- Nov 6, 2014
- 2,232
- 503
I do not go by what pretrib, post trib, Preterists or religion tries to teach, but only follow that of the word of God only.
That is excellent. At the same time, since the Bible is not a text book, we need to build doctrine by comparing Scripture with Scripture, not looking for specific terms we use which are "shorthand" to help explain the prophesies. Something which Christians easily forget is that sometimes God even builds a doctrine on just one word (Gen 15:6 "believed"), or even whether a word is singular or plural (Gal 3:16 "seed" not "seeds").
Why is it when I ask for scripture that says "Great 7 year Tribulation" or "Antichrist" no one can produce any.
As stated, Scripture is not a text book, so you should not expect text book answers. You should carefully study Daniel and Revelation in conjunction with each other (as well as 2 Thessalonians and a few other passages), and you will find these truths. There are excellent Bible tools such as the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance which will help you tie the Scriptures together.
All they can do is show speculation of it, but not the actual words mentioned in scripture.
Responsible Christians are fully aware that they cannot play with Bible doctrine using wild speculations. "The actual words" that God uses can vary tremendously even though they speak of the same subject. For example, in John chapter one, Jesus is called "the Word", "the true Light", "the only begotten of the Father", "Jesus Christ", "the only begotten Son", "the Lord", "the Lamb of God", "the Son of God", "Jesus", "Rabbi", "the Messias", "the Christ", "Jesus of Nazareth", "the son of Joseph", "the King of Israel" and "the Son of Man". That's 17 names and titles in one chapter. Similarly, the Antichrist has many names and titles, and it is now up to you to search the Scriptures.
Malachi, can you explain why Jesus said "then after the tribulations of those days" and continues in vs. 27-31 to explain His second coming which is after everything He spoke from vs. 4-26 in Matthew 24.
Absolutely. In Matthew 24 the Lord gave a summation of all the major events which would occur between His first and second comings, and which would culminate in His second coming "in power and great glory" (v. 30). This should be compared with Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21 in order to tie it all together. But this is only the beginning. You then have to go to all the Old Testament and New Testament prophecies which tie into what is summarized here. Its a lot of work, but it should result in a clear understanding of the truth.