- Jun 10, 2003
- 1,444
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so please tell me WHO MADE GOD!!
No one. You aren't going to be taken seriously by theists if you continue to insist that God was "made".
I dont have faith, because no one knows who made god. NO ONE!
Why do you continue to insist that God had to be made? God is not matter/energy, unlike the universe.....Therefore, He is not subject to it's laws.
i know how cells were built, scientists know how planets and stars are built.
Really? Tell me the methods God used to create them then.
the bible says that god did it, science says otherwise
Science says that God did not create the universe?
religion has heresay, a book that has been re-edited tons of times, and the end answer is always "you cant understand because you dont have faith"
That isn't the only answer. I also hear "Because you are ignorant.", or "Because you don't want to understand."
well ill tell you this. Science made my computer, science protected me from smallpox. I have yet to see god do anything for me, that cant be explained by science.
So you are saying that God cannot use science, or if He does it doesn't count as something God did?