cousin emailed me and reminded me to "get your eyes on Christ, and Him Crucified..." so the visual, disturbing as it may sound to some, was a quick and easy way of doing that, on a day to day basis.

to me, it all ties in with "..die to self daily..." and "it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me...," along with "ye must die to be Born Again." I vaguely recall reading...CS Lewis, probably some other super-brilliant Christian writers, too...

these things..."die to be Born Again..," for instance...represent both things that happen immediately, wherever in the invisible, supernatural realm these things happen...

and also happen gradually, day by day, playing out in the lives of us fallen, forgiven but imperfect human beings. so, there's that. :)
This reply is to both of your replies to my reply. I hope that makes sense lol. I am not very good with words. In any case, no, I cannot say I am 100% sure because I had rejected God at that time. I did not come back to God until late 2020. However, it seems to good to be true to be just a coincidence. Let me tell you the story and I apologize if I have intervened with your time.

All my life, I have struggled with what I wanted to do. It was not until 200910ish that I thought I wanted to work in fast food. Have that be my career and just move up the ladder. However, that fell through because I was not getting the help I needed to be a good supervisor and wasn't a very good one. At this time, I was a believer, however did not attend church nor read the Bible (I know, I am such a wise person). Then I tried the Army thing because by this time, I had a kid to take care of and had it out of wedlock. So I got in the Army and my hope was high. I had prayed a couple of times to God because I was struggling and was good to answer my prayers. After, I was not happy with the Army life and was going through things in the home as well.

By this time, I am separated from my wife but still hopeful as I was gonna set out to do another thing that I thought was going to make me happy and that was computers. That is the reason why I joined the Army. To work on computers and get a network admin job after. However, that did not happen because the positions were full. Therefore I settled with a mechanic job. Nevertheless, that did not work out because I got behind my studies for the certification exams when I got arrested for domestic violence and had to get a job. So I just caved to my life and let whatever happen, happen.

After getting out, I got a job, two jobs actually but since I was having car problems, I dropped one and worked full time to the one that was closer to me. Things were happening at work and started to grow my anger even more. I couldn't pay rent, and decided I am just going to live in my car and be homeless. I stayed in a hotel for two months and started to tell my mom I decided to go homeless. During this time, my mom suggested I come here but did not want to. Not one ounce of me did. I did before when I was struggling and had a conversation with my mom and brother, but they advised against it. In any case, there was a point and I do not clearly remember why it happened but something my brother said that had to do with drug money or leaving my work, it is not clear, the point is that influenced me to never talk to my brother again and I was going to stop communicating with my mom. I was so angry at being born and where I was in life (like it is a surprise) and loved her at the same time that I was disappointing her with not making use of my life that that was the conclusion I came up with.

Anyway, my mom being my mom, she never stopped trying to reach me after that incident and had me sit down on the phone to talk to my brother. He asked me what was wrong and that being homeless was stupid and what I would do for this and that. I told him and he suggested me coming there so he could "help" me out. Obviously, my opinion did not change but changed my mind nonetheless.

After that, I never stopped enduring hardships and that hardship is what brought me back to God. I was so angry at God and my life that I begin to research if this is what really life was meant to be. I began in Genesis and went on to Leviticus and began to be a believer again until I couldn't stop my addictions. I ran away once more of course and realized that I am miserable either way and just began to read the book of Matthew because I heard somewhere that I was suppose to emulate Jesus.

Another point to add is that during the Covid crisis, I was here. If I had not come here, I would've probably died because I might not have had a job and with no job, no food because I always got my food from work since I worked in a fast food place. This point and me coming to God like I did, is the reason why I believe God brought me here to Nepal.

I apologize that this post is long but as you can see, I have a lot to say and very very lost. Now, the point about listening. That is what I am exactly struggling with. First, I thought that we would talk to us, that was false. Now we are suppose to read the word and listen and that is what I am doing. I am studying the word but nothing yet. Also, I mentioned in another post that maybe God is trying to teach me to persevere. That is the belief that I am holding on to but no confirmation. And I cannot blame God which means it is me, me always and it is frustrating. I do not know if this is selfish or not but I just want to live a simple life. Im not money hungry or anything. I just wanna live right for God since I know him now and that is it. I know that not being money hungry or anything doesn't mean that you are good. I have plenty of sins that I need to take care of. Doesn't help that Jesus speaks in parables either since I am not really smart. I will end it here as this is probably long enough.

Well I think that at this point, only you know the desires of your heart. So ask yourself what are the desires of your heart. Because we know that God gave to us the desires which we have for anything in this life. So if God gave you the desires of your heart then you have to take a step towards them. The way that He will fulfill your desires for you is by you surrendering all and ask for His direction in everything. I don't think God would leave you hanging if you asked for Him to make happen what should happen to be within His will. You have not because you ask not.

You may not understand it, you may not be able to see how could such things happen. You may feel like how Abraham felt! Go where?! And do what?! (I'll tell you when you get there!) ...and Abraham trusted the Lord so he went on the journey. Abraham obeyed, and now has high standing in his new station!

The Lord says, pray without ceasing. That means every little thing talk about to him, and I kid you not you will begin to be able to hear Him.

God's word comes to us in two forms. The Logos which is the written word, and through Rhemas which is His spoken word. Like for example, you ever when reading your Bible, you read a verse or passage that just seems to speak to you? It sorta just jumps off the page at you and you can immediately relate it to a circumstance in your present life? My Brother, that is called receiving a Rhema from God. That is His still small voice that speaks to you.

And when you pray, remember that, prayer is not a monologue. That is to say, it is not a one sided conversation. Prayer is a dialogue, so when I pray, I pause and listen to whatever pops into my head. Might be words, might be a scripture, but it will make sense in your prayerful conversation. That is two ways God speaks. You must believe it.

Hard at first but gets easier and you eventually pick up on little things, like...that sounds like how the Lord talks, that's not how I think. It was God speaking. Lord help our unbelief.
Thank you for sharing this as now we know more about your struggle with life.

I to struggled with so much anger in my life from childhood on to adulthood, even in my off again on again relationship with Christ, which was pretty weak as I never fully gave my life over to Him as surrendering all of me to Him and allowing the Holy Spirit guide me. I suppressed my feelings for so many years as I felt like no one wanted to hear my problems. I even went to a former Pastor for help and all I got from him was a pat on the back and told I was strong and could handle my problems. Thanks for the help there Pastor, ugh!!! I quit going to church for almost ten years as I was so discouraged and fell deeper in despair. Just living my life day by day working mainly in gas stations as a cashier while living with my mom. Her and I have a great relationship and so thankful she let me live with her for so many years.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I got to the place where enough was enough, now knowing it was Satan trying to beat me down. I finally got to the place where I either believed in God or to just throw it all away. I gave Him one last chance, actually an ultimation, that if things did not change for me I was going to commit suicide. I found myself a place where I could be still without interruption and began pouring my whole heart out to Jesus. I gave him all my hurt, my anger, my everything because enough was enough and I wanted everything I was dealing with to just go away. I laid myself out before Him and when I was all done giving my all, He gave me His all as it felt like He was wrapping His loving arms around me in the greatest warmth I had ever felt. His love engulfed me as He spoke to me telling me I was the head and not the tail, Deuteronomy 28:13, and He had great things for me to do.

I recommitted myself to the Lord that day and even though there are some bumps in the road at times, I keep pressing on in my relationship and fellowship with Him as He always walks with me taking me through the storms strengthening me and encouraging me to be the best me I can be for myself and for Him.

Hope this helps in some small way :)

Any way
So do you think I am not giving all of my hurt? This is not to attack you to say that I have done that, which I believe I have. I am just trying to truly understand what piece is missing. Also, if it is not too much of trouble, could you paraphrase what you prayed that day? That way, I sort of have a template. Thank you for your response and pray that I get similar results as you did. By the way, and I do not know if this is appropriate to say or not, but if you guys would have told me to share my story to get this help sooner, I would have shared lol. However, better late than never.
just chiming in here, more to add a bit to what for_his_glory has written than anything else...

personally, a lot of my "anger issues" improved as I came to the end of my my own "stuff" (self, flesh, what have you) and basically -had- to let The Lord take over. thankfully, it was never anything too, too, too dramatic or anything, just...

fear. for a number of reasons, fear was a bigger problem for me than straight up anger. fear mixed with anger and social rejection and labels and such = intense distress that resulted in psych labels. and now...

for me, remembering that "...perfect love casteth out -all- fear..." has been amazingly helpful. I came to a point where I had to just stop trying to out-think anger and fear, etc., and just...visualize Jesus, Crucified. I never thought I'd be one for visualization and such, but...

a born again cousin emailed me and reminded me to "get your eyes on Christ, and Him Crucified..." so the visual, disturbing as it may sound to some, was a quick and easy way of doing that, on a day to day basis.

to me, it all ties in with "..die to self daily..." and "it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me...," along with "ye must die to be Born Again." I vaguely recall reading...CS Lewis, probably some other super-brilliant Christian writers, too...

these things..."die to be Born Again..," for instance...represent both things that happen immediately, wherever in the invisible, supernatural realm these things happen...

and also happen gradually, day by day, playing out in the lives of us fallen, forgiven but imperfect human beings. so, there's that. :)
Could you give me the title of C.S. Lewis book(s that you have read? Or one that you might think will help me in my current situation.


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